PenguinShipping (DawnxKenny)

Requested by: LapisLazulli2


Childhood friends then to rivals in the world of contests but could they soon discovers something outside the contest world?

Okay, I can tell you full heartedly that I was Peguinshipper and I still kinda am. But it started dying in my eyes once I saw how much it has in common with Amourshipping but it has it's differences as well.

I noticed Kenny's crush on Dawn from the very beginning, I like how Dawn teases him. But I don't like how Ikarishippers instantly hate him, what wrong has he done other then messing with your ship?


Pros: - Childhood friend

- Same profession

- Dawn has shown some hints of liking him

Cons: - Reminds me too much of Amourshipping ( Ugh )

- Ikarishippers sometimes

I rate this: 7.5/10

The Princess of Sinnoh and her maybe Prince? They sure do dress like it.





~ Pupsey
