FranticShipping (Ruby x Saphire)

Requested by: CrossiantMoon


Old friends but due to an incident were separated. But once again were reunited by fate, but does fate have more in store for them?

I recently started reading the Pokemon Adventure series, and I read this arc. I see why people ship them, they're so cute! It reminds me of Pokeshipping in a way, not to mention they have feelings for each other and confessed right before they thought Hoenn was about to be destroyed (Spoiler Alert) 

But I find it so cute, and people hate on Brendan for no freakin reason! He's a great guy, although he is sometimes quirky but I find it adorable. I was guilty of this though but hey, that was when I was still new to the Poke-Fandom and lots of Contestshipping books had Brendan as the antagonist. There is something wrong with you if you still think that Brendan is a bad guy.

Most of y'all don't like him or the ship because you haven't read the book, so before you start bashing the ship READ THE BOOK(s).

But to end that little rant, this ship is actually really cute ^^


Pros: - Got along so well when they were little

- Both are very strong when it comes to battling

- Both have fallen for each other

- The ship is cannon but it never says in the book if they are together are not ( Even though Ruby claims he can't remember anything after the big explosion at the end)


- Oh and shippers who think they know enough about this ship to hate on it and Brendan

I rate this: 8.5/10

To be honest, I started reading the manga just to see what I thought of this ship. Honestly, nothing more XD





~ Pupsey
