
Jimin felt a pang in his chest reading the first line. Minnie, that nick name.. he felt nostalgic reading that name. His Halmoni used to call him by that name whenever she's too happy or too sad. He always loved her calling that.

Jimin inhaled sharply before continuing reading..


My Dear Minnie,

I don't know  when you're reading this letter, I'll be with you or not. I think I won't be there.. you may find this letter after my death, I don't know why but I feel so..

Jiminie, sweetheart I'm writing this letter to let you know the things about you and your life. I always wanted to tell everything by person may be I'll.. one day.. I'm waiting for the right time. I hope I live until then. That's the only thing I pray to God nowadays.. to let me live until I tell you everything.. If I couldn't then consider this letter as the words I always wanted to tell you.

I want you to know that, you are the best thing happened in my life my dear. I always thanked God for that.. I love you Jiminah.. I'll always do. Remember that..

You always asked me many questions. Each time I avoided them. I want to tell you everything, the things I had kept secret from you.. about your identity..

Seventeen years ago ,

It was a rainy night, I was walking back to my house after my work. I got pretty late and walking fast.. when I reached near an abandoned alleyway I heard someone crying. She was Crying for help. I couldn't ignore the voice so I decided to go and check..

The scene in front of me was heartbreaking.. a woman around her 30's lying down and crying.. she was badly injured and covered in blood.. as soon as she sensed my presence she looked at me hopefully..


Park Hayoon ( Halmoni ) walked towards the woman who was crying for help. She noticed how the place the woman was lying turned into red like a blood pool.

" Ohh!! What happened dear?" The old lady asked in worry..

" Help me.. p-please help m-me " the woman cried in pain..

There were several cuts and bruises all over her body and it started getting a blue colour.. 

" Oh God !! Let me bring someone to help " Hayoon said and about to turn but the woman grabbed her hand.

" Ajhumma.. don't go.. Help my son.. p-please " she pleaded this made the old woman confused. She looked around but didn't find anyone.

" Where is your son ?"

The woman's breathing fastened and vision was getting blurred still she pointed to her left.. looking at the direction Hayoon saw nothing..

" There.. inside the hut.. s-save him.. please " the woman begged holding Hayoon's hands. The old woman felt the need to help that injured woman. 

The younger woman tried to get up, but her body was very weak. Hayoon helped her to sit, leaning back on the nearest tree..

" Oh God.. you're turning blue.. we should go to a hospital soon.. "

The older woman looked around for any vehicle or person to ask help but the road was empty..

" I won't make it to hospital.. I ... I was attacked with deadly poison.. they.. they'll kill my son too.. he..ahh" she cried in pain..  her voice became low almost like a whisper but she managed to continue..

" We are.. were- ugh.. werewolves.. my son.. he is.. special.. they are searching for him.. please save him.. he's too young to die.. " that woman cried not because of the physical pain but thinking about her son..

" Don't worry dear.. I'll save him.. tell me where you're from.. I promise, I'll take him back to your home " the old woman assured but the other shook his head..

" No..  he shouldn't go there.. until he turns 18, keep him away from the werewolves.. please.. I b-beg you.. P-promise me.. "

Hayoon doesn't know what to do.. it didn't surprise her when the younger woman said that she's a wolf. It's not Hayoon's first time seeing a wolf. Her husband was a hunter. So she knows about werewolves. She wasn't sure what to do, but a dying woman is asking for help, those eyes begged her... how could she say no..
She touched the woman's hand.

" I promise.. I'll take care of your son.. please tell me which pack are you from ? "

" Western.. Moo-

She couldn't complete.. With that said the woman closed her eyes.. Hayoon's eyes widened in shock, she loosened the hold and just like that the woman's hand slipped from her's.. Hayoon felt tears flowing from her eyes, seeing the woman dead made the old woman cry.. but she was aware of the fact that she had to save the baby before someone coming to kill him.. she made a promise and she have to keep it..

One last time She looked at the woman who just died before walking towards the direction the wolf woman showed earlier.. 

Reaching at the small  broken building,  Hayoon looked around.. it was dark, after searching she found a torch light which she always carries in her bag.. with the help of the dim light of the torch she got inside.. it looked empty..  no trance of anyone.. it made her worried, what if those people took the baby already.. 

Turning to leave, she saw a card board box in a corner.. it's not noticeable but somehow she found it.. carefully she opened the box and the sight really brought a smile to her face.  A cute little baby looking at her fondly and smiling.

How come he's not crying in a situation like this, he was alone for long in darkness.. Hayoon wondered..
Carefully she took the baby out of the box,

" Aww.. you're so cute " she couldn't help but coo.. the baby was so adorable looking curiously with his beautiful green eyes.. he had dirt and mud on his body, may be his mother used it to cover his scent, she thought..

At that time only Hayoon noticed something in the baby's hands.. he was playing with it.. she looked closely, it was a chain with a pendant..  she took it from him and put it in her bag worried that the baby might put it in his mouth or lose it somewhere.. 

The old woman carefully walked outside and looked around. Once she was sure that nobody is outside she started walking to her house..

The baby curiously looked at her face,
She smiled  and the baby smiled back at her.. she felt an unknown connection towards the baby, that innocent smile melted all her worries.. moments ago when Hayoon promised the woman that she'll save her son, she wasn't sure what to do with the baby but after seeing him smiling she made her mind.. she's going to raise him..and she's going protect him..

" Let's go home " the old woman said while caressing the baby's silver hair..

Flashback Ends ( Back to the letter )

That day you came into my life my dear.. I named you and took care of you.. the next day I moved to my native afraid that someone will come searching for you..

From that day, keeping you safe from everything became my only aim..
I felt the need to keep the promise I gave your mother. I felt like it's my duty.. that you are my responsibility.. I was alone but I tried my best to raise you well.. as the days passed you started becoming more close to me.. and soon I realized that you are my new family.. and I am yours..

You were 12 and we had already shifted to our third house.. I always had this feeling in my mind that someone will come and take you away from me. I still remember one day a man asking me about a boy with green eyes and silver hair. I started getting worried about your physical appearance.

Changing your hair colour and putting contact lenses were all part of hiding your identity and keeping you safe.. there were reasons why I asked you to follow certain things Jiminah.. but you my baby, never questioned anything.. never talked back to me.. you have always obeyed me.. loved me..  my son..

From your childhood only I noticed the changes you got on full moon nights.. I was afraid that someone will see that and identify you.. that's why I never allowed you out on full moon nights.. you must be angry for that but you never complained..

From my little knowledge about werewolves, I had an idea that I can't hide you for long. One day or another your wolf will come out.. but your mother asked me to keep you safe till 18 so I did the best thing I could do.. you were 14 that time and you birthday was coming.. I was worried about you shifting into a wolf soon.. so I asked a friend of my husband and contacted a witch, who helped me to stop your wolf from shifting..

I know it's not a right thing to do.. it's not fair to you and your wolf  but I didn't had any choice Minnie.. whatever I did, I did it to protect you.. I hope you'll understand that. Once you turn 18 you'll know everything.. i want to see your wolf.. I want to be there with you when you shift for the first time.. I want to tell everything and take you back to your pack if that's what you want.. but I'm worried that I won't be able to do any of these.. I have a feeling that my time is coming to an end.. if something happens to me suddenly, I won't be able to rest in peace for leaving you without telling your story.. that's why I'm writing everything beforehand.. I hope one day you'll find this letter..

The day you get your wolf, let him know that I said sorry.. tell him that whatever your halmoni did is to protect both of you.. tell him that I love him as much as I love you..

That pendant I gave you on your fifteenth birthday is the exact pendant you had in your hands when I found you.. must be your mother's. 

That pendant is your wolf  Jiminah.. that day the witch separated your wolf's soul from you and kept him in that pendant.. to get your wolf back, you have to separate the stone from that pendant on a full moon night.. then you'll get your wolf back.. you'll become who you are.. you'll become a werewolf..

I love you Jiminah.. even though now you know that we're not blood related, remember that still  you're my grandson.. and I'm your halmoni.. you'll have my blessings.. Always..

Please don't forget me Minnie..

    With love,      



Jimin read the last sentence and sobbed loudly.. he kissed that paper which is now wet with his tears..  he was happy that what he thought was right.. his Halmoni wasn't a bad woman who kidnapped him.. she only protected him. The thought that his Halmoni didn't betrayed him, comforted his mind..

But at the same time, what she said in the letter about his wolf really shattered not only Jimin but his mate too..

Wiping his tears he looked at Jungkook who stood beside him. The alpha seemed upset.. if what Jimin's halmoni said in the letter is true, then they did a big mistake by giving that pendant to Teresa, the witch they met at Red Moon Pack..

Jimin and Jungkook realized this by now.. they stared into each other's eyes..

" What will we do now ?" Jimin asked in fear..

" Don't worry.. everything Will be
fine "

Jungkook didn't know what else to say.. he himself was upset.. without saying anything further he took his phone to call someone and walked out..

Jimin stood there not knowing what to do. he looked at the letter once again.. few minutes later Jungkook came back, his face was blank..

" Baby.." he called...

Jimin noticed the disappointment in his mate's sound.. he hurriedly walked towards Jungkook..

" What happened?" Jimin asked hopefully..

" Teresa has disappeared from the pack.. "

" NO..!!! "  Jimin screamed and his sound echoed throughout the house..


Word Count : 2060 ✨

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