
You put your arms
Around me
I'm home



" Is this the place ?" Jimin asked looking around. Alpha nodded with a content smile.

They were now standing at the secluded part of the pack land which is few kilometres away from the pack house.  Its the same place where the tree was planted in the memory of Jimin.

Nobody usually comes here other than Jungkook. He never liked others visiting this place. It's in his Alpha nature to be possessive of things which are belongs to him. and this place has his mate's memorial.

" I can't see anything special here.. it's just a dry land " Jimin pouted. he expected more when Jungkook said he's taking him to some special place.
Jungkook chuckled watching the younger's face. He adored whatever his mate did, even the minute things like flipping his hair often, sneezing, giggling.. everything  made the alpha happy.

" Of course it's a special place.. you see that tree over there " he pointed towards the almost dead tree which the alpha consider as Jimin's memory.

The younger nodded looking at that tree sadly.. it's not healthy or something. The tree is in its worst state. He felt bad.. he has always been a nature lover so it breaks his heart to see the tree dying..

" I planted it in your memory -"

" Oh my god..!! Then why did you left it to dry.. look at it's condition.. why didn't you water it? How mean.."

All of a sudden Jimin started yelling at the Alpha. Jungkook was surprised by his mate's reaction but he's enjoying it.

" Who said I didn't water it..  I used to water it everyday but it was always like this.." he said in disappointment looking up the branches.

Jimin walked towards the tree and touched the stem, half hugging it.

" Now that I'm here, I'll water you regularly don't worry.. you'll grow again" he said to the tree. Jungkook watched his mate, admiring his cuteness. It didn't surprised him that Jimin literally had a deep conversation with a tree. Because Jungkook already came to know the cute habits of the younger. He talks to almost everything, from a flying bird to a fallen flower.

Jungkook noticed this habit when Jimin was having a one side conversation with a broken mug. Alpha was coming back to his room when he heard Jimin's apologies.  When he heard his mate saying
' aww I'll miss you.. you're my favourite'  he got curious to see who could be the other person. For a second he was worried and jealous too.. but when he saw the reality he couldn't control his laugh.. the boy is really crazy..

" What kind of tree is this? Have you seen the flowers?"  Jimin asked interrupting Jungkook's thoughts.

" Mhm.. It's a rare Peach.. it's your birth flower.. and yes, it blossomed once.. three years back.. on your fifteenth birthday exactly " Jungkook explained making Jimin drop his jaw in shock..

" Really ? Waah !! Everything here is somehow connected with me. I can't believe what's happening with me.. am I in some other planet?" Jimin wondered and Jungkook laughed.

" So are you enjoying these little things?" Alpha asked curiously. The answer matters to him more than anything. He wants Jimin to be happy with the changes in his life. He doesn't want the boy to accept everything without liking it or just because he doesn't have any other choice.

" Mhm.. very much.. Life is not boring anymore. New things happening everyday.. I'm looking forward to it. It amazes me how my life changed over a night. How important I became suddenly.. for you.. for this pack..
I was... nothing, you know.." Jimin tried to laugh at the end but Jungkook understood that his mate is controlling his tears.

" Jiminie.."

" My life was like a race. I kept on running without knowing anything. I didn't know why I was running, from whom I was hiding and now I realize it's from my real self.. I was hiding from the real me.. I didn't know my real identity.."

Jungkook took a step forward and stood near his mate.

" You may think I'm not liking these changes happening around me or I don't appreciate the things you do for me. it's not true.. I'm really happy and enjoying everything.. it's just that I don't know how to react.. seriously,
I don't know what to do when someone cares for me.. I'm not used to it. Only my halmoni and Tae showed me that kind of love and care. I didn't had anyone other than them. But now I feel like I have everyone. Suddenly from a normal teenage boy, I became someone else.. I became fortunate.. it's like that Cinderella story.. isn't it?"
He asked wiping his tears..

" No.. You are not Cinderella.. you didn't suddenly became fortunate.. you were born with a destiny.
A destiny to rule a pack. The strongest pack in the world. You were born as a Luna.. it's just that it took you sometime to find your way back.. Now you're home.." Alpha said taking Jimin's hand in his and pulled him into a hug. Jimin snuggled into his mate's chest. 

As they stood there hugging eachother, an alluring scent hit on their nostrils. Jungkook thought it's his mate's scent but suddenly Jimin pulled back smiling. At that time only Jungkook noticed what happened there, looking up he could only see pink. The tree blossomed beautifully..

" Waahh!!!! Magic...!!! "

  Jimin screamed and started running   in happiness. They couldn't believe their eyes. It was really a magic or we can say that the tree was waiting for Jimin to come. Now that he's here it started blooming.. everything fallen in place.

They spent a lot of time there. Jimin wasn't ready to go back. He lyed under the tree looking up and enjoying the beautiful view. Later Jungkook too joined him by lying beside him. Jimin immediately came closer to his mate placing his head on the crook of Jungkook's shoulder.. The Alpha circled his hand around Jimin's waist pulling him more closer. Now they are cuddling under the tree full of flowers. It was a different feeling. The place filled with a sweet and alluring scent. They silently lyed there, enjoying the moment.

" Jungkookie "


" I want to meet Max "

Jimin said calmly it surprised Jungkook. Max started howling happily from inside as he heard the happy news.

" Baby " Jungkook called and the younger turned to look up at his mate.

" Are you sure?" Jungkook was worried.

" Yes yes he's sure.. that's why he asked you fool.. don't discourage him"

Max shouted from inside but Jungkook ignored him.

Jungkook was worried that Jimin would get scared seeing his wolf. Max is a huge wolf and can look scary sometimes. His eye colour changes differently when his emotions are at its peak. All together he was worried that Jimin would be scared.

" I'm sure.. I want to meet him " Jimin replied confidently.


" Ready ?"

Jungkook asked looking into Jimin's eyes. They were now standing face to face under the same peach tree.

Jimin nodded not so surely. Now he's not that confident like before. Still he pretended to be brave.

Alpha smirked and started removing his clothes. First he removed his shirt,  unbuttoning as slow as he could. It's like a premier before the original release. When he removed the shirt completely, his built abdomen was visible. Jimin's eyes scanned every inch in a speed of light.

He waited patiently for his mate to take off the Jeans but Jungkook was wantedly taking too much time.

" Ugh !!! Just take it off already or I'll come out my own. Everyone knows that you are hot, stop flexing.."

Max scolded from inside. He was getting impatient to meet Jimin and Jungkook is taking too much time.

Meanwhile Jimin was enjoying the show very much. His mate is a masterpiece, no one can deny that.
He felt proud seeing his dangerously hot Alpha.

Jungkook was now in his boxer, playing with the waistband.

" Why don't you turn around?" He asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

Jimin frowned.

" Why? It's not like I didn't see it before " he replied.

" Ohh.. you are being bold.. I like it " Alpha winked at the boy. Jimin blushed.

" Goddess these two " Max sighed.

With a loud growl he completely took over without giving any time for Jungkook. The transformation was quick. The sudden action scared Jimin. He lost balance and fell backwards on the ground. Max groaned seeing this, disappointed that he scared his mate.

The big wolf started wiggling his tail, walking forward. Very slowly so that he won't startle Jimin, who was looking up shocked. Max tried to maintain eye contact with the boy to calm him and it worked.. Jimin sat straight, his breathing became normal. Taking this as a positive sign Max came close to Jimin. The height difference was huge.  Max solved this by sitting beside the boy and kept his front paws on the younger's thigh. They both stared for long. Max silently sat there admiring his mate and giving time for him to get comfortable.

Jimin hesitantly touched the wolf, slowly caressing the fur. Max closed his eyes leaning to the touch.

" You're beautiful " Jimin whispered.

Max howled in happiness careful not to scare the boy. Getting a compliment from his mate was making him jump in joy but he controlled. In response he licked on Jimin's face.

Jimin started giggling and stroking the wolf. Max controlled his emotions, he wanted to howl loudly and run around. When he's high on emotions his eyes starts glowing differently. He was worried that it might scare the boy. So he tried to control his happiness. But without his knowledge, the wolf's eyes were already glowing in two colours. Jimin noticed this and looked close into Max's eyes.

" Wow!!  It's so beautiful " Jimin said rubbing the wolf's head. Max snuggled more into him. He was happy Jimin accepted him happily.

Like that they stayed hours with eachother. Jimin leaned back on the tree, sitting criss cross with Max lying beside him. His head on Jimin's lap, enjoying his mate's caressing. It was simply perfect.

Max and Jungkook craved for this kind of affection for years. now that they are getting the love and care they needed, nobody can take that from them..


Word count : 1722 ✨

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Love ❤️

