Two vs One

"Why are you being so stubborn about this Lydia! We did it to defend you. Why are you mad at us!"

Alec grumbled as he sat across from me with his arms crossed as Jane sat beside him glaring at me. I wanted to know what her issue was.

"Jane, instead of sitting there pouting why don't you tell me what your issue is? And Alec, why I'm mad is cuz all of you had no regard for how it would have affected me. He was my father figure, sure we fought because he lied about knowing who you two were but he was the one who helped me not to kill myself when I was absolutely miserable regarding you two."

I growled and glared at my siblings. That's when Jane shot up.

"You were an absolute idiot! You disregarded Master Aro's instructions and instincts for you to stay in the dungeon where we suggested you be placed to avoid you interrupting. You turn invisible and you don't let us help you master it and you get powers that we don't know of and you don't know how to control them. Damn it Lydia! Alec and I are terrified to lose you again. I don't wanna go another day where I thought you were dead."

I was shocked. The entire time I'd been worried and freaked about losing them it didn't occur to me how they would feel if they lost me again. I looked down feeling badly about it.

"I'm sorry guys, I should have taken into consideration how you would feel but I don't like being kept in the dark. How was I to know you two wouldn't get yourselves killed. I know you both are two of the scariest most powerful vampires in existence but to me, you're my baby siblings. To me, you're still the little babies I helped mom take care of. You're fragile and need to be protected. I feel so much guilt for letting Thomas get me out of the house and in turn you being burned. The day I saw you both in the throne room I swore to myself that I would never again let anything happen to you on my watch. I vowed to myself to protect you both, with my life if it came down to it. I'm sorry if I worried you, but for once, could you please be my little brother and sister again and let me be the one to protect you?"

They both looked shocked at me but I knew that Alec was bubbling with rage, he was literally a volcano ready to explode and within seconds he was.

"When we thought you were dead Lydia that was the saddest day of our lives. We are biologically only twelve but mentally we're over a millennia old. I had to be a rock for Jane and myself. No one was there to worry about me. I felt a piece of me get snapped when you walked back into this place. I was so happy and I am happy that I have you back but I am so pissed off that you were kept from us and when it was revealed that it was that guy who kept you from us. I couldn't deal with him being in front of me alive so I did nothing to keep him safe. If you can't understand that, maybe you should leave."

I was shocked and so was Jane. Alec looked like he was surprised in himself. Before he had the chance to say something I was already out of there. I needed to hunt and I needed to hunt now. I made it out into the city thank god that fight happened at night time, I could hunt without worry of being caught by humans. It took me a while to find one that was bad enough to warrant me killing, but I found a guy who tried raping a woman so he was naturally my victim. I began to drain him but before I could finish my head was on the floor and that's the last thing I remember. 

A/N: Stay tuned for the next part because it's about to get  intense.
