Powers on Display

I walked hand in hand with Caius down the dark hallways. I knew we were mates by the crackles of electricity that were flowing between our hands. We walked, occasionally smiling softly at the other. Finding my mate was what I needed and I see that now. Caius stopped outside of a door and was about to say something before it was ripped open.

"Oh my love! I've missed you so much!"

My hand was ripped out of his and he was in the arms of another woman. A woman who was the definition of beauty. My heart dropped but I knew I had to put on a front.

"Come in my love come in, we have so much to discuss! I've come up with an idea for a new wedding, I feel like we've reconnected so much!" A woman who clearly had other ideas than what Caius had just told me just spewed this out like a waterfall. He pulled away from her and cleared his throat.

"Dora... I don't know where you got these ideas, we've been nothing but friends for the past four centuries. Marcus told us we were not true mates, do you recall that? And speaking of true mates... this is mine, her name is Lydia and she's the next queen of Volturi", Caius told her as he stepped back to take my hand.

I've been around for enough time to know when I see a fake smile on a woman and when I say this smile was so plastic I thought it would fall off her face.

"Oh... Hello Linda. It's a surprise to meet you. Caius I didn't think you lost your.... Taste for elegance and beauty. Oh but don't be offended Linda, I'm sure you won't be around long enough to care, my brother in law, Aro, you met him right? Well I'm sure he won't have a use for you." She was giving me a death glare and truthfully I was tired of it so I came up with a plan and I knew Aro would see it later and based on my abilities... Well, let's just say I wasn't too worried about the consequences. I turned on my heel and looked at Caius.

"Caius, would you be a dear and go get my brother and sister as well as Aro. I've made up my mind. Oh and please walk at a human pace." I made sure my eyes flashed with flames, a little intimidation tactic I'd discovered 100 years ago and I knew it worked when I saw his eyes widen.

"Of course Lydia, I'll return with all of them." He quickly left the room.

"So you think you can just waltz in here and manipulate your way into my position? I've worked too long and sacrificed too much of my happiness to be here. I admit, at first I was attracted to Caius, he's incredible in all the right ways. As time progressed I realised that I needed more than him, more than he could ever give me, so I went out and I found my true mate, thankfully, he's able to treat me as well as Caius did and more. I've been my new mate with his plot and it is evil. Caius will wish that he didn't have such an ugly, and seemingly unintelligent mate and then come crawling back to me and I'll rip his heart out and burn it." 

She paused, flicked her hair over her shoulder and laughed at me as I glared at her before she continued. 

 "As for Aro, well you see I've skirted around him seeing my inner thoughts because I'm able to shield them. He will get tired of you and then you'll be nothing but a pile of ash. His wife, the insufferable nag, Sulpicia, well she makes me want to decapitate her. Who can forget those stupid little witch twins that Aro and Caius always praise, sometimes I wish they'd turn on each other and incapaci..." I had enough. I was mad that she was talking like that about Caius and Aro but once she started going off against my siblings that's when my top blew.

I pinned her against the wall and I knew my eyes were full of flames by the way her eyes widened and her stupid mouth stopped talking but it was too late. I was invisible and her skin was cracking from the strength of my hand crushing her neck. Controlling my power was a struggle because I knew I could easily burn her to a crisp or do what I was doing, slowly making her hot from the inside out and essentially boiling the venom in her until she boiled alive.

"Listen here and listen well. I may not be the ideal queen to you. I may not be a beauty queen but that does not mean that I don't deserve my rightful place. That's alongside my mate, ruling over the vampires. Aro has a small idea of my power but not to the extent I'm showing you now. I am a ruthless, heartless killing machine when you hurt or threaten those closest to me. And in this case, you insulted my mate and you want my siblings to kill each other. Yes that's right, Jane and Alec are my baby sister and brother. While I couldn't be there for them while they were alive and we were separated for more than a thousand years when I saw them again I vowed to protect them from anyone for the rest of eternity. I love my siblings more than anything. Caius gave me the option to decide your fate and this is it. What you're feeling is the venom inside of you boiling so hot that in a matter of seconds you're going to die."

I dropped her to the floor when the smoke finally came through her ears and mouth and I screamed when I heard applause behind me which caused a fire ball to shoot at the door. Whipping around I saw Aro, Marcus, Caius and my siblings all standing there.

"It seems your mate is more powerful than we thought dear Caius. However, Lydia as you did just kill the former queen who was powerless I do need every facet of the truth." 

Aro then held his hand out to me and once again I was subjected to his mind invading mine, I knew I had to but I was truthfully more worried about my siblings. He pulled away from me with a grim face. 

"Well... it appears that this was not unprovoked. Athenodora deserved this. She told Lydia that she would get killed if I deemed her to be unworthy. Insulted my dear Sulpicia. She thought she could hide from me and plot against us. And she told Lydia that she wished that our two dears Jane and Alec were dead as well as telling her that she plans to kill you Caius when you got rid of Lydia to go crawling back to her. But you, Lydia, have indeed surprised me. I do look forward to ruling over Volterra and the vampires along side you and my brothers. I will leave you now to be with them." 

In the blink of an eye he was gone, Jane and Alec were hugging me and Caius had a murderous look on his face. After embracing my siblings for a few minutes and kissing their foreheads, I sent them on their way, promising to spend more time with them later. When they left, I beckoned Caius to me and in an instant I was tucked safely in his arms. 

"I had no idea she could be so evil. I'm proud of you for defending us and I know how much you care for your siblings, and I vow to you as well that they will always be safe. I can't wait to see what else you can do." 

I knew what he was talking about so I giggled and looked down. I couldn't wait to rule over the vampires. The one thing I was worried about was what would Owen think. 
