An ally joins the Volturi

Alice's PoV (bet that's a surprise huh)

I needed to be with Jasper because I missed him and needed to catch up. But that could wait. Right now I needed to get to Volterra to warn the kings and help them. Something bad had happened to Lydia and I saw that it was going to get worse. I had two choices on how to get to the castle from where I was. One was more stylish and comforting, the other was faster and allowed me to hunt. So I decided to run. It was here in Vietnam but I needed to go and go now. Thank god my epiphany happened at night. I could get there in the morning if I ran all night and only fed once I got to Volterra.

I smirked to myself when I saw the castle and I squealed when I saw Jasper waiting on the outskirts of the castle. He bolted towards me and I giggled as he picked me up and spun me around as we kissed passionately. I felt at home again for the first time in months.

"Both of you were right and I'll never doubt either of you again. Oh Alice, I've missed ya darlin, so so much. I'm so glad you're here. I need you to be here right now. Lydia's gone. She was kidnapped and I don't know where she is or how to help her. I feel so useless."

I had a feeling that something was wrong but I didn't think it was this bad. I hugged him tightly because we both needed it.

"Well it's a good thing I'm here then isn't it?? I saw a vision of her. WHOA JAZZ SLOW DOWN!"

I was already in his arms so he carted me to the throne room. He glared at some of the lower guard and growled for them to go and get Jane and Alec as the kings were already sitting.

"What do you want? Hmm?"

Caius growled which caused Jasper to roll his eyes.

"Calm down Caius, Alice can help us find Lydia."

As soon as Jasper said that both Aro and Caius were in front of me, strangely Marcus had yet to move or say anything. Aro instantly grabbed my hand and read my mind.

He pulled back and wiped his hand over his face before he turned to Caius.

"Brother, Lydia is alive. But she is being held captive and doing everything she can to stay alive. She's been suffering but she is alive. For now that is all we can hope for."

Caius growled and kneeled down to punch the floor which caused a huge crater to appear. I jumped slightly not expecting it which caused Jasper to hug me tightly. Suddenly Aro looked at me.

"Alice, dear, please give me your hand. I need to see something."

I was curious but I held it out to him wondering what he could have seen.

Jasper tensed beside me as he felt Aro's mood shift. Before anyone else could say anything he turned to Jane.

"Dear one, please, I need to see if my hunch is correct."

She nodded and flitted over to him followed shortly by Alec and Jasper stepped up behind them which confused me but I'd ask him about it later. Aro carefully took her hand in his and I watched with a sick feeling as he stepped back and covered his mouth before closing his eyes.

"Dear god. One of the vampires who has our dear Lydia appears to be someone awful from her past. I should have seen it the first time."

He paused and walked to his throne to sit down. He was showing his flare for dramatics and Jane had had enough.

"Master Aro, who is it!?"

She shrieked and was about to leap at him before Jasper and Alec held her back. Aro took a deep breath before he responded.

"Timothy Wallingford."

The room turned stone cold.

Aro looked furious. Jane and Alec clutched onto each other with rage on their faces but crystal tears in their eyes. Jasper was now the Major, I was lethal and Caius looked like he wanted to burn the world and spit on the ashes. What happened next shocked us all.

"He will burn in the depths of hell for hurting my daughter."

Marcus was awake and absolutely deadly.
