Chapter 6

"Daddy." He stops pacing and looks at me. I could tell he was crying from the redness of his eyes. He comes over to me and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on for dear life. I start to cry a little, he just pulls me closer and tries not to cry himself. I pull away from him a little so I could get a better look at his face. He still looked like he did in my memory. He holds my face in his hands, wiping away my tears he brings me close and kisses my forehead.

"You look just like your mother."

"I saw her." He looks at me bewildered. "While I was passed out I saw her, I guess she showed me being taken I think she was the one who showed me. Then she came to me and told me she loved me, and missed me. She said I was like you, stubborn but determined." He laughs a little. "She also said she was proud of me for not giving up when Marcus would hurt me." I close my mouth realizing what I just said. He looks down at me, giving me that look.

"Tell me. I will rip the head off this person for laying a hand on you." His expression harden and his eyes turned red.

"Dad please, I can't bring up all that. I want to forget everything that has happened the past ten years please." I give him a puppy dog look. It wasn't to a little baby but because I really didn't want to bring up that stuff right now. His took a deep breath and relaxed a little.

"Your other would give me that look to get her way." He laughed a little, making me smile too. "Let's get you soothing to eat. You must be hungry after today." He leads me to the kitchen, just as we enter Aiden, Blake and Jackson walk in through the back door. Aiden had a sad expression on his face, once he saw me it all changed. I walk over to him and he brings me in close to him. Aiden barriers his face into my neck and smells me. I always thought that was weird, when a mates smell each other. I know it can calm us down but really sometimes we can smell funny gross, yet to our mates we will still smell like heaven.

"I guess you were Xander, our kids are mates." I let Aiden go so I could turn around and face the others. I lean back onto Aiden, he wraps his arms around my waist.

"You guys bet that when we grew up that, Everly and I would be mates."

"I did at least your da thought that you would actually end up with Megan." Dad said with laughter behind his voice.

"Wow thanks dad." We all laughed and had a good time. Like when we were little.

"I have a question, how come when I first got here, you didn't recognized me?" I look up at Aiden then over to Blake, and Jackson. "I mean I still have my name, it's not like that was taken from me. You could have recognized me then."

"Well for starters there are a lot of girls out there with the name Everly so I thought nothing of it. Plus you look a whole lot different than when we were kids." Aiden responded.

"I took no notice to it because you smelled to werewolf then, but now you definitely smell Hybrid again." Jackson waved his hand in front of his face as if to make the smell go away. I took the closest thing, which was an apple, and threw it at him. He laughed and caught it instantly. "Still throw like a girl Everly." I get out of Aiden's hold and hoped up onto the counter. Aiden walks over to me and stand in between my legs with his back facing me. I wrap my arms around his neck and put my chin on his shoulder.

"Okay, you all need to get e caught up on everything that has happened sense I have been gone."

"Well lets go to the living room it's more comfortable." Dad said. Aiden grabbed my legs and gave me a piggy back ride into the living room. Once there he set me down so he could sit down and drag me down on to his lap. I didn't object, but dad gave us a warning look. I laugh at him, he smiles at me. He missed out on being my dad for ten years, I will leave him be for now. "Now where to start....."

Hours passed as we sat down on the couch talking. Blake told me all the embarrassing stories of Aiden. This one time in high school, he was in science, and almost blew up the school. He wasn't pay attention and poured the wrong chemicals, then set the fire to heat them up to high. If Jackson wasn't there the whole school would have been gone. Aiden fired back when Jackson laughed at him for everything he did. Aiden told me the story of how Jackson had a crush on a girl, he tried to impress her in gym but instead got a baseball to the face. Jackson turned as red as a tomato, I burst into laughter. At around nine o'clock we order pizza, my favorite.

"Everly we have told you everything that had happened to us, now it's your turn to spill." Jackson said.

"No." That's all I said. I could feel their eyes on me, my stomach turned. "I'm not hungry anymore." I get out of my chair and ran out of the room. I go out the back door and to the woods. I find a tree not too far from the house to sit next to. I hear footsteps coming my way, I didn't care. I sit on the ground and hold my legs to my chest. The person sits down next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, I rest my head on their shoulder.

"Please tell me what this Marcus did to you. I lost you once before I can't lose you again Everly." Dad said.

"All I really remember is when I turned thirteen, everything changed. Marcus would beat me and blamed me for our-his parent's deaths." I quickly corrected myself. "He would beat me so bad that I would end up in the pack hospital for days. I would train everyday by myself to make sure he couldn't hurt me that bad anymore, before I ran onto this land he would beat really bad to the point of almost killing me but I somehow would get up and just walk away from it." His body tensed a little at my words. "I finally had enough and came here. Not even realizing it was the hybrid land. No one ever told me anything. Then I found Aiden, and the dad that was taken away from me." I look up and smile at him. He smiles down at me and kisses my head

"You know I'm going to kill this man now. I can't let him get away with hurting my little girl." I nod my head not wanting to answer.

"Alexander! Everly!" Blake yelled our names. We both got up and ran to the house. We found Blake, Aiden, Jackson, and some other men standing in the Alpha's office. "We have a problem."


"Alpha Marcus from the pack right next to the boarder wants to talk to us, supposedly his sister ran away and he wants her back." One of the other men spoke. My whole body tensed and dad noticed. He rubbed my back to calm me down. Aiden came over to me and held me in his arms. I bury my face in his chest and breathe in his intoxicating scent. He begins to purr a little, I liked it kept me calm.

"I will talk to him see what he wants." Blake says

"No let me go, I will deal with him." Dad speaks up. "You worry about the coronation, I'll deal with the asshole." I smile at my dad chose of words.

"Okay, Aiden and Everly go with him to. It will give you some real experience as Alpha, and Luna." Aiden nods his head. While I try not to freak out in the middle of the room. "Everyone get some sleep, we have a lot to do tomorrow."

Dad looks at me and gives me an apologetic look. "Get some sleep princess, I'll see you in the morning." He kisses my head and leaves the room. Aiden takes my hand and leads me out of the room. Walking up to our room, I finally notice we were on the third floor by our self. I don't how I never noticed that. When I get inside his room, I go straight for my bag, but it wasn't it its spot. I look around turning over practically everything without messing up the room. Not finding it I call Aiden who was in the bathroom taking a shower.

"Aiden where's my bag?"

"Look in our closet." Our closet? I walk over to the double doors, and open them. What I see is the most amazing thing ever. It was probably the biggest walk in closet I have ever see, on one side it had all Aiden's cloths and I'm going to guess the other side is mine. Looking at all the clothes I have never seen, I was never allowed to have this many cloths. I was happy I saw no pink or any light colors, everything was dark. I did see some heels, I wasn't too happy about those. But hey every girl needs some heels even the ones who aren't really girly. I find a pair of shorts, and throw them on. I didn't want to wear one of my new shirts, so I steal one of Aiden's muscle tees. I slip it over my sports bar and head back into the room. Aiden walks out of the bathroom, in just a pair of sweatpants. His hair was still a little wet, but he threw his towel on his head and tried to dry it. Hair now a mess, he comes over to the bed and flops down onto it. He closes his eyes and takes in deep, slow breathes. I crawl over to him and lay down on top of him. I mess with the damp hair stuck to his face, to look at his handsome face better. Running a finger done the side of his face, I bring to his jaw and run it up and down his smooth jawline. Opening his eyes he looks down at me and smiles. I return the smile and look up at him.

"What's going on in that little head of yours?" He asked.

"Nothing actually, I'm just happy to be home. My real home." I lean up and give him a little kiss on the lips.

"Can I tell you something?" I nod my head. "I knew it was you the whole time." My breathe catches in my throat. "Let me explain. I knew it was because the day you were taken I was in pain for weeks on end till my dad made got a witch to make me forget, the only way for it to be broken is for me to see you or sense you again. I knew you were my mate when we were that young but my dad told me not to tell you. When I found you at the lake, I knew it was you, but you looked at me, and you didn't remember me it broke my heart, so I kissed you hoping it would help. When it didn't I knew I needed to get you home. I told my dad everything and we called for Alexander. We didn't tell him we found you, instead we needed him to break whatever trance you were in. I' sorry I know I should I told you-"

I knew he was going to ramble on about nonsense so I shut him up by kissing him. I slam my lips on to his, he was shock for a second before responding. He moves our boy so he was leaning up more, and I was now straddling his waist. Wrapping my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss more. Pulling me closer to him, he slips his tongue into my mouth. I don't try to fight him, because in the end he would win. Slipping his hands under his shirt I was wearing he rips it in half, and throws it across the room. I couldn't help but laugh at his behavior.

"If you think you're going to get any further then this then you're crazy. My dad will caught your balls if you think about mating me right now."

"Yeah. Let's get some sleep." Sliding off him, I get under the covers and let him pull me close to his chest. "Thanks for letting e rip one of my favorite shirts by the way."

"You could have just slip it off me, instead of ripping it. Now go to sleep dummy." I turn on the light and cuddle up to Aiden's bare chest. Closing my eyes I drift off into sleep. Thinking about tomorrow and how it was going to be real special.

It is going to be a long day.

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