Chapter 18

Everly's POV

Waking up my whole body felt numb, I felt drained of all emotions, I was just an empty shell that could walk. I could hear noises coming from outside of the room I was in. Slowly but surely I make my way out of bed, I grab Aiden's sweat shirt I see on the end of the bed and slip it on. I walk over to the door slowly but surely.

Grabbing ahold of the door handle, I begin to debate whether or not I could show my face after all that has happened. But I know if I didn't, they would win. Everything that has ever happened to me that was bad in my life was because of them. They took ten years of my life away, ten years. For ten years I couldn't remember my father, my mother, Aiden, or Jackson. My life was taken from me, and I will get it back no matter what. They will not win.

I quickly take a shower and throw some clothes on. Standing in front of the door, I take three deep breathes and try to stay calm. I open the door to see my mom, Cara and Maria sitting on a couch. No one said a word they all just stared at me. As my mother is about to speak, I cut her off.

"Where is Aiden?"

"He is in the cells with your father, Blake, Jackson and some of the warriors. They are taking care of someone." Knowing she won't tell me who it is. I walk past all of them without another word and head to the cells.

The guards outside my door said nothing to me, all they did was follow me. Everyone in the pack house stared at me, it became silent in every room that I went through. Sorrow, and anger were in their eyes. They were sad for me and what I went through. They were angry at the man who did it to me. I could feel all there emotions, they knew what I wanted to do but first I needed Aiden.

I head out the back doors and see the main door to the cells up ahead. Four guards stood by the door and were stone cold. As I approach another guard joins them and holds the door open for me, they must have gotten the memo that I wanted to see my mate. Screams of bloody murder were he first things I could hear as I entered the cells, walking down the stares, the stench of blood and death were everywhere. I could see people in every other cell, some were starving, some were bleeding, and some were close to death. Walking down the long hallway and followed the scent of Aiden. His scent was mixed with another that I could not tell who or what it was.

My father, Blake, Jackson and the warriors had their backs turned to me, they were all looking into a cell. As I get closer to them, all of them slowly turned around to face me. My father being the last one, as Jackson tapped him on the shoulder to alert him of my presence.

"Everly, you shouldn't be down here." Dad came closer to me, he gently grabbed ahold of my arm, trying to pull me away.

"Where is he?" I looked at him, giving him the look saying he can't make me leave and I won't till I see him.

"In the cell. Open it up Jackson." Everyone stepped aside as I walked to the cell door. When the door opens I see Aiden's muscular back facing me.

"Oh look who decided to join us."

That voice, the voice that for years tried to break me, the voice that was on the other end of my pain. My calm self soon turned to rage, Aiden turned around and faced me, he was holding a baseball bat that had blood all over it. Aiden was also covered in blood. His face soon turned to sorrow when he saw me.

"Everly. What are you doing here?" He walks over to me.

"Not letting them win." I walk into the cell and face the voice that has caused me all my pain. "Marcus."

Strapped down to a chair Marcus has blood running down his face, and other parts of his body. The jeans and t-shirt he was wearing were drenched in blood. Aiden did a number on him. His face was barely recognizable, it brought a little joy to see him like this. Helpless, asking for them to stop, feeling weak and powerless against us.

"Hello little sister." I turn around grab the bat from Aiden and smash him right in the head. The chair he was strapped down to falls to the side the blow from the bat.

"I am not your little sister." He groans in pain as he hits the floor. "How does it feel? How does it feel to be powerless?" I take the bat and hit his knees, he screams in pain. Both knees shattered from the blow, the crack of bone brought back memories of him doing the same to me, and leaving me to deal with the pain with help from no one.

"Now tell us, who did it, and you can leave here alive." Aiden speaks up behind me.

"You know who it was. They have been trying to kill all you hybrids sense before you were born. They failed every time, no one from the different races would help them knowing that go against you would mean death to all. When you two were born and discovered you were mates way before your sixteenth birthday." As he spoke blood came out of his mouth. "Now will you let me go. I gave you what you wanted."

"Yes we will let you go." Marcus sighed in relief. "In a bodybag."

Aiden pulled his seat up, and went over to a table. I stood watching him, I see him grab some tools, some I have seen before the others were new to me. Aiden takes the bat from my hands and hands me one with nails on the end of it.

"Now my Luna, I believe it's time you take out your anger a little. Up for a little batting practice." The look Aiden gave me wasn't one of a loving mate, it was the look of an alpha about to kill for his mate. He had a sadistic smile on his face.

I couldn't help but return that smile to him. "Sounds like a very good idea my alpha." I take the bat from him and look at Marcus. Pure fear ran through his eyes, he began to struggle a little in the chair, not wanting to accept his fate.

"Boys, alert us when the council arrives we have a present for them." Aiden says.

With that last remark, he turns to Marcus. All I could think after this was let the fun begin.

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