Chapter 20

"Good morning everyone." I said to everyone as I made it down stairs. Everyone was at the table eating and talking when I came down. Aiden on the other hand was no where to be found.

"He fell asleep in his office." Blake said. I smile at him and head to Aiden's office. Opening he door I see my mate asleep in his chair. I laugh a little and make my way over to him. We both still had blood all over us. We were to tired to take a shower and get it off us. It was all dry and flaking off every time I walked.

"Aiden. Wake up." I shake him slightly and kiss his cheek. From the kiss he started to wake up.

"What time is is?" He says with a groggy voice.

"It's morning you fell asleep in your office. Come on we need to clean up we still have blood on us." Helping him out of his chair, he throws his arm around my shoulder and holds me close to him. Getting to our room he leads us right to the shower. I get out of my clothes and throw them in the basket for wash. Not caring if the water was cold or not I hopped in and let the water wash off the blood. Aiden joined me soon after and was soon washing the blood off me.

"Damn there is so much blood. Its like he was hooked up to a machine that just kept giving him more blood." Aiden gave me a strange look before he started to laugh a little.

"You certainly haven't changed one bit." He gives me a quick kiss and starts to wipe my face off. "I wish we could stay in our room all day and just relax. But with the royals coming today we can't. I just need a break for once. We need a break." He drops his head in defeat.

With everything going on right now, having to deal with the Royals was not what we need. All I asked Lilly was for a couple guards to help with training and with patrol. And what does she do, she and her stupid council are coming here to access the situation, this is not what we need right now. All Aiden and I want is to be left alone to raise our child and pack. I was so foolish to call Lilly, I knew it was a bad idea, but I was scared and needed help and she was the first person to come to mind.

"Aiden! Everly! Their here!" Jackson yelled to us, we rush in the shower and quick get out. I throw my hair into a bun, and throw on my outfit for the day as quick as I can. Aiden stood at the door and waited for me, as soon as I was done he grabs my hand and we run down stairs. Everyone was already outside staring at the king and Queen. Our pack stood near or behind the house on guard. Women and children stayed inside away from all of this.

"Before you stands King Austin and Queen Lilly of the werewolf kingdom, now bow before your royals." No one moved, they all refused to bow to a King and Queen who let this happen under their watch. "I said bow!"

"We shall not bow to a king and Queen who let there people torture other werewolves." A pack member spoke up. Lilly and Austin were taken back by it all. Lilly looked to us for some answer, when she looked to us I could see in her eyes an emotion I never thought I would see.

"What is the meaning of this Alpha Aiden!" The King yells at us. "I can bring death to your pack for this disrespect. I shall not be disrespected by some mutated dogs."

"That is enough Austin!" Out of no where a two men and two women get out of a car, another car pulls up behind them and a young couple step out of it, with a small child in the women's arms. They slowly walk up to us, and face the King and Queen. "You will not disrespect the higher royals."

"Excuse me what?" Jackson says out of no where. Ceara hits him on the arm.

The man turns towards Aiden and I. "You two Alpha Aiden and Luna Everly are the high royals of our kind, you and your pack rule above every supernatural creature on this earth." Next thing I know he bows to us and the people who came with them did as well.

"Holy Shit." Aiden said. "This has to be a joke, there is no such thing."

"This is no joke High King Aiden, sense they time has come and you have proven yourselves worthy, its time for you and your Queen to take the throne." Every single one of us is shell shocked, I was frozen in place with Aiden holding my hand, his hand slowly getting tighter with Terry word the man talked.

"Are you out of your mind Father, there is no such thing as an al mighty ruler. I have heard no such thing about this before hand." The King said.

"King Austin I know you are upset, but I too have just discovered this as well, if you let your father explain he will make it all clear, after all that we shall help them and today is the day we would help them ascend to the throne." The man with the women and child said. "I am King Nathan, and this is my wife and daughter Amy, and Charlie. We rule over all vampires."

"How dare you play nice with these freaks. Nathan, I'll not have her rule over me!" Lilly said. Austin tries to calm her down.

"Yes they will Lilly and you have no choice. They are the true rulers of our people."

"Ugh none of this would have happened if Marcus just you killed you when I told him too." Lilly screamed at me. Everyone's eyes went towards her. Austin looked towards her, ripping his hand away from hers, he walks over towards his father.

"You are the one who order the council to take me away from my family. Why Lilly? You were my friend."

"I was never your friend I was just your friend to get to Aiden, I was supposed to be his mate he was promised to me when I was born. Then you came along and changed it all. My father and I planned it when I turned ten that we would have the council take you away so they could get control over the hybrids by making sure I was the Luna, that all changed when Austin found me, when he did I order the council to have Marcus kill you but he didn't. Everything was all messed up when you came along I should have killed you when I had the chance myself when we were kids." Her face beat red, hands clenched tight. My body stayed frozen, I could not believe she could do this to me.

"By the order of the king I reject you as my mate and Queen, and I give the orders to High Queen Everly to decide your fate." Austin yells at her with his Alpha King voice. She falls to the ground screaming in pain, her Mark began to slowly peal off her body making her bleed like crazy.

"I want her father's head on a platter, I want him hunted down and killed for this. Ten years of my life I was left with my mate. TEN YEARS!" Aiden screamed, everyone but me jumps back away from him. "I want every single member of the council executed for this, those lying sons of a bitches deserve no mercy!"

"Aiden calm down please son." Blake set his hand of his shoulder hoping something would calm him down.

"No dad, Everly was taken away from me because that bitch, wanted me all for herself. Was she promised to me when we were born?!" He turned his anger towards Blake.

"No! I would never do something like son! You know how much I long for a mate, and I would never do that to my own son. I wanted you and Everly to be together ever sense you discovered you were mates!" Blake yelled at him.

"Aiden please calm, you're scary me." I step back and put my arms over my little baby bump. Aiden turns towards me and sees how scared I was and his whole body language changed.

"Everly I'm sorry." He pulls me towards him, and wraps his arms around me. "I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I'm so sorry baby."

"It's not your fault. It was hers." I turn towards Lilly who was still on the ground, she was crying and holding herself. I get out of Aiden's arms and walk towards her slowly. Standing na over her, a pulse of power ran through my body. I grabbed her hair, and without thinking I extend my claws. Claws out I plunge them into her chest. "Now you will know what it's like to have your heart ripped from your body like mine was ten years ago." And with that I rip her heart out and hold it in my hand, tears began to run down my face. I feel Aiden behind me, he slowly reaches to my hand that held her heart, he tries to make me drop it but I couldn't.

Finally he was able to make me drop it. When he did guards came and took her body. They threw it into the back of an old truck, and drove off. I believe Aiden told them to get rid of the body. No one said a word everyone remained silent till my father spoke up.

"Aiden and Everly why don't you two go inside and rest, especially you Everly, the baby doesn't need anymore stress. Everyone else please go back to your homes, we will take care of all of this and send you all a notice with what is happening in a day or two." Our pack listened once Aiden gave them a nod. "King Nathan and Queen Amy, why don't you join us at our pack house and we will set up a room for you tonight, same for you, Thomas and Elizabeth."

"Come on sweetheart let's get you cleaned up." My mom came to my side and led me inside, she held me close, and kissed my head.

"Everything will be okay baby girl. I promise." My dad said to me before he left and we went inside.

The only thought that came to my head was:

My life is so fucked up.

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