chapter 3: meeting with dad


everyone was cheering to my dad he was just looking at all of confused he finally spoke " hi you guys. how in the world did you know i was gonna be here?" bulma just gestured at both me and trunks " they did both of them are mystery i think they might be a fan of yours" she said i sweat-dropped at her deduction my dad look at both of us he blink twice "but how?" he asked everybody looked shocked " they knew the exact time and place of your arrival goku" bulma said my dad landed in front of us " that's impossible we've never even met" "well that's what they said but they must be tracking your ship in outer space" she said, my dad put his pointer finger and thumb and tilt his head in confussion "really? i don't frieza tried to do that but i can sense his energy level as he passed me he sure was in a hurry to beat me home" he said everyone jaws were open my dad then continued talking "but my gosh, what in the world happened you guys who defeated freiza? you piccolo or was it you vegeta?" my dad ask looking at both at them "neither of us did it was both of them, they did it with ease and they both transform into a super saiyan" piccolo said while his were cross my dad looked at us "what a super saiyan?" he said he keep on looking at us in confusion before changing his expression " i can't believe that's outstanding can you imagine a super saiyan in there age. fantastic!" my dad said really happy "hey aren't you forgetting something" vegeta shout at us 'here we go again' i thought while face palming "you and your son and i are the only saiyans left alive" he said angrily "well if they both says there a super saiyan then that's good enough for me" he said while smiling at both of us i smiled a little "oh honestly goku you take things way to lightly sometimes" bulma said "no i don't" my dad said shaking his head i then pulled trunks sleeves to get his attention he looked at me and i whispered at his ear "dude can we get this over with i might killed your dad if we stay a little more" he chuckled and looked at me "fine come one" he whispered back he then looked at my dad "goku can we have a word with you " he said "with me?" my dad asked trunks then pointed on the other side of the hole "yes. just the three of us" trunks said my dads face change into a serious one "sure" he agreed we then fly off while were calling for my dad that we just met him and already keeping secrets but we ignored it

we finally landed "thanks man" trunks said ones we landed farther away from the others "hey i should be thanking you both for defeating frieza.i had a chance to finish him but i was only fooling my self thinking he might change " he said in a depressed tone "him change? huh ya right " i said smirking at them " he was out of controlled and you were supposed to stop him but when he landed and you weren't around we had to step in" trunks said i nodded my head " we didn't think you'd make it " i said finishing for trunks "yeah his ship was alot faster than mine and he gained 2 hours on me, i knew he was gonna hurt the people hear i was about to make my move. but then you guys came along " he said the middle part angry and at the first to the third calmly "and how are you make a move when you were 2 hours away in space?" trunks asked my dad then looked again "well thanks to a technique i learned i couldn't been there in seconds" "are you serious?" i asked in a surprised tone "yeah it's called instant transmission " my dad said winking at us "ahh you mean time traveled?!" trunks asked surprised i shook my head while holding the bridge of nose before looking at him "no trunks 'instants transmission' mean he can go to anywhere he goes at the speed of light he just need to focus on where his going and POOF his there" i explained they both looked at me in surprised "how did you know about?" my dad asked i looked at him nervously "umm i can do it also" i said looking away "WOW! amazing first you can transform into a super saiyan now you know can do instant transmission how many more van you do?!" my dad asked i just nervously "just those 2 " i answered i then notice something "oh sorry we haven't introduce our selves my name is y/n and this is trunks" i said while gesturing to trunks he bowed for respect "hey uh goku can you transform into a super saiyan at will?" trunks asked i looked at him in confusion he looked at me and gave a 'just go with it' face i nodded and looked back at dad "well at first i wasn't able to and i practiced it and got a good controlled with it " he answered "alright then can you show it to us now" he said in a serious tone my dad was surprised "please goku" trunks plead my dad nodded and got a serious looked we stand there in silence and i can feel my dads energy rise and he turned to a super saiyan "what now friend?" my dad asked "now the three of us is a super saiyan" trunks answered before we both turned into a super saiyan my hair wasn't rise like but there were a bit spikes up "were exactly the same" dad said i then saw trunks face get serious he took out his sword a pretended to attack dad but he didn't and neither did dad move "why didn't you tried to avoid it?" trunks asked surprised my dad didn't an inch in his spot "i search your feelings. so i knew you would stop" he answered i was surprised but completely change into a small smile "yes i see well this time i'm not going to stop got it?" he asked "as you wish" my dad answered he then pulled his pointer finger and glowed trunks then attacked him and they just spare while i was getting bored

after trunks attacked my dad they finally stop trunks throws his sword up and it landed on his thing (sorry don't know what it called) and we finally turned back to normal "awesome.everything i heard was true your good no your great" trunks said smiling "sorry about the secrecy but we really need you to keep this a secret what were about to say " i said while walking next to trunks "well I've never had a problem keeping but sure you have my word" he said "thank you" i said sighing in relief "yes thank you this is going to sound crazy but me and y/n are not from this time we've traveled here on a time machine 20 years in the future " trunks said my dad was surprised "really from the future that's incredible " he said in a surprised tone "yes vegeta was right only he, yourself,and gohan have saiyan blood and i got mine from him his my father " trunks said looking at my right before looking back at dad "WHAT?! you're kidding? your absolutely sure that vegeta's your father ?!" he asked surprised trunks nodded before answering "yes. i'm half saiyan half human and y/n is also half saiyan" trunks said gesturing to me my dad then looks at me closely "so what? is he your sister?" he asked me and trunks eyes widened "EWWW GROSS NO WERE FRIENDS!" me and trunks said in unison my dad put his hands up in defends "ok ok sich no need to yell" he said i then calmed down "it's sorry for yelling " i said "no it's ok but how did you become half saiyan?" my dad asked me and trunks anime dropped at his stupid question i can't believe he hasn't figured out yet i then stood up "well you see *chuckling* i'm gohan's little sister which means i'm your daughter" i said smiling at him his eyes widened again "WHAT YOUR MY DAUGHTER?!" he asked screamed at me i nodded before scratching the back of my neck "well let's get to the chase sha'll we?" i asked while looking at then and trunks nodded we then then told dad about everything his death, the androids, gohan and Z fighters death i almost cried about telling him gohan's death but i didn't showed it i have to be strong after that give my dad his medicine for his heart virus he even thought it taste like graped i giggled at his weird ways we then finally said good bye we left, when trunks and i were far enough he throws the capsule of the time machine when we floated we wave good bye to all of them before becoming a ball light and vanishing.

-------bonus part at the future------

when me and trunks got back to our time we jump out the time machine trunks was first but when i was about jump out my foot slip i closed my eyes waiting to hit the ground but i didn't i landed on a soft arm when i opened my eyes i saw trunks holding me bridal style i blush i quickly got off his arms "thanks" i said still blushing "no problem come one let's get inside" he said but before we entered i called trunks "trunks wait a sec'' he looked at me confused we walk towards me but stop when he was next to me "whats the prob-" his words were cut off when i gave him a pound on the top his head making small bump "OW! hey what was that for?" he asked i looked away while my arms were crossed and i didn't looked at him but i did made an irritated looked "that's for blowing our cover when the others saw us" i said without looking at him "hey it wasn't my fault they saw us!" he screamed angrily i then looked at him gave him a death glared "hey even tho they saw us you shouldn't have called them" i said to him while my arms were still crossed "see ya in 3 years i'll be training before we get back in the past and you should to" i said to him in a serious tone before leaving.
