chapter 24:party's/good-byes

your pov

there's only a few i'd like to say right now....i hate shopping for party's "hmm, i don't think that dress matches you. next!"mom said, i groaned at this i wish this end soon i thought, groaning and going back inside the 'changing room'. today me,me,mom,gohan,grandma,and grandpa were shopping for tonight's party at bulma's for saying thank you and congratulation for saving the world from cell. i went outside now wearing (favorite combined colored)

that what the dress looks like yo can changed the color if you want

"PERFECT"mom cheered clapping her hands together, i sign in relief that it was finally over.....or so i thought "okay, now that the dress is done time for the other products"mom said "other p-products?"i stammer a few sweats forming on my forehead "yes! we still need,your shoes,make-up,and accessories"mom listed "mom don't you think your over doing it. i mean it's a simple party, and besides you can't tire yourself to much and mostly because the baby me is already forming"i said looking at the small circle forming on mom's stomach

mom look at her stomach before rubbing it with her hand, "oh don't worry about the me getting tired sweety, and besides who said bulma having a 'simple' party?"mom ask looking back at me, "i guess"i muttered "well let's go"mom said, continuing our scavenger hunt i bet trunks having more than luck i am i thought sweet-dropping

trunks pov

i was getting ready for the party tonight, i was kinda nervous, why? no idea, i just feel nervous for tonight " trunks sweety, open the door i need you to do something!"mom called, i stood up and to my door and open it and saw mom holding two tux.oh no. "trunks i want you to try this both, and i'll see which is perfect for you okay? okay"mom said handing me my tux i went to my bathroom and change.

after my little model to which one is the perfect tux, i check the time and saw that it was almost time for the party so i quickly took a shower and.....(you all know what's next)

----time skip----still trunks's pov

tonight's the night many people came and was dancing or talking, and i still feel nervous *sigh* you can do this trunks what's going to make you feels soooo-i stopped think/talking and saw the person that made my heart melt.y/n.

she was so gorgeous, her hiar (tied up or loose), make that matches her skin and eyes color, and a dress that matches her body and skin color. i went to her and tapped her shoulder making her jump a bit, she turned around and she smiled once she saw me "trunks! hi!"she greeted, giving me a kiss of course i kissed back. after we pulled away we look into each others smiling lovingly at each other, "y/n, who is this?"an unfamiliar voice ask, i look behind y/n and saw a women,a teen,and a person that looks like goku but different eye shaped and skin color

"oh, grandma gine this is actually my boyfriend trunks"y/n introduced holding on my arm-wait a minute grandma? "oh so your the guy y/n was talking every ni-mhp?!"the teen girl didn't get to finish when y/n put her hand to her mouth to shut her "shh shh! don't talk about that!!!"y/n freaked out her faced flushed red "well it's an honor to meet my grandchild boyfriend"the women said bowing, "uhh y/n who are they exactly?"i finally ask "trunks this are my dad's parent and little sister"y/n said "trunks. this grandma gine, grandpa bardock, and aunt gina"y/n introduced "nice to meet you all"i said waving my hand

"hello"they said "well we'll be excusing now. bye!"y/n said dragging me. we went to get some punch and started,joking, and all kinds of stuff, we then heard mom on the mic "hello everyone!!!! welcome for are little farewell for my son and my soon daughter in law!!! and to say thank you for saving us at cell!!!!"mom cheered, me and y/n blush when mom said about y/n being her soon to be 'future daughter in law' since i know what comes before that

then a slow dance came, i look at y/n and she look back at me i offered her hand for her and she took it, we went to the dance floor and some couples and dance along

(if you know kim possible so the drama and how ron and kim dance try to imagine that that's how you and trunks are doing)

I know we've been,
Friends Forever,
But now I think I'm feelin' somethin' totally new.
And after all this time,
I've opened up my eyes,
Now I see.
You were always with me!

Could it be,
You and I,
Never imagined?
Could it be,
I'm fallin' for you?
(I am falling!)
Could it be?
You were right here beside me,
And I never knew?
Could it be,
That it's true,
That it's you?

(Could it be?)

That it's you!

It's kinda funny you were,
Always near.
But who would ever thought that we would end up here?
And everytime I needed you,
You've been there for me through,
Now it's clear,
I've been waiting for you!

Could it be,
You and I,
Never imagined?
Could it be,
I'm fallin' for you?
(I am falling!)
Could it be,
You were right here beside me,
And I never knew?
Could it be,
That it's true,
That it's you?

(Could it be?)
It's you!

'Cause today's the start of the rest of our lives,
I can see it in your eyes------!
Oh, that it's real,
And it's true,
That it's just me and you?
Could it be?
(Could it be?)
That it's true,
That it's YOU------!

Could it be,
You and I,
Never imagined?
Could it be,
I'm fallin' for you?
(I am falling!)
Could it be,
You were right here beside me?
And I never knew?
Could it be,
That it's true,
That it's you!

(Could it be?)
Oh, yeah!
That it's you!

Could it be,
That it's true,
That it's you!
(Could it be?
That it's true?)
Could it be,
That it's true,
That it's you!
(Could it be?
That it's true?)

That it's you!
(That it's you!)

Oh, it's you-------!

me and y/n look into each other's eye for a second before we both lean in and kiss, we hear whistles and clapping but we both ignore that and continue to kiss.after we both pulled away we smiled, "well that was unexpected"i heard one of the guess said, making both me and y/n laugh/chuckled

----the next day----

today me and y/n were going to leave and go back to our time, mom gave me my suit case and shake my hand "trunks,take care and take care of your girlfriend"mom said, "right"i said nodding, i started towards y/n (your with gohan saying goodbye), i look at dad and saw him give me a 'piece sign' and i returned it.

i then went to y/n and told her we were leaving she nodded and gave final good-bye to her friends and family

your pov

me and trunks were in the time machine and it was ready to leave "bye everyone!"trunks said waving at them "bye trunks! bye y/n"bulma yelled waving both her arms "bye everyone! OH! and gohan when i'm at age 8 and trunks is 9 don't tease us like in my timeline!"i said "no promises y/n!"gohan said causing me to narrow my eyes "hey!"i yelled i can here them laugh down there making me and trunks smile, the ship was about to leave but before i did i turn my head and saw the person i'd never see "hehehe, hey dad"i said, i saw dad in the sky at all of us and that's when we left and the only that was in my head was ready or not androids here we come


yes done one last chapter!!!! and i'd like to say thank to the people who wish 'good luck' for my exam since i pass the others!!!! well i didn't pass history but there's always next time. and oh yeah after i made my final chapter i was thinking off putting 'bloopers')if you don't know what bloopers is actually behind the scenes). after the chapter leave comments below if you like my idea and please vote, bye everyone!
