chapter 18: Memories of Gohan

your pov

me,dad,gohan,mom, and krillin were at the kitchen, mom was washing the dishes while the four of us sat on the table listening to krillin's story when vegeta and napa came to earth, "so vegeta's furious and was about to kill him for cutting of his tails and yajirobe goes 'please sir i really admired you and would like to join you is it's not to late'"krillin said mimicking yajirobe's voice, we all laugh at this but then gohan tried to drink at the glass when it accidently broke "man again,you gotta control it like this, watch me see? *shattered*" dad tried to show gohan how to drink the glass without braking it but it broke anyways. i flinched when it broke and look at mom, and can tell she was furious

"i don't believe it, not another one?! goku this has got to stopped!!"mom yelled, everything started braking and i don't even know what freaking happened!!!. when the dust cleared up the table and chairs were broken, the the kitchen utensils where piled up and-wait where's mom?! "oh man we really did it this time"dad said, his eyes wide looking at the damage him and gohan did (you weren't involved) "CHI-CHI'S GONNA KILL YOU GUYS!!! hey where'd she go?"krillin ask, his question was answered when mom popped out of the piles of utensils "AHH!!! HERE I AM! okay you two i had it with this your super saiyan stuff! you've broken both sets of dishes and three tables! i swear, is it too much to ask that we have a normal dinner without smashing glasses,bending silverware,and break all the furniture?! well? is it?! i'm waiting!"mom yelled at dad and gohan while me and krillin just watch in horror

"no, sorry"dad said guilty "i have an idea, maybe we should use paper plates and cups"gohan suggested "yeah! well think again kid!"mom yelled facing her face closer at gohan before backing up "gosh what a funny sense of humor, paper cups and paper plates you must get that at your mommy.i'll tell you what gohan since it's your birthday i'm going to let you off easy, for your punishment, you can help me up"mom said, she then went to the door and open it "as for you goku hit the road! don't call us will call you!"she said"umm you want me to leave home?"dad ask clueless "yes, ican't take anymore goku i need you gone, at least i finish setting off gohan's party. you like to fish right? so go get a fish or something"mom said, turning her head slightly looking at dad

"hey sure, that sound great i'll catch a big one"dad said, krillin then look at dad "i'll go too"he suggested "me too"me and gohan said "wonderful plan. but you can forget it gohan! you too y/n"mom said, making us look at her shock "look if your getting off the hook that easy, you can think again kiddo, after you finish cleaning up it's time to study...and y/n you can join them but after you help set up gohan's party"mom said, i nodded a little while gohan whined "hey gohan, your mother is a one hundred percent right it would be best if you study this afternoon"dad said putting his hand on gohan's shoulder. all of us freak out at what he said.literally,

"what i do?"dad ask looking at us "you don't know?!"krillin freak out "gosh daddy!!!"gohan next "dad are you insane?!!!!"i said next "are you sick?!"mom last, putting a thermometer on dad's mouth and checking his temperature "you feel okay"mom said. dad and krillin were about to leave when the door suddenly open we look at the living room and saw a wet gina and a huge fish "hey guys! got the fish for the birthday boy's party"she said lifting the fish "oh thanks gina, but i think you should catch another since we don't have three saiyan's in the house anymore"mom said, aunt gina nodded and put the dead fish in the sink "uh goku whose she?"krillin ask "oh right we forget to tell did we? well yesterday when y/n and trunks were on there date three saiyan space ship landed outside our house and when we got outside and saw them gina was the first to come out of the pod and well she told me she was my little sister and the other two saiyan space ship were my parents" dad explained, to a dumbfounded krillin

"speaking of 'parents' were our they?"mom ask, splashing water at the fish to clean it "oh well dad is probably at the wood to train and mom's probably looking for a job"gina explained helping mom "i see, well go on and catch two or three more fish me and y/n can do this"mom said, "oh okay come on bro"gina said grabbing dad and kirllin's wrist and running outside and saying a quick "bye!!!". after we were done cleaning gohan went to his room to do his homework while i stayed at the kitchen helping mom cook. i was cutting the fish to smaller sizes "it's a good thing you can control your strength y/n i really need a help with this"mom said, mixing the cream for the cake hehehe, yeah actually the only reason i can control my strength is because when me and trunks learn to became a super saiyan me and him did a little bet of who could brake less furniture and other stuff which ended to be a tie"i explained, also smiling at the memory

i can tell mom was smirking at how i describe ma and trunks "hmm, i see is that really the reason or is the reason you can't brake other stuff is because you fragile you get with him?"mom said causing me to blush like mad, but she was also right when we made that bet i was getting so fragile i can't hold the stuff i was holding to tight it's because trunks was there and keep a watch on me which made my body weak, "WHAT?! of course not!"i lied, "yeah sure, oh when you and trunks get back and started dating, will you two get married? and if you do how many kids?! OHHH HOW CUTE WILL CHILDREN BEEE!!!!"mom coo'ed making me blush harder and probably steam coming out of me

(that's how your face is and also the steam)

"mom~"i whined "oh i'm just kidding sweety, well maybe. i guess i should start talking to bulma about your engagement"mom said looking up as she was thinking, oh man my life is really different here than the other "hmm i wonder what dad,aunt gina,and kriliin right now?"i ask,putting down the knife since i was done with it anyway. the next me and mom where at the drawer and started looking for mom's table cloth ,"now what happen to that table cloth,i could have sworn that i put here with this other junk"mom said, throwing other stuff. while me and mom where looking something feel on here causing here to winced in pian "you okay mom?"i ask, watching here watch her side "yeah. oh wow the old family album"mom said, looking at the book that said 'Hope' in it

me and mom crawled out of the drawer, she open the book and she stared smiling "oh my gosh the wedding!"mom said shock, i look at the picture and saw mom in a beautiful wedding dress and dad in a white tux and grandpa ox crying. mom flipped in the next page and saw dad eating a lot of BBQ "typical goku"mom sigh, i giggled a little at the picture, mom flipped to another page and this time it showed gohan as a baby "my goodness it seems like yesterday! his so cute"mom said, looking at the picture she then started spacing out for a while and i keep on calling her.

when she finally snapped out she close the book and went upstairs to gohan's room while i stayed down stare listening carefully at there conversation, but next made me happy when mom said gohan and me can join dad and the others. gohan and me quickly got out and flew to where they were. when we got there we saw them under a tree and with a bigger fish "DAD!!!"me and gohan called they turn around and wave at us, "hey dad,hey aunt gina, hey krillen"i greeted, they greeted back "so where to next?"i ask "let's go to the apple tree"dad suggested, we all nodded and followed dad to where this 'apple tree' is

when we got there we saw a HUGE tree with a lot of apples in it, and judging at how red they were, they were going to be juicy "whoa check those babies out!"krillin said awe'd struck "i know, this old tree always has the best apples "goku explained "gosh there huge"krillin said "and probably good too"gina said drooling "nothing but the best"dad said, getting closer to the tree and putting his plam on it's trunk, dad let out a few energy at the tree causing it to shake, a few apples started to fall krillin tried catching them but gohan was a step ahead "nice catch dude"i said, looking at gohan who was holding a lot of apples "come on. i can't wait to eat"gina said, rubbing her stomach and pulling the fish by it's tail, we all laugh at her attidute

that night~

that night the entire family was there at gohan's birthday "okay gohan time to blow up the candles"mom said, gohan blew the candle but it also blew the cake causing it to blow on our faces "chi-chi are you alright?"ox king ask "i have icing in my nose dad, what do you think?"mom said "mmhh best cake face ever"i heard gina murmured, i look at her directing and saw her eating the cake on her face and so was bardock except for gine who was scolding them about manners "gohan!"mom called wiping the icing of her face "i know mom, i'm in trouble"gohan said looking down "you darn right you are, a normal kid would be severely punish for trashing his entire birthday cake on his birthday"mom stopped, turning around before finishing "but you can't help it after all your goku's son"mom said smirking

"it's family tradition pure and simple"mom finished, causing all of us to laugh. it was a great night dad and bardock both ate a full mouth noodles some sticking out there mouth causing us to laugh and only for them to be confused, it was wonderful...but i know this night wasn't going to last since a monster was waiting for us and that monster is......cell!!!

hey guys i just wanted to say thank you for all those place where i can find episode on DBZ. and i hope you all enjoy my new chapter and by the way the book 2 for this is going to be '17xoc' i know i know it was supposed to be the sequal but i promised you all that the book two will be short since actually fact about my book is that 'book 4' is the finally and i won't tell what's is about.BYE!!!!
