Chapter 24 (Last Part)

A/n Perspective

Its been 5 months since everything has been sorted out...things are going so well between you and Jungkook....since the accident,Jungkook became more soft and careful around you...your due date is almost in a week..these past few days you've been craving a lot of things which you not even used to like before...

Sometimes even in the midnights,you crave for something like snacks? more junk've been behaving like a kid and let's not talk about your mood would even cry for a mosquito who is killed by Jungkook and get angry on an as little thing as not able to see your feet...your mood swings got even worse when suddenly your pelvic pain hit you suddenly because it was almost the time....

All these Jungkook has been a really great help to you...he knows how to handle your mood swings and how to comfort you...he even never forgot to keep a hot water pad near him just in case when your back pain got worse...he even arranged your hospital bag for when the time comes and sterilised all the baby items almost thrice, he made sure everything was almost perfect when the baby arrives...

He gave you the full access in designing the nursery for the baby and decided the names too...although you were the one carrying the baby but it was always seemed like he was the one pregnant....

It was night time and you both were sleeping when suddenly Jungkook heard you sobbing...he quickly got up and while rubbing your baby bump,he asked

Jungkook:Baby what happened?why you crying hmm?is your back paining again?Should I give you a massage?Is something else bothering you?

Y/n:No *pouts* Its just that I want...

Jungkook:Yeah baby...what do you want?Tell me...I'll bring it for you

Y/n:I want.....I want Banana milk and heotteok...


Y/n:You already heard bunny is asking for it...its(baby) keeps on kicking me...bring it now...

Jungkook:I am so sorry baby but...actually I drank the last banana milk...and we don't have heotteok at home...

Y/n:WHAT?!How could you?

Jungkook:Baby you know how much I like banana milk * pouts *

Y/n:Now how I calm my cravings * cries out loud * you know what?Just ignored get me banana milk and heotteok!!!

Jungkook:Yah baby how will I get you those?Its literally 2:30am..

Y/n:Do I look like I care?you drank it so now its your problem *pouts* and if you won't then baby bunny will not talk to you..

Jungkook:Aishh no no no I am going...fine now?

As soon as Jungkook said that,you immediately clapped like a kid who get a lollipop while pecking Jungkook on his cheek...

Jungkook Perspective

Aish....though I have agreed to bring her banana milk and heotteok but I don't even know where to get them!The 24/7 convenience store is so far from our home...I let out a huge sigh and saw in the direction of her face with pleading eyes but I was welcomed by those starry eyes in return...

Now I didn't had any more option than to bring her banana milk and heotteok...I put my jacket off and left for the store.

*After A While*

I reached the convenience store and immediately went inside it to find a young lady on the counter...

Jungkook:Umm..excuse me...will I find four heotteok please?

Lady:Yeah sure sir...wait for a moment I'll bring it for you...

With that she left the counter to bring me the items...

She came back with all the items...I was about to pay her when she suddenly said

Lady:Wait!Are you the famous CEO Jeon Jungkook?!

Jungkook:Umm..yeah I am Jungkook..thanks for the items..

Lady:Oh my god I can't believe that Jeon Jungkook came to my store...but why do you want Banana milk and heotteok this late at night?It's fine I won't judge..

Jungkook:Ahh no no...they are not for me! they are actually for my pregnant wife who was craving for these....

I said while scratching the back of my head... are such a gentleman taking care of her needs..may you both have a healthy baby soon!

Jungkook:Thank you so much for your prayers!

I then quickly paid her and left for home where Y/n was waiting for me...

*After Another While *

I reached home and quickly went upstairs to Y/n to give her the heotteok and banana milk but as soon as I entered the room,I found her sleeping...I let out a huge sigh as all my efforts went into drain now...

Jungkook: *whispers * Yah baby why would you do that?I literally went to the store past midnight and came back to see you sleeping? Anyways....I'll drink this banana milk now!Have a good sleep my babies...I went to them and quickly placed a peck on her forehead and the baby bump and slept beside them...

A/n Perspective

From the past few days this has been happening as almost a never fail to trouble Jungkook all the times by your whines and cities...

But he being the caring and loving husband bears all that knowing that you are carrying his the due date is coming near,Jungkook too is getting more and more worried...not because of you...but he is scared that he was so stressed but never let you see it just to keep you out of any tension...

Today,he took a leave from the office because your due date was tomorrow and he didn't want to take any sort of were taking a bath and Jungkook was sitting on the bed reading a How to be a better dad' magazine which he bought...not only that but since your pregnancy he has bought many of them and reads them like a middle schooler trying to learn literature...

He was reading it when he suddenly kept it aside and let out a huge sigh resting his head backwards while some tears made their way through his eyes...he was really tense and it was clearly visible on his face...he was in deep thoughts but then suddenly you got out of the bathroom making Jungkook alert again....he quickly wiped off his tears but his movements didn't go unnoticed by you...

Y/n Perspective

I just  came from a bath when I saw Jungkook again behaving  tensed....I know that he has been getting regarding the baby, but I didn't disturb him because I know this is natural and I want him to have his own space...but it was getting worse....I sighed and went to him with baby steps as my foot is still slippery after bath and I don't want anything to happen...

I went and sat beside Jungkook....he looked at me and gave me a smile....

Jungkook:You look beautiful!

Y/n:I know...afterall I am the wife of Jeon Jungkook!

He just chuckled making me smile...I then signalled him to lay on your laps and he did so without any hesitation....



Y/n:I know you are getting tensed these days regarding the baby....I first wanted to let you deal with it by yourself but you are getting worse....I know you must be thinking that whatever you can be a great father or not right?

Jungkook: ............

Y/n:Well please don't worry about already are the best dad in the world...through baby bunny is still in me but you took care of both of us like we belong to you which we never even disappointed me once...from taking private classed on how to swaddle a baby....

Y/n:You've done it a and I don't think that is any more thing that you can do for me to be assured that yes you'll be a great never disappointed me k now we both love you..whenever you come close to me,my heart beat always races fast and I can feel the baby too doing some are the best father,the best husband,the best son and the best person....

Y/n:I hope you won't stress yourself now and enjoy this great moment with what if we make some mistakes here and there?No parents are the perfect parent experience makes them one...I am sure we both will still make mistakes in future but at the end of the day what makes memories right? Tomorrow our baby bunny will finally come out...

I want you to cut his cord and take him in your arms before me....because I have been carrying him for 9 months now and you haven't even felt him well...just remember mama and the baby bunny loves you so much....

A/n Perspective

Jungkook finally understood your words and let out all his emotions at once to start both soon had a beautiful baby boy name Enwoo

 (sorry your a/n is lazy af)

<Magical time skip to 7 years later>

???:Appaaaaaaaaaa see oppa is not sharing his toys with me...he is saying I am boring and he doesn't like me...

Your little three year old cried out loud enough for  his dad to hear...

Jungkook:Yah what happened to my princess hmm?

He said while picking Aera in his arms and placing her on his laps...

Aera:Appa...oppa is not playing with me...I want him to play doll house with me but he says that he doesn't want to and that is is boring and that it is boring and he wants to play alone *pouts*

Jungkook thought for a while and then spoke....

Jungkook:Don't worry baby...your appa will play with you okay?Let your appa play alone with his boring car games....we'll play together okay?Now go and bring your toys...

He said...he knows that Enwoo being a 7 years old will not play with dolls as he doesn't like them...

Also he always plays with his sister but he refuses,then there is always a reason for it and Jungkook knew it so he didn't force him and let him do what he was doing...Aera soon brought her toys while running towards Jungkook....

Jungkook:Baby slow down a little you will fall....daddy does not wants his princess to get hurt right?

Aera just giggled and placed a peck on Jungkook's cheek...

Aera:Appa I am fine! I am a grown up kid now!

Jungkook:Yeah yeah miss three-year-old-grown-up-kid...anyways now let's play...

Then they both started to play....after sometime Enwoo also joined them playing and laughing was such a beautiful family together..there was no coldness,no jealously,no anger and no hatred here.......

The almighty surely made them for each they all were playing,you were watching them admiringly from the kitchen while resting your body on the door...

Ajumma:Such a great scene right?

You looked back just to see Ajumma looking at them with pure admiration...

Y/n:Hmm...I am glad everything turned out to be so beautiful!

Ajumma:Thank you Y/n-ah for coming into his life and making it non less than heaven

You just smiled at her and kept looking all the family you both created....

Jungkook suddenly noticed you...he suddenly smiled and whispered something in Aera's ears...

She nodded and came running to you with her little feet...

Y/n:What happened baby? said that we all love you...wanna join us?

You smiled and nodded while she held your looked at Jungkook who was looking at you mouthed "I love you" to which you replied "I love you too"and with that you all lived a happy life together..non of them imagined that this relationship will turn out to be so beautiful...In the end you forgave Mina because she was really guilty and if it was not her then you wouldn't have got such an amazing family....

THE END..............


So imma come again with the NEW BOOK SOON....ily y'all 

