
Ah, Tina, a very big part in the book 'Kadyn's Sides and Adventures'. This book was based on the idea of Thomas Sanders 'Sanders Sides', but, of course, with my spin on it. Tina is my Anxiety, and I found a Google Doc form that is dedicated to them, so, take a read.

Name: Tina

Identification: Asexual, them/they/their pronouns only

Qualities: Angsty, Quiet, foreboding, very ominous, my feelings of not feeling right, my writer and drawer, as they are coping mechanisms, Very conserved and to themselves, my depressing thoughts and my panic attacks, my other source of ground, but deeper into the earth and hard-core reality, my emo child, my love for all music, is also a part of the fangirls and boys, my adrenaline and primal instincts

Personality Qualities: Quiet, Angsty, Feisty, does not like to be touched, very to themselves, kind of bitchy too, kind of my emo, jump to conclusions easily, Sloth x10

Extras: They always want to be in their room with their headphones, pencil, and paper in hand, ready to draw or write whatever comes to mind. They like to smoke weed to calm themselves down

Looks: The palest of them all, slim, very small, always wears a large hoodie that drapes their figure, always wears this Nightmare before Christmas choker, loves the darker colors, likes the idea of dying their hair, has a black and dark red cartilage piercing on the left side, sometimes puts studs in their first and second holes, hair is always in the face, trying to hide the eyes, heavy eyebags, and, also like Virgil, puts eyeshadow under their eyes, but it is a shimmery plum purple instead

Um, I hope you guys enjoyed this, I found a Google Doc for all of the sides, except for the dark ones, SPOILERS TO THOSE WHO HAVE NOT READ IT, but, obviously am going to find the book that I recorded my info in for this reason.
