
SPOILERS FOR 'Kadyn's Sides and Adventures'!! BEWARE!!

Delilah, or Depression, is apart of the 'dark sides' and has a very deep history. They have been with Kadyn for almost their entire life, being a clinical depression scenario. Kadyn has had Depression show up during their later years of teenagehood, being very strong, having  Kadyn resort to Prozac, or what is now called  Fluoxetine, to lessen the effects of Depression. 

Name: Delilah (Depression)

Identifications: They/Them/Their only, Asexual

Attributes: very low self-esteem, self-deprecating, thinks the world is against them, is twice as depressing as Anxiety (Tina), is strengthened under great amounts of stress, has a lot of stress issues, hates being touched, absolutely hates being alone, lovers to tease Juliet when she is at her highest moment, only comes up when Kadyn is feeling really under the dumps, and it's neem a long week

Personality Qualities: quiet, shy, depressed (obvs), very emo, very to themselves, does not like to talk to people

Extras: likes to sit in their room a lot, and only talks to Juliet, surprisingly

Looks: the left side of their face is covered in very dark, purple sparkles, the left eye is a silver/grey color, hair is parted to be over their left eye, looks a little like Tina but, obviously not

Delilah is very quiet, but, they tend to do reports and send them to Juliet in the safety of the dark palace.
