
SPOILERS FOR 'Kadyn's Sides and Adventures'!! BEWARE!!

Amber is Anger, or Aggression, and tends to come out in extreme circumstances. She is very strong compared to everyone else and has gotten into one-too-many fights with Juliet, having been in a knife fight.

Name: Amber (Aggression)

Identifications: Bisexual, She/Her

Attributes: very angry, very strong, very stubborn, gets physical, will do anything to protect what they got angry over, comes out only when Kadyn gets peeved and very defensive over their opinion

Extras: Amber is best friends with Rima, but are thoroughly aware that Rima has caused some fights by telling her about rumors amongst the light sides, has many scars due to intense fights with Juliet

Looks: has a scar over their left eye, she is very athletically built, normally has her hair tied up and out of her face

Amber is technically Kadyn's athletic side, but Juliet is too... Eh, whatever.
