Chapter 113 The Real World

The entire process of forming a deed was replayed by Mingzhi to understand the desire to watch.

Mingzhi, who was in the honeymoon period, heard news from his subordinates that Xie Yu committed suicide after watching the process of forming a contract.

Hearing this news, Ming Zhi didn't take it to heart at all. He didn't tell Gu Ning the process, but only said that those who hurt him have been punished.

Gu Ning didn't ask Mingzhi what the punishment was, he just sighed and told Mingzhi that he just went the wrong way and hated the wrong person.

Mingzhi raised his eyebrows noncommittally, he said, "If he didn't hate the wrong person, would his wife be soft on him?"

Gu Ning looked at Mingzhi with a surprised look, and asked, "Why do you ask that? Why am I? Do you want to be soft-hearted to him?"

There was no other emotion in his eyes, his eyes were flat as water, Mingzhi already knew Gu Ning's answer, he smiled and opened the topic, and told Gu Ning the interesting history of Disillusionment.

As for this person, Jieyu, from the moment he started to hate Gu Ning, he would never have a place in Gu Ning's heart again. This is exactly what Mingzhi wanted.

Gu Ning, who has never experienced wind and waves, would never have thought that his momentary soft-heartedness would bring him such a setback that he almost killed him.

It was not long after Gu Ning was born. The elders didn't know how to take care of Gu Ning. Gu Ning was very bored. One day he left the Lost Forest, accidentally entered a teleportation array, and was teleported to the humans near the Lost Continent. world.

In the human world, Gu Ning was so confused by various objects that he rescued a white-eyed wolf - Jieyu.

The elders worked hard to find Gu Ning. Gu Ning was begged for relief, and he took him back to the Lost Forest soft-heartedly, and asked the elders to teach the skills of killing the enemy.

The elder couldn't bear Gu Ning's prayer and agreed to teach him to resolve his desires.

Jie Yu is a very tolerant person. He never reveals his inner emotions. He is very docile in front of Gu Ning, like a wolf cub who puts away his claws.

But Xie Xue didn't believe in Gu Ning from the very beginning. He thought that Gu Ning was someone sent by the enemy to kill him. Now, it's just an expedient measure, in order to make him heartbroken and die in the future.

Xie Yu hated Gu Ning from the bottom of his heart, but he couldn't control his heart to love Gu Ning.

Love and hate are intertwined, making it extremely painful to resolve desires.

But it didn't take long for him to suffer when Ming Zhi appeared.

As soon as Gu Ning and Mingzhi met, Gu Ning was entangled by Mingzhi. At that time, Mingzhi was still a little wolf cub. Seeing Gu Ning's beauty, he fell in love at first sight, and he wanted to follow Gu Ning back to the Lost Forest.

Gu Ning was very helpless to be entangled, so he had to return to the Lost Forest with Ming Zhi.

Jieyu thought that Mingzhi was just a stepping stone on Gu Ningqing's road, which is not surprising.

But he never imagined that it was this wicked young man who bewitched Gu Ning's heart, made Gu Ning fall in love, and put his heart on Mingzhi.

Xie Yu didn't understand why Gu Ning fell in love with the dark man Mingzhi, he didn't understand, and he didn't want to understand.

Jealousy surrounded the heart of understanding, he wanted to leave this place that made him despair, but his enemy has not been resolved, he has not learned the powerful skills, he can't leave now.

Desire remained.

Under the jealousy day by day, he went mad.

When the elders were not paying attention, he stole the treasure of the Lost Forest, in order to coerce Gu Ning to leave Mingzhi, or he would destroy the barrier of the Lost Forest. The treasure he took was the controller that controlled the barrier of the Lost Forest.

Gu Ning did not expect that the settlement would treat him like this, he was shocked and disappointed.

Xie Yu looked at Gu Ning, cold hearted to make Gu Ning regret, the controller he broke.

The controller landed, the enchantment disappeared instantly, and a large number of dark creatures attacked the Lost Forest.

There are countless resources in the Lost Forest, which is well known throughout the Lost Continent.

The barrier is an important weapon to maintain and protect the forest, but now that the barrier has disappeared, all the dark creatures on the Lost Continent got the news and began to attack the Lost Forest.

Gu Ning had to use his own strength to build a new barrier. Mingzhi came, Gu Ning was almost in a coma, and Gu Ning, who was still a newborn god, used his power excessively, resulting in a power overdraft and a temporary loss of power.

After Mingzhi killed all the dark creatures that attacked the Lost Forest, he came to Gu Ning.

Gu Ning only knew Mingzhi's identity at this time, and Mingzhi did not hide it, and revealed his identity, hoping to get Gu Ning's forgiveness.

Gu Ning forgave Mingzhi, the two had a deep affection for each other, and on the side was relieved and grief-stricken, watching his beloved and other men kissing me, he couldn't stand this kind of stimulation at all.

So -

in a fit of rage, he tried to kill Mingzhi with the cursed dagger.

But halfway through, he was blocked by Gu Ning.

Gu Ning, who lost his power for a short time, could not resist this power at all. He turned into a bright red rose in front of Mingzhi.

This is his body, Mingzhi went crazy on the spot, and Jieyu only escaped from Mingzhi's acceptance.

Mingzhi didn't have time to chase down and solve his desires. He tried his best to rescue Gu Ning. Fortunately, Gu Ning's body already had the power of repairing the sky, but Mingzhi never thought that his nemesis would take advantage of him to leave. In the gap, together with Xie Yu to deal with Gu Ning, Gu Ning can only enter the reincarnation.

When Mingzhi came back and saw the disappearing rose, he collapsed on the spot.

His nemesis was hanged by him on the spot, and he barely escaped the disaster by using the scroll given by his mother at the moment of crisis.

Mingzhi hated him so much that he wanted to follow Gu Ning away, but the elders discouraged Mingzhi, saying that there was still a way.

So, Ming Zhi embarked on the road to find his wife.

As for the liberation of desire, compared with the resurrection of his lover, he is not worth mentioning.

Mingzhi hopes that Jieyu can live longer, so that after he finds his lover, he can take him on the road in person.

In the end, Xie Yu was completely heartbroken when he saw the bright red questioning heart stone.

He didn't want to live anymore, maybe it was guilt, maybe it was remorse -

he killed himself with the knife Gu Ning gave him.

He has been making mistakes all his life, I hope his death will make Gu Ning happier.

Will a heinous villain like him go to hell after death?

If there is an afterlife, forget it, he doesn't deserve it.

After losing consciousness, Jie Yu thought with a smile on his face.

It is no regrets to see you happy before you die.


Ning and Mingzhi returned to the real world, where he and Mingzhi held a new wedding.

The wedding scene was very lively, Yu Qing, He Run, He Ce, He Yue, the main system, Zhao Yang, Zhangzhou, etc., everyone who knew each other came.

On the wide green grass, there are clusters of flowers and arches made of flowers.

The wedding emcee was the Great Elder, and after a morning showdown, Mingzhi finally got the beauty home.

Wedding scene.

As Gu Ning's "maternal family", Yu Qing held Gu Ning's hand with a smile and sent him to Mingzhi's side.

Yu Qing's face was still a little weak, but this did not affect his harsh words towards Ming Zhi.

He said, "I handed over Aning to you. If you dare to treat him badly, be careful that I will treat you rudely."

The always surly Great Demon King Mingzhi was very humble at this moment. He said to Yu Qing: "Brother, don't worry, this kind of thing can't happen, you can rest assured."

Yu Qing didn't speak, and patted Gu with wet eyes. With the back of Ning's hand, he walked slowly.

He Run hurried to save Yu Qing, afraid that Yu Qing would fall.

Yu Qing didn't say anything, was silently supported by He Run, walked to the seat and sat down.

The first elder cleared his throat and began to recite the wedding vows.

"Mr. Mingzhi, would you like to be a partner with this handsome gentleman beside you?"

"I would."

"Dear Mr. Gu Ning, would you like to be a partner with this gentleman beside you?"

" I do."

After the first elder asked, he smiled and said, "Okay, now Mr. Mingzhi can kiss Mr. Gu Ning."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Mingzhi couldn't wait to kiss Gu Ning's red lips .

In the public, Gu Ning was breathless by Mingzhi's kiss, and pushed Mingzhi hard, before Mingzhi pushed it away.

Gu Ning glared at Mingzhi, and the cheers from the audience came one after another, making Gu Ning's ears red.

Ming Zhi whispered, "Wife."

After a few seconds, he heard Gu Ning hum a little.

Mingzhi was so excited now that he wanted to bridal chamber now.

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but smile knowingly when they saw Ming Zhi's anxious scene.

Yu Qing also chuckled softly. Seeing this, He Run, who was beside him, looked at Yu Qing stupidly, and it took a long time for him to recover.

Then, he quietly reached out to hold Yu Qing's hand, Yu Qing looked indifferent, did not refute, and let He Run hold his hand.

He Run smiled even happier than the groom Mingzhi on stage. I don't know if he thought he was getting married today.

He Yue and the main system were relatively silent.

The main system silently held He Yue's hand on the table. He Yue struggled several times, but was still held by the main system.

Then, the two hands clasped tightly together silently.

The single dog He Cedong took a closer look and found that he was a single dog.

Even Zhao Yang and Zhang Zhou have targets. Why is he the only one who hasn't? He's not bad...

After taking the oath, the scene became lively again. , the atmosphere is very hot.

Gu Ning and Mingzhi sat on the main table, and after toasting Yu Qing and the guests, they both lowered their heads and whispered something.

Not long after, a stream of light came from Mingzhi, and then there was a double cultivation secret book in his space.

Then came the voice of the mountain god.

The mountain god said, "Thank you for the method you gave. Now that my junior and senior brothers have been successfully reincarnated, this double-cultivation secret book is a little bit of my heart. I hope that the two of you will be together forever and grow old together."

"—Shan Shenliu."

Mingzhi suddenly smiled.

This mountain god is really good.

Gu Ning didn't know why Mingzhi smiled so maliciously, he picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the "red wine" in the glass, and whispered something to Yu Qing.

Mingzhi was dissatisfied with being ignored by Gu Ning, he gently took Gu Ning's hand, put a kiss on his lips, and said softly, "Thank you wife for loving me."

Gu Ning quickly raised his head and kissed Mingzhi, his eyebrows curved. He said, "Thank you Azhi for loving me."

Mingzhi smiled and said, "I love you, does Aning love me?"

Gu Ning's eyelashes trembled, and then he raised his head and said, "Love."

He smiled and said, "I love Azhi very much."

Then, Mingzhi kissed his red lips.

There were coaxing and joking sounds in his ears, making Gu Ning's earlobes red and his cheeks red.

There were cheers and cheers all around, and there were relatives and friends around.

It is the greatest happiness to have a lover by your side.

——End of the whole article——

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