5.2 (2)

Be trustworthy, treat partners, usually kill after cooperation, and are the most unfriendable wizards in the forest. The

guard said: "The Black Witch is the most dangerous person in the entire forest. She has a bad temper, and she shouts and kills if she is unhappy. At the last forest dance, because she did not find a male partner, she fought with other wizards, causing the tree to be injured. "

And the last time at the forest party, because the food I made was not appetizing, I fought with the wizard who was cooking, and then said that the wizard was targeting her." The

black witch retorted dissatisfied after listening to the guard's words: "He is targeting me!" "

I don't eat bananas, why did he give me fried bananas!" The

guard replied: "Because his specialty is fried bananas, not only you, everyone who attended the party got a fried banana. At the

end, the guard added: "The Count hates bananas the most. After listening to the

black witch, she was silent for a long time, and her tone was not so hard to retort: ​​"That is what your family can endure." I'm grumpy and can't stand this grievance! Edward sneered: "

So you beat him seriously. If you didn't kill the divine tree, you could save his life. Do you think you could still stay in the forest now?" Seeing

the black witch's silence, Edward said again, "I have to spare you and forgive me. After your head disappeared this time, can a wizard help you find it?" tell you the clue? The

Black Witch was silent again.

She couldn't help but no one told her the clue, and the other wizards didn't take the opportunity to beat her up.

The Black Witch asked Edward: "How sure are you that you will find my head?" "

"I don't know. Edward spit out three words

softly, then lowered his head and played with his little wife Bai Nen's little hand. He didn't even give the Black Witch a peripheral vision, which shows that he really hated the Black Witch.

The Black Witch didn't dare to get angry when she heard the words.

Seeing that Edward was unmoved, the black witch gritted her teeth and said cruelly, "If you find my head, I can give the moonlight skirt to the lady.


After sending the black witch away, she sat on the sofa in the hall with Gu Ning in her arms.

Butlers and guards stood by. Gu Ning was thin-skinned. After the black witch left, he realized that he had been sitting on Edward's lap, and there were so many people watching around him.

Gu Ning's cheeks were blushing, and even the tips of his ears were red.

"Let me go."

Edward liked to see his little wife blushing, so he deliberately joked: "Don't move, the housekeeper and the guards are watching."

Gu Ning raised his head and glared at Edward.

Edward said innocently: "Why are you staring at me, I kindly remind you, but you are still staring at me."

"Madam, can you be reasonable?"

"Who is your wife?"

Gu Ning did not dare to look up in shame. Watch the housekeeper and guards.

Edward leaned over and bit Gu Ning's neck lightly, with gloomy brows and dark red pupils.

"Who do you say is my wife?"

"My body is full of my breath, and I still don't admit that it is my wife. Little wife, can you be reasonable?"

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