5.1 (2)

I have put it down. With a wow ,

Tutu couldn't help clapping his hands to Gu Ning.

"Beauty, you are amazing, I like it!"

Hu Li blocked Tutu's line of sight without a trace, and he opened the topic: "Since you want to find the Earl, come with me. " Tutu said on the side: "

Hu Li is a forest messenger, he knows every path in the forest. Gu Ning held back his smile and said, "

Then it's great.

Tutu was excited as if Gu Ning was praising it: "Yes, Hu Li is really good! " As powerful as the witch sister!

After listening to Tutu's words, Hu Li wagged her tail. Gu

Ning walked behind Hu Li and Tutu, Hu Li let Tutu sit on its back, and saved her feet from being frayed.

Tutu complained . : "How can I be so delicate. "I

still couldn't resist the temptation of Hu Li's back and sat up.

Tutu was not honest when sitting on Hu Li's back, and talked to Gu Ning with jiojio on his back.

"Beauty, where did you come from?" What are you doing here? "

"Are you coming to our forest ball?" "

Facing Tutu's beautiful words, Gu Ning's mouth twitched, but he didn't tell Tutu his real name.

This copy belongs to a witch. When Gu Ning thought of a witch, he thought of the plot he had seen in the movie before. What a curse.

In short, he is careful and avoids all dangers.

Gu Ning originally wanted to ask Tutu about the witch's lost head, but he only said one word of the witch, and was questioned by Hu Li's eyes.

Tutu did not tell Gu Ning didn't ask him about the witch.

Hu Li took Gu Ning along the path, and soon arrived at the castle where Earl Edward was.

Hu Li pointed to the old castle and said, "Earl Edward is in the old castle. If you go straight forward from this path, you will be in front of the old castle."

"For the sake of your preference," Hu Li said, "Earl Edward doesn't like people getting too close to him. You'd better remember this."

Gu Ning thanked Hu Li and watched the two little animals leave before he walked the road that Lin Huli pointed him to.

This small road is full of various insects and birds. When Gu Ning passed by, they came out one after another, as if they saw something surprising.

Gu Ning walked to the old castle and looked at the heavy and luxurious door in front of him. Before he knocked on the door, the door opened from the inside.

Then, he saw the owner of the old castle in Chinese clothes walking out of it with a steady pace.

Edward walked to Gu Ning and stood up.

A pair of blood-red pupils stared at Gu Ningtangli's face.

After a few seconds, his thin lips parted lightly, and his voice was low and cold.

"You are the wife the old thing found for me?"

Edward leaned closer and sniffed Gu Ning's scent.

As if he was bewitched, he slowly lowered his head and printed Gu Ning's red lips.

"It tastes good. I admit that you are my Edward Burren's little wife."

"My dear little wife, your taste really makes me want to stop."

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