After the candlelight dinner was over, Huailin wiped his eyes and sat side by side with Lu Xingzhao on the balcony.

The horizon was dyed with a hazy morning light, which made the horizon fluffy.

The atmosphere was quiet, and neither of them spoke.

Huailin rubbed his hands, and Lu Xingzhao took him into his arms, just as he had done countless times in the past. Although this action is very skilled, it seems that it suddenly has a different meaning today - it is not the supernatural person who takes care of the benefactor, or the elder brother who takes care of the minors, but the special tenderness of a man towards his beloved.

Huailin suddenly became shy, and the more he thought about it, the more shy he became.

At this time, Lu Xingzhao was looking forward to such a scene - the scene of watching the sunrise quietly with Huailin in his arms - it could continue indefinitely, and even his state of mind was no longer in the past, and he was about to return to the basics and reach the realm of Plato. At this

time, Huailin's heart was just the opposite, his brain hole had already begun to turn the river into the sea and the heavenly palace, and he spontaneously transformed himself and the courier into a two-dimensional image

. —My God, my courier is so filthy and beastly!

After a while, Huailin finally couldn't help burying his face in Lu Xingzhao's arms, and laughed sullenly "Hehehe".

Lu Xingzhao: "???"

Forget it, anyway, don't guess the mind of the chief... Isn't there less time when the second monk is confused?

Thinking this way, Lu Xingzhao perfectly accepted the setting of the head of his family. He smiled and put his hand on his shoulder and said, "What's the matter, do you want to go back?"

"No..." Huailin muttered, "Brother Tell me about your past. All I know is that you were picked up by your father and arranged for him to go to the military academy. Why didn't you join the army later?"

Lu Xingzhao pondered for a moment and said, "My father was in my tenth place. When I was six or seven years old, I went to the Far East to perform a mission and then sacrificed."

Huailin said with an "ah", "I'm sorry, I thought—"

"It's nothing." Lu Xingzhao stroked his dull fur carefully, sighed contentedly, and continued, "There is a good or bad situation, and my brother has long thought about it. After my father died, I followed him in the military academy. People clashed..."

"They bullied you without anyone covering you?" Huailin stretched out his hand to hug his waist and asked cautiously, "What happened later?"

Lu Xingzhao said, "I was a thorn at that time, who would dare If you provoke me, beat them up. The conflict happened because someone outside the school spread rumors about my father-that the soldiers of Huaguo were in the third world countries to carry out colonial aggression, build railways, build factories, exploit labor, and loot Coal, iron and oil resources; said that my father was killed because of the revolutionary army in the Far East, and that he was an aggressor so he deserved it..." Huailin was dumbfounded

, and murmured: "It's not that all countries in the Far East are Are they friendly and pro-flowers? That's how they view our financial aid?"

"There are still traitors among Chinese people, and it is normal for foreigners to have different opinions." Lu Xingzhao sighed, "Unfortunately, I don't know how to speak. If you refute others, if you're in a hurry, take them out and beat them up..."

Huailin thought of Lu Xingzhao's classic lines: I'm unreasonable, I'm not civilized, so I said I would do it.

Emotions are a sign that exists in the military academy.

Lu Xingzhao said again: "Afterwards, I beat people to the point where my face bloomed. I went to the hospital and found that my nose was crooked. I asked for compensation, and I was afraid that people would say that I was bullying the orphans of martyrs..."

"Then what?"

"Then I was dismissed from the school . Now, they won't let me lose money, I was seventeen years old that year." Lu Xingzhao said lightly, "I thought about it all night, and I thought about so many things that I could write a long essay, and finally I found out what my father said when he was alive. It summed it up all: No matter how rude grand monkeys are, they must obey the Buddha's head rules in the end. So I packed up, studied and trained by myself, and put away my slogan of 'man must conquer the sky', and opened my eyes to see clearly What does this world look like?"

That was the end of Lu Xingzhao's "Second Session".

"No matter how inferior Sun Wukong is, he must obey the rules of the Buddha's head in the end..." Huailin repeated it and sighed, "Five hundred years down the mountain of Wuzhi... Either the freedom of the body is imprisoned, or the freedom of the soul is handed over to me. Break it off."

"Freedom is not what you want to do, but what you don't do if you don't want to." Lu Xingzhao smiled, "I was wrong at that time, it's not good to do it first."

Huai Lin hummed Hum said: "If I were there, I would run on them first, send Little Sugar Cane up, and make them poisonous to the point of death... It would be better if I did something to Little Sugar Cane, let the boss go first, and then Inuyasha, Yan Feiguang will definitely file a lawsuit and sentence them to ten or eight years." The more he said, the

more exaggerated, Lu Xingzhao was amused by Huailin and reached out to touch his messy hair.

Huailin's hair is already a little long, and the ends of it always pierce into the fair neck.

Lu Xingzhao asked, "When did you get your hair done?"

"It was last month. I don't know how to do it myself, so Wan Mengyan came as a hairdresser, and the craftsmanship should be good." Huailin said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, It's not important to look good, but the hairstyle is not important!"

Lu Xingzhao was silent for a while, then suddenly said, "Let me do a haircut for you? My brother's craftsmanship is good, I have cut my own hair since I was a child."

The subtext of this sentence: Don't ask Yan Feiguang for haircuts in the future. ! ! !

Huailin didn't expect it at first, but when Lu Xingzhao was already busy working on his head, he suddenly understood! Suddenly he burst out laughing.

Lu Xingzhao almost shaved Huailin into the Mediterranean Sea with a trembling, but said helplessly, "Mr. Chief, can you open your mind slowly?

" It was a joke, but Lu Xingzhao pretended not to understand, coughed, and continued to work on his hands.

Huailin half-squinted his eyes, feeling a little drunk.

It seems that getting a haircut has become something to look forward to, every little thing can be great, and I want to look forward to every next second.

"Huai Lin, your... before you said 'rebirth', what happened?" Lu Xingzhao suddenly asked.

Huailin opened his eyes and said hesitantly, "Actually, I don't know whether it's a rebirth or a prophecy. It's been a long time, and things at that time are so blurry, it seems that I made a prediction on the first day. Dreams can also be?"

"Zhuang Sheng dreams of butterflies, and butterflies dream of Zhuang Sheng." Lu Xingzhao laughed.

"In fact, I have already told you most of the things that happened before the rebirth. It was probably because I spent a long time in the s base, and when I came out, I ran into you again, and you ran around the world with you." Huailin said, " I know you want to ask me why I came out of the S base, but it was not what I wanted, it was the experiment done by my adoptive father Bai Ruan that was exposed."

Lu Xingzhao's expression became more serious, and he asked, "It's his treatment of zombies. Experiments on people with supernatural powers, or on power users?"

"Both. Bai Ru'an... experiments with the apocalypse virus with living people. I heard that they even offered a reward to hunt power users to obtain crystals, and they also implanted crystals into the body of their confidants. Forcibly cultivate new abilities to do things for yourself." Huailin said slowly, "Although it's all rumors, I don't know the truth of the matter. But as we all heard a few days ago, Bai Ruan has now had a relationship with the Judgment Sect. Also, I have seen it with my own eyes, Bai Ruan lied to the boss of the base, saying that Noah's Ark was built by the gathering powers, but in fact he was not building it at all... It was just an empty shell."

In fact, there is one more crime. , is a fake public benefit, and arranged the best accommodation environment and material ration for the adopted son (Huai Lin). But Huailin had mixed feelings in his heart and did not say anything.

Lu Xingzhao asked: "So he at least did something for personal gain?"

"...It's hard to say."

"No one cares?" Lu Xingzhao said again, "After all, he is not the highest authority in that base. After being exposed, you guys Isn't the situation very difficult?"

"This is the end of the world, brother. Don't look at how peaceful our base is. In fact, we are a paradise here. If there is no Dragon King to store water and raise fish for us, so many people will be exhausted to eat and drink, so I say We can no longer accept other survivors." Huailin smiled, "You have never survived in other bases. It's too late for everyone to go out and earn survival resources. People starve to death every day, where does the energy come from? Other people's affairs? Bai Ru'an was pushed out by them because he offended the power user."

"What happened to you later?"

"We parted ways in the snow, and Bai Ru'an was hunted down by the power user for revenge... Before leaving, he asked me to wait for him in the wooden house. Wait, wait, I waited for you before I died of cold."

After Huailin finished speaking, the two were silent for a while.

Lu Xingzhao put down the scissors, gently brushed away the broken hair that fell on Huailin's shoulders, and gently wrapped him around him.

"How's the cut? Let me see it in a mirror anyway!" Huai Lin smiled and pulled Lu Xingzhao's shoulder, moving around in his arms.

Suddenly, Lu Xingzhao's kiss carefully fell on his brow.

Huailin was slightly startled, and felt that he was gently pecked and kissed. From the center of his eyebrows, to the tip of his nose, to the corners of his lips, a burning sensation lingered repeatedly.

Huailin seemed to understand Lu Xingzhao's mood, but he seemed to be still ignorant, and said, "I'm fine, brother. This is the end of the world, and anyone can die, I've always known that. The person who gave me food and drink might be a wicked person, because of me There may also be many good people who died... I once saw a father die trying to find a piece of chocolate for his daughter, just a piece of chocolate."

Moreover, the piece of chocolate was handmade by Huailin.

Huailin had no parents since he was a child. This incident gave him a great shock, and he developed the habit of always carrying two chocolates on his body.

Whenever something happened, Huailin would distribute the chocolate to others. Everyone in Base No. 12 has received a dozen or so pieces one after another, and they all say that Huailin is greedy and loves sweets.

This piece of chocolate actually represents Huailin's unknown wish: Please don't die needlessly, making me so sad.

"I may not understand the end of the world like you do, Huailin, I have always been by your side, and you took away my chance to experience the end of the world." Lu Xingzhao said gently, "My end of the world is too small, only one twelve Base No. 1, there are about ten people, a big fish, a dog, and two little mice. If I have any impression of the end times, it is: things that used to be ordinary in the past have suddenly become precious and worthy of being sworn to guard. " It's

not that human life has become worthless, it's just that some things have become more precious, so precious that many people are willing to risk their lives for it.

After Lu Xingzhao finished speaking, he carefully kissed Huailin again.

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