☆、Chapter 5

  "Day 1", 2:00 pm.

  Huailin sat in the car with in-ear headphones and listened to the radio station on his mobile phone quietly. I keep a map of the world at hand, and occasionally draw a circle on it.

  Lu Xingzhao hasn't come back yet, Huailin can imagine what kind of situation he has encountered before.

  This is a world-class catastrophe, and the city of S is a microcosm of what is happening everywhere on the planet. At this time, the character of the individual and the ability of the government are the most tested, and the government and army of Hua Guo are unexpectedly one of the most efficient in the world.

  When other countries are in the midst of riots and panic, when people wantonly loot and kill, the army collapses, and officials are overwhelmed, maintaining basic order at the national level has become a remarkable thing.

  No matter what the Chinese people think in peacetime, at least in this disaster, the people of Huaguo trust the army, officials with conscience have done a lot, and efficient government work has temporarily stabilized the situation.

  No matter how long this order can be maintained for the time being, at least for now, martial law, road control, material rationing and military-police linkage are still going on steadily.

  There was some commotion in the vehicle in front of Huailin. It seemed that someone had been bitten by a zombie and was now dying.

  A uniformed police officer came to ask about the situation, and the car owner was very excited to plead for medicine, a doctor, or let them cross the bridge first and go to the safety of the martial law area.

  The police officer shook his head helplessly. They couldn't make sure that the person bitten by a zombie would also turn into a zombie. The rigid rule is that everyone needs a physical examination and is completely uninjured to cross the bridge, let alone a bitten one. people.

  In the end, they could only distribute some supplies, and then they left reluctantly. There were too many things to do.

  The sky was getting dark, and the surrounding traffic lights were red and green. Huailin looked at this scene and hesitated for a moment.

  The owner of the car held the dying person in his arms, and persisted in saving and begging.

  Huailin thought: Zombies in this period will not infect people, but they will not survive if they are injured too badly. There is no need to be too sad for a dead person...

  As someone who has lived in the last days for many years, Huailin thought so.

  Because the further back in the end of the world, there are fewer and fewer fools who can work hard for others. He hasn't seen such a scene for too long.

  After a while, the lights of the surrounding cars were turned on, and Huailin saw someone walking over and knocking on the front door.

  The owner lowered the window, the man put a box of medicine in the car, turned around and ran away without a word.

  The owner of the car called him gratefully, opened the door and chased out, but couldn't catch up.

  Taking advantage of this time, people who didn't know each other walked up and put a bottle of water, a packet of biscuits, and two rolls of bandages in the car, all small things.

  When the owner returned, the crowd dispersed as if nothing had happened.

  The owner of the car was stunned when he saw the inside of the car. After a long time, he held the door and slowly squatted on the ground. The 1.8-meter man burst into tears.

  Huailin was a little ecstatic, thinking: Was it like this at the beginning of the end of the world? I don't even remember...

  He sighed, and when he regained his senses, he noticed that the edge of the window was foggy.

  The sun had completely set at some point, and the night was high and dark, like a deep void that would suck everything from the ground. The temperature dropped suddenly, and many people got into the car to warm up.

  Lu Xingzhao finally came back from the front. When he opened the door and sat in, he was full of cold air and dampness. He took a breath and said, "The front is very strict, we need to check, and only the other team is allowed to go first. That team needs to show their ID cards, and only people and designated people can go, you..."

  Huailin knew that he was thinking about his identity, after all, the young masters who could live in that villa area were usually from extraordinary backgrounds.

  "I'm not going." Huailin said simply and neatly.

  Lu Xingzhao frowned: "Don't make trouble, this is not for fun. Huailin, it looks calm outside now, but I don't know when—

  " , the zombies will break through the cordon sooner or later, I know it." Huailin whispered.

  Lu Xingzhao failed to frighten Huailin, but was almost taken aback by his speculation. After organizing the language for a long time, he said, "Now that you know, you should go over obediently."

  "But I want to go with you." Huailin A little shy, he expressed his opinion more quietly.

  Lu Xingzhao choked for a while, thinking about Huailin's thoughts in his heart: probably because the child is ignorant, seeing that I can shoot, he regards me as a hero of salvation.

  At this time, the convoy slowly moved forward. Lu Xingzhao started the car and educated Huailin earnestly: "Don't think that the two of us are still safe now, in fact, I can't guarantee that I can always protect you. Personal strength is too much after all. It is limited, and entering the military area is the safest option."   "

  Then why don't you go?" Huai Lin asked, "If you go, I'll go too."

Difficult to move, he said with a bit of tears and laughter: "I have other things to do."

  "I can help!" Huailin declared confidently.

  "..." Lu Xingzhao thought about not attacking the self-confidence of young people, and continued on a different topic, "And safety alone is not enough, there are also issues of food, water, medical care, etc., only large troops can Keep the production base, only a large production base can allow you to survive well."

  While trying to reason with reason here, Huailin suddenly came to a sense, and said abruptly: "Life is sincere and precious, love is even more valuable, if it is freedom Therefore, both can be thrown away! Brother, I have to have the right to choose freely, are you going to deprive me of my basic rights?"

  Lu Xingzhao: "..."

  Lu Xingzhao was stunned.

  You talk to Huailin, he talks to you about humanitarianism!

  Lu Xingzhao tugged at the collar and organized the language: "You...you have this freedom, yes."

  He thought hard for a while, and suddenly thought of a way to Huailin's tender face: " Huailin, are you under eighteen this year?"

  Huailin said obediently, "I'm seventeen."

  "That's right, now you are not eligible to lose the right to life, you need your guardian's consent." Lu Xingzhao said firmly. .

  Alright, to deal with Huailin's humanitarianism, Lu Xingzhao used the law!

  Now it was Huailin's turn to be speechless, and after thinking dryly for a long time, he flipped the phone over and over again.

  His legal guardian is the adoptive father, and now he is estimated to have been well protected. There were a lot of soothing text messages. He also told Huailin: You can wait for someone to rescue him at home, or you can go out and find shelter yourself, Huailin It is indeed on the list of priority protection and search.

  But Huailin didn't want Lu Xingzhao to know about this, the adoptive father had not seen each other for eight hundred years, and it was important to have the "express delivery" just signed!

  This time, he has made up his mind to "elope" with Lu Xingzhao.

  The law should take care of the reality, Huailin thought.

  He said calmly, "But brother, you can't prove that I am me."

  Lu Xingzhao was at a loss for a moment, and then he heard Huai Lin's righteous announcement: "I don't have an ID card."

  Without an ID card, there is no way to prove that he is from his own country . Citizens, people on the list, will be banned from crossing the bridge first, let alone being held in the military area.

  Lu Xingzhao wanted to say something else, but Huailin had already added a long list: "I don't have a student ID card, social security card, medical insurance card, household registration booklet, driver's license, passport..."   Lu

  Xingzhao: "..."

No way, he closed his mouth resignedly.

  You cannot cross the bridge without an identity.

  Since you can't follow the bridge, you don't need to continue to line up this team. For safety's sake, Lu Xingzhao took the car and drove slowly along the road along the river, heading towards the less populated suburbs.

  When you don't know where to go, it's wise to stay away from the center of a densely populated, zombie outbreak.

  With the long convoy behind him, Huailin knew that he had won the battle. He smiled happily, took out two pieces of candy from his pocket and handed it to Lu Xingzhao, as a generous condolence to the defeated party. .

  Lu Xingzhao was really defeated. He took the candy and stuffed it into his pocket, thinking in his heart: There is no way out of the sky, there is always a way to keep Huailin in a safe place... I can't take him with me forever. . Besides, the young man's temperament has also become fast, maybe tomorrow he doesn't want to follow me again.

  Thinking like this, Lu Xingzhao glanced at the clock on the car.

  Beijing time, 16:35 pm.

  Lu Xingzhao frowned, his heart a little heavy. It was probably his illusion, and he always felt that the sunset came a little too early today - it should be just an illusion, the sunset is also possible at this time of winter.

  The temperature gauge showed that the temperature inside the car was in the single digits. Lu Xingzhao silently turned on the heater, and suddenly saw the untouched canned yellow peach on the heater cover.

  "Don't you like eating yellow peaches?" Lu Xingzhao asked casually.

  It's okay if he didn't ask. When he asked, Huailin immediately remembered and puffed out his cheeks in anger: "The mouth of this can is so small that it can't be eaten without a spoon..."

  Lu Xingzhao did not expect such a reason. Huailin completely lost the momentum he had just argued, and he could fully imagine the helplessness he looked at for so long but couldn't eat.

  Lu Xingzhao: "...Pfft."

  He couldn't help laughing, in exchange for Huailin's resentful eyes.

  Lu Xingzhao had no choice but to put away the canned yellow peaches first.

  While driving the car, he caught a glimpse of Huai Lin studying the world map spread out on his lap, and asked a question.

  Huailin pointed to the phone and said, "I'm listening to the radio in the car, watching the Internet, and when I hear a large-scale outbreak of zombies, I draw a yellow circle—in the future, it will be expanded a little bit every day as appropriate to predict the size of the large-scale corpse group. There are red circles in places where people are rioting. S city is still relatively orderly, and Z city in the south seems to have started civil unrest..."

  Huailin's temperament and wisdom were once again beyond Lu Xingzhao's. Unexpected.

  When everyone else was confined to a little water and a square inch of space, Huailin's eyes were already on the overall situation, and it could be said that he was far-sighted.

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