Huang Mao dug into the box for a long time, and saw several barrels of explosives at the bottom. After thinking about it, he didn't dare to take it with his bare hands. He also saw something in the shape of a gun handle. He picked it up and tried it, and pulled the trigger.

With a swipe, a laser shot out from the muzzle-like place, forming the appearance of a lightsaber.

Huang Mao: "..." It's actually really high-tech! ! Just leave it in the house and wait for me to search, these people are really stupid and sweet! ! !

He waved the laser sword from side to side, put it away immediately, and tucked it into his trouser pocket.

Huang Mao didn't know that his every move was being watched, and after touching a gun, he began to sneak up on the dormitory again.

Everyone in the command room looked at the scene on the big screen, Dan Zhe said: "It looks good."

Huai Lin said with relief: "Yes, since you learned the blueprint of the laser sword, the weapon you constructed is finally It's not just the saber."

Everyone nodded, and the silent cook also boasted, "I don't have to worry about washing knives when chopping meat in the future." "

Yes, yes, it's really convenient."

Kuang, but heaved a long sigh and said, "I seem to be able to open a military factory. If such armaments were already available, our army..."

Huailin said: "Having drawings is one thing, but popularizing it is another. It's a matter. The blueprint for the laser sword has been available for more than ten years, but technically it has not been possible to achieve mass production."

Boss Gao said with a shy face: "Oh, we have talents with high IQ here! Little Sugar Cane will do more research, and at most add an almighty Yan, maybe in the future, I can mass-produce real laser swords."

"Where do you get so many demands from freelancers?" Dan Zhe blocked his mouth coldly.

While talking, Huang Mao was about to walk back to the dormitory.

Lu Xingzhao then asked, "Huailin, what's your plan? If you don't care about this guy, he will start making troubles in the Heavenly Palace." Huailin

smiled and said, "How do you know that I have a plan?"

Lu Xingzhao joked, "Fox Tail It's all exposed, if there's no plot, why would you ask me to get a laser sword out to play with him?"

Huailin cleared his throat mysteriously, and said in a low voice, "Actually, I mean, this guy is s. The base came out to find me on a mission, and Bai Ruan actually already knew that I lived here, but he didn't seem to know the more specific situation, otherwise he wouldn't have sent an ordinary person..."

"Yes, ordinary people also want to It's too beautiful to think of grabbing a male god from us!" Yan Feiguang echoed, "I have an ability person..."

Lu Xingzhao stared at him silently, Yan Feiguang quickly changed his words: "Our boss Lu is such a powerful ability person, how come Maybe someone else robbed the man you got!"

"..." Huai Lin coughed, "Your expression is still not very accurate, but we can understand the general meaning."

Lu Xingzhao nodded approvingly to Yan Feiguang.

Huailin hurried back to the topic and said, "No, straight to the point! I just wanted to fake death in front of this bird's nest head! Let him bring the news that 'Huailin is dead, don't look for it any more' back to the base. So that Bai Ruan can completely stop looking for me."

"Huh?" Dan Zhe thought for a while and said, "This is quite an interesting idea."

Lu Xingzhao said: "How exactly do you fake death?"

"I wanted him to hold that Bomb, when the critical moment comes, you directly let the explosives explode, how logical..." Huailin said, "I didn't expect this guy to be so self-aware that he didn't touch those explosives. But it's the same, he took the laser sword, I also have a way to fry it."

Several people were at a loss, only Yan Feiguang understood immediately: "Do you need water?"

"Yes, let Xiaobailong pretend to pass by, and then spray water on the laser sword to ensure that it will blow up duangduang. The visual effect is quite outstanding. I feel that the people inside are going to die."

Dan Zhe also understood, and followed up. Said: "Actually, the laser sword is fake. Let your brother Lu Xingzhao give you some special effects, right?" Huailin

smiled: "That's right!"

Lu Xingzhao asked, "Is this method...safe?" Huailin said

: "It's all under your control, brother. I don't think there is a safer way."

Lu Xingzhao was actually worried that something might go wrong. Be careful, there will be mistakes; in fact, even if it is 99.9% safe, as long as there is a little girl lying in the middle, Lu Xingzhao will also suffer from "Huailin's persecution paranoia".

However, Huailin believed in his ability wholeheartedly, and said, "Brother, you believe in me, and I believe in your ability. So you listen to me, let's combine our swords, and you are the omnipotent Lu Xingzhao!"

Lu Xingzhao reluctantly Reaching out his hand, he gently rubbed Huailin's dull fur.

Huailin squinted his eyes in comfort and smiled happily.

Before the implementation of the plan, they also experimented with a small model, so that Lu Xingzhao generally "understands" how this explosion occurred.

Huailin added: "It's mainly the moment when the liquid evaporates. The heat and pressure are very scary. Brother, you only need to look like it exploded when the time comes. Just leave the middle empty. Let's lie in the middle and watch the fireworks!"

Lu Xingzhao said seriously He nodded, and while making a small laser sword, he threw it into the water.

Throw it once, bang it, throw it once, bang it, it's quite a happy explosion.

Yan Feiguang next to him also said: "Then should we watch the crowd as extra actors? At that time, we will rush up to cry and grab the ground and say lines such as 'Male God, you are so young, how can you say it's gone' and so on-"

Dan Zhe said coldly: "Your acting skills are so poor, you still want to squeeze into the crew, are you rushing to get the golden sour plum?"

Yan Feiguang lowered his head aggrievedly.

Huailin smiled and said, "You are in charge of communicating with Lord Long, the great behind-the-scenes worker. Then you can just hide and watch the fireworks, darling." The behind-the

-scenes work is in full swing, and the main actor Huang Mao has already Wandered to the gate of the base.

With the murder weapon in his pocket, he was not so anxious. He was thinking about finding a chance to catch the "silly white sweet" Huailin. It's best to use the deceiver first. ...

While fantasizing about taking Huailin back to the s base to collect the bounty, he saw Huailin staggering around the corner and walking out in a bear pajamas.

"..." Huang Mao was overjoyed, and walked over in three or two steps, "Aiya, Huailin, why haven't you slept yet?" Huailin

thought to himself: What are you talking about, everyone's time is precious, and the cost of the performance is a few dollars a minute! Can't we get straight to the point...

Huailin yawned and said, "Dan Zhe said that the solar energy outside seems to have broken somewhere, so I'll call someone to accompany me to go out to see..."

Huang Mao: "... "If you doze off, you have a pillow! Isn't this a little too smooth? Before he could

have any doubts, Huailin yawned again and said lazily, "I'll call my brother now. You should go to bed earlier, Huang Mao."

Huang Mao hurriedly said, "I'll go, I'll go with you, Huailin!"

So it was decided first.

Huang Mao thought to himself: Silly Baitian has taken the bait.

Huailin also thought to himself, "Oh...you foolishly took the bait.

Neither white nor sweet, just stupid...

The two had ulterior motives, and when they left the base, they met the big black-backed "Inuyasha" who was guarding the door.

Huang Mao could not wait for one more fighting force on his side, so he let Inuyasha follow him.

Huailin also liked this spirited big dog very much, thinking to himself: If my brother stays by my side, he will definitely be more powerful than you...

He was rather absent-minded, and walked for a while with his yellow fur, casually turning his back to him. He crouched down to check the solar panel, and as expected, he was held hostage by Huang Mao with that laser sword.

Huang Mao held the hilt of the sword against Huai Lin's back and said, "Don't, don't move! Although I don't know why you came out with me on purpose, but now that you are in my hands, don't stop..."

Huailin continued . Said: "Don't make a fool?"

"Yes, think of a fool!" Huang Mao stuttered a little when he was nervous, and finally calmed down, "Take off my coat for me and take out my trouser pockets! Shoes! Also take it off, take off the scarf, don't talk, don't drop... What's the point of falling a cup, you'll die if I move my finger!"

He observed this place early in the morning, and slowly held Huailin hostage. He stepped back in front of the parked car, pushed him into the driver's seat, and pressed his sword against Huai Lin: "You will drive later!"

Huai Lin looked back innocently: "I can't drive."

Huang Mao: "... "..."

Huailin said aggrieved: "I'm not an adult yet, so I'm not allowed to take a driver's license test. So I didn't learn how to drive, are you serious?"

"Yan... Seriously!" Huang Mao said angrily, "I This is kidnapping,

don't be grinning!" Huang Mao had no choice but to hold Huailin on foot, took out his communicator to call his companions, and tied his arms when he waited for someone to come. Lin went directly back to the s base.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in Base 12, and someone came out with a flashlight and shouted, "Huailin, are you there? Where have you been—"

When someone came looking for it, Huang Mao was very nervous and pushed Huailin: "Go, go out! If you dare to answer them, or leave a thread or something to lure them over, I will..."

Huailin: "You will beat me?"

"Yes, I will beat you!" Huang Mao swallowed.

Huailin shrugged, no longer irritating the poor kidnapper, and led him to the side of the small reservoir, intentionally or unintentionally. Because there is no water in it, there is only a big pit left, and it looks like it has been abandoned for a long time.

Huang Mao breathed a sigh of relief and waited for his companion to pick him up.

Huailin looked left and right, and saw faint white scales reflecting light under the reservoir. He thought, "Okay, the timing fountain is ready, just waiting for our actors to act accordingly...

Just thinking of this, they suddenly heard a sound. A long howl.

The voice was hoarse like a broken bellows, and it whimpered even against the wind.

Huang Mao and Huailin's expressions changed. Huailin knew a little more and thought, "Why does this look like a mutant zombie... Now it's really up to the actors to act accordingly!"

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