Chapter 17 - Book of Someone Whose Lost

Book of Someone Whose Lost

"Sorry, we are not going out today." Olasyar came out from nowhere and made both the ladies to jump at their place. They were picking out clothes to wear for the wedding, well at least Abeera was, Zareen was just looking around like a misfit decor. Olasyar glanced between them as he placed his hand inside his jeans pocket with his eyebrows raised at them.

They weren't stealing nor was he a cop, then why they have to be shocked, he thought.

"Lala, two things. First, stop coming in without knocking in a woman's room and second why not?" Abeera sneered as she throws the dress she had in her hand, on the bed. Zareen, on the other hand, was appeared clueless because she was not really interested in all of this. Her mind was running on her work. She was thinking about how she will change the outlook of the floor that was Olasyar's without his preference. She was not sure, will Olasyar want her asking about his likes or dislikes or wants someone else to do it for him. Basically, in a smaller version, she was distracted.

"First thing, I never knock on your door but from next time I will be more careful..." He said the last part as he saw Zareen. Abeera was right, what if things were different. He knew Abeera always locks her door if she was doing something personal but when there was someone else, he should be more appropriate.

"And second because the weddings are shifted at the end of this week, meaning four days from now." Olasyar glanced back at Abeera and she was glaring. She was glaring because the weddings were supposed to happen after sunset and now they cannot even go anywhere because it's late.

"Yara, sorry na! I promise that I will take you guys out since I am here for some days." Olasyar offered as he moved forward, towards Abeera which made Abeera to switch and grin. Olasyar patted her head as he smiled and seeing this Zareen's lips curved thinking he is such a nice brother. Although she was still confused that, she came here for work but now, this work was turning into something more despite she would not mind to check out this place. She loved traveling but still it had to be work.

"Promise?" Abeera said as she passed her hand forward.

"Promise," Olasyar replied taking her hand and slapping it in a code shake with her.

"And I am using your credit card." She tightens her grip on his hand as she does when she adds thing with Qasim, who usually calls her a cheater for adding terms but Olasyar was different. He approved on spending money on family. It was a charity for him, Islam says that and it made him happy. He did not have anyone else to spend it on anyways.

"Sure." He looked between them, both Zareen and Abeera as he was contemplating what to say next but he went against it.

"I should be going. You all carry on." Giving a firm nod, he went to the door when he heard her. Her voice was soft yet nervous.

Did she actually call me by my name? Olasyar thought.

"Olasyar, did you listen?" She said it again but in the same whisper like a voice that made him look sideways without fully turning around because his heart did a different kind of humdrum.

"Yes?" He replied as he slipped his hands into his jeans again while he waited for her to continue when a small smirk appeared on his face.

Was not she a good learner? One day and she already getting casual, good, He thought but at the same time, he was not planning to make her realize that he was observing her with every detail or else she would back off and put her walls up again.

"I was saying... well, if we are not going anywhere and you have time. Can you help me with your floor?" She asked not knowing her exact words.

She had this problem, she does not trust people. Does not matter how much they were nice to her. It's their random one act that makes her trust them. Olasyar was nice and all but the only reason that she was being civil to him was that somewhere down in her heart she felt guilty that she arbitrated him against the fact she had no idea who and what kind of person he was.

"I have some time that I can give you but I am only free right now." Oh, he can be free for her all the time, if he wants to gain her trust but he cannot let her know that or she will think that he was some manic.

"So, are you ready? Zareen?" Olasyar acted as if he was really not interested in the fact that he was going to spend his time on someone like her as if he was doing her a favor, which made Zareen feel dejected.

She was not someone who becomes a burden on people that is why since she was a kid she never asked anyone for a proper help, it was only her dad or Ayan, later Pamir and Ezzah but they were her family and Olasyar was, well no one.

"It's okay. I think you are busy. I will ask you later." Zareen apologized and was about to move out as she passed an uncomfortable smile to both the cousin-siblings.

"Zareen, wait! I am just thinking about some stuff and it can wait. I am pretty sure I can help you. Come on." Olaysar said it in a soft way that made Abeera raise an eyebrow.

That was a first, she thought.

Zareen was still unsure but she needs to ask for his preference before she starts her work and sends orders for every material.

"Okay. I will see you around Abeera and thank you for a good day." Zareen smiled politely as she moved out of the room leaving behind Olasyar who watched her retreating back. As soon as the door was closed and there wasn't any voice from outside, Abeera moved in front of Olasyar with a look that said, what-are-you-up-to?

"What?" Olasyar acted unmindful to her looks despite he knew what exactly she meant.

"Lala! What is going on in that big head of yours?" Abeera folded her hands over her chest as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Kulfi, do your work and there is nothing that should concern you," Olasyar said in a serious tone that actually made Abeera buy his lie.

"Badam Khan, stop saying that. I am not a kulfi!" Abeera complained like a kid as she punched Olasyar's arm only to repeat a string of ouches in the process.

He had a strong built that his clothes end up being fitted from almost every place just like the black full selves top he was wearing right now. Olasyar had days when his anger and frustration was beyond his control so he would take it out on other things and that is how he went into an excessive workout. His lean body had this solid mass over it after so much anger release that when he came back from London most of his relative did not recognize him.

"Don't say it like that, in an accent, it reminds me what Zareen called me first." He chuckled as remembered what she called him in the morning. Abeera smiled in amusement and gestured with her hand to tell her.

"She said, Almond Khan." Abeera giggled on the lameness of this term that how can someone say that but she also found Zareen innocent as she was not like other girls who kept on this fake exterior so that people like them or maybe they considered themselves above each other. It was the pathetic rule of the society to make simple people look lower and wannabes to look better.

"I will teach her that it's Badam Khan, not Bay-dam. Do not worry." Olasyar chuckled at Abeera's promising gesture. Shaking his head at her he moved out and found Zareen talking to Darman in the hallway.

The way Darman was laughing on something that she had said made Olasyar's heart to construct. He could not understand what he felt but he was sure that it was not nice. Darman was her friend and he had to give her benefit of a doubt but it was harder for him than it was said.

"I hate you. You are so mean. That was you was not it? I was right but man you can lie Darman." It felt like they were repeating a scene from their past but for Olasyar it was as if he someone was taking his side of the candy bar and he likes his candy bars. This explanation was funny but Olasyar could not possibly consider Zareen as an object of passion because she was not yet she was not his, to begin with.

"Oh please, you were too busy drooling over Valentino to find that out." Darman mocked back.

Now, who was Valentino? Olasyar's mind just went from zero to hundred in a second.

Did she have a crush or something? Olasyar assumed.

"Whose Valentino?" Olasyar asked in a tone that was able to scare Zareen in seconds and Olasyar did see the change in her posture as to how it went from relaxed to stiff.

Good, that is what you get for ignoring my presence right beside you, Olasyar angrily thought.

Fu** who was this bloody Valentino? Olasyar cursed this Valentino dude in his head.

"A brand," Darman answered confused as to what went wrong with Olasyar but then again when was Olasyar ever normal for him? Darman rolled his eyes at that thought.

"Sorry, a what?" Olasyar body loosen up as he heard that.

"A clothing brand. We were talking about the time we all went to this fashion show in black but..." Zareen was telling him everything like a good puppy as her eyes kept on moving with Olasyar's that were locked with hers but Darman got himself into the conversation as well.

"And I pranked her saying that we got busted." Darman had this gritty look over his face which was hidden from Zareen as he was standing behind her but Olasyar saw it yet what triggered the heat in the environment was the way Darman smirked for some odd reason and Olasyar's face went rigid as he fisted his hand in anger.

"Zareen, if you want can we continue our work, now?" Went all the chilled out attitude of Olasyar through the window. At first, Zareen was thinking to back off and not go with him but she also knew that if this keeps happening at this pace, her work would never be finished on time.

"Yes, absolutely. Darman, I will talk to you later." After complying with Olasyar she turned around to look over at Darman and with wide eyes asked him what was going on but Darman amusedly smiled and shook his head in negative. Olasyar did not miss that. He saw what happened. He was not blind and everything they did made him want to glare at them which he actually did in reality but to a point where he can set them on fire.

They were walking silently on the staircase that leads to Olasyar's floor. He was angry and disturbed. She was confused and scared. They were in a mess, Olasyar can feel it but for Zareen it was nothing of that sort. For her, she came here for work and her dad. To feel him again in his roots that he talked so highly about.

Olasyar held no importance for her but there was something inside of her that made her too curious as to why he had such strong reactions? Why was not he like Darman or Qasim? He was not mysterious or dark yet he was not sunshine and rainbows. He was just Olasyar. A guy who seemed zilch yet was worth something but she did not know it right now. Yet she was about to find out as the days will pass.

Olasyar was dealing with his affection issues. He never felt attracted to anyone and when he did, she might be taken by him to fight for. During this whole time, they kept on discussing things in a professional manner as Zareen asked him about the colors for walls and the furniture that he might approve from the drafts she had selected.

Although to a normal person, it felt like these two were having a normal conversation yet they did not. He was resistant as he was still roaming around the ideas of what should he do while Zareen was constantly asking him but what she only received was either an hmm or shake of a head for her to know that it was a no. It was very annoying and the disinterest that Olasyar was showing, it was going on her nerves as how can someone be so... withdrawn that he even does not speak up for his own things.

"Olasyar, I think you are distracted. It's better we do it when you have your undivided attention over this. I am sorry I took your precious time." Zareen words were not just professional but mocking. It was very clear that she was pissed all right but Olasyar was Olasyar too. So, how could he let her have an upper hand? Olasyar does not miss opportunities when he sees one and that was one of the reasons he wins the most cases in the entire country and that is why he was the best out there in his work.

"I am confused between the bookshelf subdivisions." This made Zareen stop as she was collecting her papers and designs. She looked up at him as if she did not understand what he said.

"Huh?" that was the only thing that came out of her mouth. Was he really paying attention all of this time, on the things that she was saying? Her mind anticipated.

"The bookshelves you are talking about, all of them have the same problem. They all might mix my collections." When Olasyar said that she was not embarrassed that he felt unsatisfied with her designs rather she was actually happy that he showed interest but she felt guilty one more time for judging him again.

Zareen you are a nincompoop, Zareen scolded herself.

"I am sorry so what do you propose?" She quickly asked.

"You know what, come with me." Saying this Olasyar moved to the lounge where his book section was with Zareen following him. During this process, she saw the same place where they had their first encounter of the day here.

A wave of a shiver running down her spine made her relive that exact moment. It was a scary flash, the gun on her head. She was a peaceful person. Things like gun and blood, they caused her to react in a more traumatized way despite she never showed it to anyone.

She hates guns and she hates violence, period.

"Do you see this? I have tons of books here. Some are in different languages and some are of different genre. Although most of them are biographies yet there are poetry and other literature too. This one wall is filled with books by authors. The ideas you have are good just not suitable for my liking. Do you understand where I am going with this?" When he was talking he never looked at her for once and that surprised her.

He was very mature and he knew what he was talking about. His thinking was solid and practical. He was not going for something modern or classic he was going for more calculative and reasoned partiality, plus he wasn't creeping her out.

"Sure I can do that but what about the color scheme and style?" Zareen asked as she was scripting everything on her phone.

"I really don't care about that. Whatever you feel suits with the walls and stuff we already discussed should be okay, just do not make it pink of any shade." Olasyar snickered as he picked up a vintage looking green book that had some Urdu words decorated over it in a slick manner in gold.

The way Olasyar was eyeing the book made her smile because his sharp face features actually showed adoration of some kind that even Abeera could not master up to gain.

"What is in the book?" She asked before she could stop herself. The way Olasyar's head snapped at her, she felt maybe she crossed her limits. She was about to apologize when Olasyar spoke turning his head back in the direction of his hand that held the book.

"It's my father's book, basically a collection of poetry by his favorite authors from Urdu and Pashto literature. He wrote them and then bind it in the form of a book. I found it after I went into his room when I was eighteen I guess. It's pretty good. My father had great taste." The way Olasyar was talking about the book and his father made Zareen realize that he was down to earth but was that the truth?

"Where is your father?" Zareen asked as she smiled at him but she never received an answer, which made her eyebrows to knit together.

"My parents are not alive." After a pause, Olasyar replied with an exhausted sigh. Zareen felt sorry for him, she understood how he must have felt. She lost a father too. They shared a common pain but he was a little higher than hers. He lost both of them.

"I am sorry. I did not know." Slowly Zareen continued with her words but she only saw Olasyar shake his head and look the other way, towards the single huge window in front of them. His eyes were a little glossy and there was pain in them, a lot of it.

"It's not your fault. We don't know each other that much." Olasyar said and looked at her with his lips in a thin line.

"So, what is your favorite poetry out of that book?" Zareen asked to change his mood and it did or at least it looked like it did. There was a small smile that appeared on his face when she asked him that.

"Actually there is not just one. I cherish them all but the one I remember now is from Faiz Ahmed Faiz,

It kept crying out, this orphan blood,

but there was no witness. No case was filed.

From the beginning, this blood was nourished only by dust.

Then it turned to ashes, left no trace, became food for dust."

As Olasyar concluded his words that was when a tear slipped down from Zareen's eye as all the happy moment she shared with her father just came before her.

It was painful yet it was real. She could not deny the fact that how Olasyar left those words out in the open, her own chest started to hurt. She was strong that is why she never cried over her father's funeral. She was the older child, she had to take care of everything but she forgot herself, she forgot to handle her own being.

Olasyar was too busy in the book as his own past memories were blinding his views. His body was leaning against the table by whose sturdiness Zareen was balancing herself.

They were the same set of a broken tea set but they found themselves now yet they were still away from each other while they were phases apart.

They had found one part but there were more. Were they really ready for each other or the storms were really coming before?

I agree With Prince Ali here but do you think Olasyar can hide for long from the fact that there are people outside his house, literally, for Zareen?

On the other hand we have her, the sweet girl who apparently does not hate Olaysar with the same intensity anymore but she still dislikes him a little.

What about him? Olasyar. How is he going out for you all?

Another fact about me after seeing this ad I wanted to turn a lot food into other foods.

Thank You for reading, commenting and voting and Wattpad sometimes still plays with my feelings, so do check your votes one more time.

Allah Hafiz.

P.S. the next chapter will be on 23rd of this month!
