Chapter 1 - His Turn

His Turn

Fears, people have a bad habit of fearing other people, especially if they feel as if they will rip your head off your body just by looking at you. Eyes of this one person, spoke nothing but edges of the mountain. Fear was his surrounding which his intimidating personality supported as a second skin.

His life was ordered into layers of secrets just like the organ in his chest. He was not anyone's angel nor was he waiting for someone to come and be something for him. He was just a person who rather not have them, the people. He actually wants them away from himself because he knew he can burn them all with his fate.

Olasyar can burn them.

"But Sir, you don't understand. If we try to use their background and their past that has no place for it to be in this case, we are not doing our job right then. These people have sentiments and we as humans need to understand that, we have emotions too." The young newly joined lawyer stated with disapproval.

"Here is the thing, I don't have emotions but that doesn't stop me from using others." The king of his law firm stated.

"But Sir..."

"Listen Zaheer. I know you came here to help people and we are doing exactly that. You believe that our client is innocent, right? So do I and to get them what they deserve I am willing to use any measures, be it their dead son." Mr. Khan gave his new employ a discreet look as if telling him to stop right now or he will be responsible for the outcome that he beholds in the end.

"Sir we are talking about a dead person and I think..." Zaheer never gets to finish what he started.

"Send Malik in." Mr. Khan picked up the phone and with a very strong voice commanded the person on the other side and in the next few minutes there was a bulky man running in his office like his arse was set on fire.

"Yes Mr. Khan, what can I do for you?" The bulky man laced his words purely with the greed of getting on to his list of favoritism but he didn't know who he was thinking of impressing.

"Get Him out of my office. I don't care if you put him in the department of copying for the next month but I don't want to see his sorry arse in my office ever again. If even I see him for the next few days near in my vision of sight, he will be my new head of human resource instead of you. Now get out." Mr. Khan gritted his teeth as he laid back on his seat with a challenging look on his face.

Both the men looked at each other not before looking at the guy who was threatening them to go against his will by his eyes. And the next thing you know, they both were outside from the sight for no return.

"You know Lala, you didn't have to do that. These young people take time to understand the way you use law." A guy leaning against his office door in dark blue suit mentioned with a smirk plastered on his face.

"And what do you prose that I wait for them to understand me when people out there need justice in a political system like ours. You need to shape the rules according to the situation if you want the outcomes to be in your favour because with a right purpose and puppy tracks, these Wadera will not let you survive a day in the real world." He went through his papers for the eighteenth time but he could not find any links behind the murderer and the victim, and if he didn't work fast he has to use other sources, which won't be the greatest of his actions but will be just able enough to win him this case and put that scum of a person behind bars.

"Lala, not all Wadera are same. That is why his brother is willing to help you." His brother again tries to set his mind the otherwise but the thing is, you can change a person's point of view but you cannot change his attributes. It was Mr. Khan's trait to hate the people who use power and riches to get their dirty deeds be done and don't even have to pay for the results or damages.

"Qasim, you know why is he helping us right? He is only doing this because if his brother goes to jail, he can inherit the rest of his clan's land and be the most influential Jageerdar of Sindh. He isn't a saint himself." He scoffed remembering that vermin walking in his office's corridors once. He was right, these kind of people misused their powers for themselves not for the people like they were supposed to.

"Well you can't blame him, Lala that is a lot of money." Qasim chuckled as he sat on one of the leather chairs opposite to the desk as Mr. Khan put the papers aside glaring at him.

"Why are you exactly here, Qasim? Did Baabaa Jaani stopped your monthly allowance again?" He smirked on his words remembering how his terbur' came to him the year before. Pleading for money which his grandfather ceased when he found out that he was planning to go for a short but very tempting yet harmless trip in Ireland with his Irish friends from Oxford.

"No." the once smirking face was now grimaced with the thought of his last but very painful encounter with those stupid pale lads. Who knew by tempting those idiots meant literally cold weather with hot booze, he even didn't do those and because of that, his Nika never looked at him the same way again.

"I was actually here to inform you about Angeza aemma. She wants to talk to you about your about to be mandina." Qasim laughs appreciating the look he was receiving from his cousin. In the history of his own lifespan, he would have never come across the thought of his calm and composed cousin to be as reckless as he was being since the matter began if he hadn't seen him by his own hazel orbs. The pride of his Baabaa Jaani, who never even went against a word that was uttered from the elders, will be devising a plan to ruin a family that was supposed to be his soon to be in-laws.

"Trust me she won't be that for long. Tell aemma I am coming there in few days we will talk about this matter then." He replied all coolly when in reality he was boiling far his boiling point. If he had not taken the sworn of his late oldest aemma to take the brat in, he would have probably killed Qasim by his bare hands for even uttering such a crap.

"Olasyar, Lala why be so serious. Just marry her and get on with it, you already said yes just do it without a fuss." Qasim finally gives in as Olasyar showed no sign of changing what he has decided upon.

"I am not mating with those gold-diggers. The only reason those extortionists want me to marry their daughter is that I am the next Emir in line. We both know that Gorgush is not a small tribe to start with and those Bakht think they can out smart us. I think they have used more than their luck could handle. This time they are against me, Olasyar Khan. They will get what is about to come to them. I'll make sure of it." He smirks proudly as he remembers the person he is about to meet in few minutes.

"I don't know Lala. I don't think it is a good idea to use that girl for your own sake. She already has rejected your proposal, it's the family that is forcing her to be your bride. Don't make her life miserable." The fine structured man made some sense but Olasyar might be religious and humble with his people, yet his position and status came with ego and arrogance.

"Did it ever occur to you why that girl, Wawrina, rejected me?" He asked looking intently at his cousin, to see how far his common sense can go.

"Because you are arrogant and oh yes, you threw mud on her clothes and called her a wanker." He mockingly smiles on his brother's doing. The poor girl almost cried that day.

"Well, that and because she is not as innocent as you all take her to be. She has a sweetheart of her own. He is from a lower cast but the chap has some fine educational marks on his resume." He explains as he collects his papers standing up.

"And your point is? Lala, everyone has sweets these days but that doesn't mean we take that against them." Qasim mutters as he bends his one leg over the other making Olasyar stop in his track.

"For you maybe but for me, it's a matter of my tribe's name and honour, and I rather stay unattached for the rest of my life than be a part of this fiasco." He said finally putting everything in their proper order.

"So, what is the plan?" Qasim asks breathing roughly knowing that he could not change his mind even if he paid him a million pounds.

"I am going to meet that chav and make sure he marries her." Olasyar discloses his plan as if it is taking a cup of tea on a regular Sunday morning. Olasyar buttons a single button of his coat before passing his hand over it.

"Are you... numpty by choice? That is not only risky but also morally wrong. You can't be serious with that Olasyar Lala." Qasim stammers when he hears what Olasyar has in-store for his now not so soon to be in-laws. He agrees with his Lala about those exploiters but to do this, it means he not only goes against his Nika but also, he will be destroying a family's name in the process. That is too much for a punishment, even if someone who tries to trick you into a matter this crucial.

"What is morally wrong mate? I am just helping two lovers to meet in a suitable way and in addition, I will give him a good trade for a job. I have an acquaintance in England that might pay him well for a long time. With the achievement he has on himself, he should be fine. It's a win-win situation." He walks over to the other end of the room as he looks back at Qasim with a smirk.

"I am going to meet him, you want to join us?" Qasim knew he will change the rules to his own will and will be tricky enough to not make Baabaa Jaani be ashamed of him but no way will he join him in a hoax of the century which was not just disgusting but purely evil.

"No thank you." Qasim nodded in negative showing his discontentment on stage.

"Suit yourself. Tell Dost Ali to drive you home and close the door behind you, da khoday pa amaan." And that was the last of Olasyar Khan that Qasim saw that day with full knowledge he will succeed in his plot, after all, it's not every day you get to see a stuck-up Pashtun running around the city trying to call off his own wedding. Indeed, it will be a pleasure to see how he achieves his motives this time.

"Dost Ali lets go, it's me and you today. Our Yara is busy with something unofficial." Qasim addresses a tall pale skinny but a well-built fella with a traditionally typical Chitrali hat known as pakol pakul.

"Za na poheegum?" His confusion was not that something new for Qasim when Olasyar was considered. Dost Ali was practically Olasyar's shadow, where ever he goes, Dost Ali goes with him but whenever Dost Ali was left behind like today, that means something good shouldn't be their anticipation.

"I know you won't understand. Just pray he is not doomed for the rest of our lives." Swinging a hand over his neck, Qasim took Dost Ali with himself calling out it a day.

On the other hand, Olasyar was sure about what he was doing. He does not highly value cheats and liars, and these people were exactly that. He was not letting his family be contaminated by such pests. Taking a fast turn, he moved towards his destination. Sea waves made shades over his face crossing the window as he over speeds, his already raced Audi R8. His own waves were driving him crazy from inside and it was enough to get him on his toes. He doesn't like being threatened and he surely wasn't efficient under those kinds of circumstances. Sneering he went away knowing precisely what awaits for him.

Chapter 1


Lala- Brother

Wadera- A Sindhi race

Jageerdar- A landowning Rich elite

Terbur- Paternal uncle's son

Nika- Grandfather

Mandina- Wife

Aemma- Paternal aunt

Da Kkhoday Pa Aamaan- Allah Hafiz

Za na poheegum?- I do not understand?

I am Back

So I missed you! *tears*

What do you think about Olasyar Khan?

Do you think he can pull off his own wedding without being caught?

Okay so I have three dream cars and one out of which he has it, lucky duck!

Don't worry about me, I am great.

He is here( I find him annoying)

Also him too (most of the Pakistani women hate him)

Don't forget to tell me how was this chapter despite it was small.

Leaving For Now,

Allah Hafiz.

P.S. congrats to people whose paper have been finished.
