what happened

*Hannah POV*

I just got done in the shower and got ready and I'm trying to find Rach. I check everywhere until I find her in the chill room

Rach- hey beaut

Hannah- you ready?

Rach- yeah, you look stunning, see you later girls

Alessia- see you, have fun

Hannah- thank you, *to Rach* thank you, you look gorgeous too

Rach- why thank you

We go to a local coffee shop and were chatting away and I keep making sure shes okay.

Hannah- you okay?

Rach- that's the 5th time you've asked me that in the past 20 minutes

Hannah- I'm sorry I'm just making sure

Rach- I'm fine Han, don't worry

*phone rings*

Rach- everything okay?

Hannah- yeah it's just my mom, ill call her back later

Rach- alright, so when we get back I think the girls want to go in the pool

Hannah- yeah that sounds good

*phone rings again*

Hannah- I'm going to have to answer this I'm so sorry

Rach- that's okay, take your time

*on the phone*

Hannah- mom, I can't really talk right now, im out with- wait mom what's wrong

*Rach looks worried*

Hannah- what do you mean?


Hannah- okay I'm coming, don't go anywhere

*hangs up*

Hannah- i have to go to the hospital

Rach- okay let's go

Rach drives me to the hospital and doesn't say a word. As soon as I get there I run into the waiting room and hug my mom. That's when I let out all my emotions. I feel bad for Rach not knowing what's happening and yet still coming here with me.

Hannah- where is he? Can we see him

H mom- in surgery

Hannah- what happened?

H mom- I don't know Han. I just got a phone call from the hospital

Hannah- oh my god, does Tori know?

H mom- she's on her way

Hannah- alright, mom this is Rachel

H mom- Hi Rachel, I'm Sarah, it's nice to meet you

Rach- hiya, it's nice to meet you too

Tori- Sarah? Where is he?

Sarah- he's in surgery

Hannah- I'm so sorry Tori

Tori- it's not your fault Han, don't do that

Hannah- I'm sorry Rach, you can go home if you want to

Rach- no Hannah, im here for you, whatever happened I'm here for you

Hannah- it's my brother, he's been in an accident *sobs* he was riding his motorbike and got knocked off by a car

Rach- oh Hannah I'm so sorry, come here darling

Rach sat and comforted me all day until we could go in and see him.

Nurse- he's awake, you can see him now, the surgery was successful

Hannah- Tori, you and mom should go in first

Tori- are you sure, you're his sister. I can wait here if you want to go in

Hannah- Victoria, you are his fiance, go and see him now

Tori- thank you

Hannah- we will go in after

She disappears with my mom for about an hour before they both come back out so I can go in

Tori- he's asking to see you

Hannah- Rach will you come with me?

Rach- of course I will

I walk in and see him in the hospital bed and my heart drops. I stop immediately and I feel like I can't move. Rach grabs my hand gives me a sympathetic smile.

I find my strength and manage to make my way to the chair next to the bed

Jonah- so who's your girlfriend sis

Hannah- this is Rachel, shes not my girlfriend

Rachel- not yet, I've heard a lot about you

Jonah- all good things I hope

Rachel- mostly

Hannah- how did you get into this situation Jo, I literally told you from such a young age that that bike was dangerous

Jonah- oh here we go with the told you so, she's always like this you know Rachel

Rach- I'm sure she hasn't had a chance yet with me *laughs*

Hannah- we I did tell you and you didn't listen. I'm just glad you're okay

Jonah- it's just a broken leg and a couple broken ribs, ill be out in a couple days

Hannah- I'm bloody glad. Might teach you a lesson tho

Jonah- mm yeah, might still be able to come to your game

Hannah- you bloody better be able to. You come to all my games

Jonah- ill make sure I'm there don't worry

After a couple hours I made sure Jonah was okay with us heading back home.

When we got home we got questioned by some of the girls but when we explained the situation all the  questions stopped.

Millie- is he okay tho?

Hannah- yeah he should be out in a couple days and he's still coming to the game so it's fine

Millie- great, you can't play if he's not there

Hannah- tell me about it *to rach* for context on that comment *laughs* Jonah has been to every one of my games since I started, if he's not there or if I don't know whether he's there, I'm off my game. It's weird , I know, but it helps

Rach- it's not weird Han, it's cute. He supports you, that's good and it seems like you mean a lot to each other, I love that

Hannah- yeah he supports me when he's not thinking he's better than me *laughs* no on a serious note he is my biggest cheerleader, I look for him every game, it gives me comfort

Rach- yeah of course *laughs* I get that. We all need someone don't we

Hannah- indeed we do, im just glad he's okay

Rach- me too, when we were in that hospital, not only did I not know what was going on but seeing you so distraught worried me Hannah

Hannah- I'm sorry Rach

Rach- don't apologise, you just scared me. I'm glad you're okay

Hannah- youre cute

Rach- not as cute as you *winks* I'm going to bed

Hannah- such a tease *laughs*

Rach- goodnight Hannah

Hannah- love you!

Rach- *blows a kiss*

Hannah- *rolls her eyes*

Millie- you two *laughs*

Hannah- she thinks shes funny *laughs*

Millie- you encourage it!

Hannah- well someone has to *laughs*


I got you 💓

@hannahtaylor- ❤️
