THE Jess Park

Mary and Millie helped me to sit down

Hannah- Where's Jess?

Mary- ill go get her.

I still can't believe Jess got called up, THE Jess Park, my ultimate best friend of so many years. I need some good in my life right now after everything just came crashing down so I need to see her.

?- what's up with you?

Hannah- what do you mean?

?- since when did Hannah Taylor let people get to her?

Hannah- Jess you don't understand

Jess- no, hannah I understand perfectly, youve been dating a few weeks, mmm 2 months at best, you think you love her, and before you tell me you do, you don't hannah, you don't know her well enough to love her, you don't know her life story, you know what she's told you, what she wants you to know, so therefore you don't know her at all.

*Millie and Hannah listen carefully*

Jess- the way she reacted about the situation tells you enough. That tells you all you need to know about her. And she damn well does not deserve you darling, I know it's not what you want to hear, I know you saw a future with her, but let this be a lesson, until you've got through the worst with someone, you don't really know them at all.

*Millies POV*

I'm sat here listening to everything Jess has to say carefully, she sounds hurt. Don't get me wrong, I'm hurt for hannah too, but Jess sounds like she's talking from experience, like she's also been hurt.

I have tears in my eyes from the way she's talking to hannah, it's not even a bad thing. I know they have something special. They're absolute best friends, more than me and hannah could ever be. So I know Hannah will listen to Jess.

Jess- i know it hurts han, but let her go babe

Hannah- I just don't see how I can do that

Jess- darling me and Mill are here for you, always. You know that

Hannah- I'm sorry you have to be in this position Mill

Millie- honestly, don't be, I've never seen her react that way and she's going about it all wrong

Jess- now are we going to get up and have fun? I can't have my best friend moping around when I just got here!

Hannah- yeah, you're right. I'm so happy to see you!

She puts on a smile. It's fake. I can tell. I think jess can too, but we don't say anything, she needs to take her mind of things. I leave them so they can have a catchup.

*Hannah POV*

I have so many emotions right now. I'm sad, no heartbroken over rach but my best friend of so many years is here, at camp and I'm so happy to see her.

Hannah- pull in here

Jess- okay darling

We just got to a cute little coffee shop to have a catchup. We sit down and order our drinks.

Jess- so tell me, what's been happening?

Hannah- okay well you know about the whole Rachel situation

Jess- were not gonna talk about that..

Hannah- well Alice is back in our lives, jonah got married and they're expecting

Jess- did he marry Tori?

Hannah- yep

Jess- I called it! Didn't I?

Hannah- you did *laughs*

Jess- wait.. Alice?

Hannah- yeah.. she's changed tho, really

Jess- why did she leave?

Hannah- I don't know. But I'm not going to question it. We've got a good thing at the moment so I don't want to ruin it by asking unnecessary questions

Jess- I don't think it's unnecessary but whatever you say

Hannah- what's been going on with you anyway?

Jess- not a lot really, been focusing on my football

Hannah- well you look good, I'm happy you're back

Jess- honestly i don't know why we ever stopped talking.

Hannah- because I'm like 3 months older so I moved up first and we got into different teams

Jess- yes very true

Hannah- I think we should go back?

Jess- yeah the girls will be missing you *laughs*

We get back to camp. And straight away Mary comes bounding up to me

Mary- okay great news!

Hannah- what is it?

Mary- were roomies

Hannah- oh

Mary- I thought you'd be happy

Hannah- I am, I just.. hoped to be with Jess

Mary- oh okay, I mean I can move?

Hannah- no its okay

Ella- Mary stop making her feel bad *laughs*

Hannah- it's okay, honestly

Alessia- okay so even greater news!

Hannah- what?

Alessia- its me, you, Mary, Ella and...

Hananh- get on with it woman! *laughs*

Ella- Jess!

Jess- omg no way!

Mary- yes way! We're gonna have so much fun!

Hannah- I thought it was only 2 people to a room?

Mary- we have like these mini appartment things this time

Ella- so we're all together

Hannah- I can't wait

Mary- all of our girls in one room! Plus Jess *laughs*

Jess- hey! I will soon become one of the girls! *laughs*

Alessia- *laughs* Where's your stuff girls? Well help you unpack

Jess- it's in my car

Ella- han Where's yours?

Hannah- in jess' car *laughs*

Mary- to Jess' car *laughs*

We all get unpacked and sit and chill in our room for a while before getting ready to go for drinks.

Hannah- I suppose we better get ready then

Mary- yeah we should, it's getting on a bit

Jess- get ready for what?

Hannah- drinks?

Ella- every camp, the first night, we always go out for drinks. We meet out front at 7 because we have the day off tomorrow as a "bonding day"

Jess- ohhhh

Hannah- how long we got?

Alessia- an hour.. give or take

Hannah- an hour! I have to have a shower and wash my hair yet!

Mary- hannah chill, ill do your hair for you whilst you do your makeup

Hannah- thanks Mary, you're the best

Mary- you know I am *winks*


Jess- ready babe?

Hannah- I am

Alessia- wow! You look gorgeous what the hell?

Jess- she does scrub up well

Hannah- awe thanks babe, girls stoppp you look amazing

Girls- thanksss

Ella- let's go partayyy!


Coffee dates with you 🤩 @jesspark_16

@jesspark_16- love you girl ❤️
@hannah37- always darling ❤️


We going out @hannah37 ❤️

@hannah37- scrub up well 🤩x
@jesspark_16- don't use my words against me 😂x
