In Too Deep.

I had stuck to my original plan of ditching the rest of the day, going back to Derek's for more training since I nearly lost it at school. Well, I kind of did loose it, i took it out on the girls room mirror. And why? Because Stiles had a condom in his pocket? So what? He was entitled to sleep with whatever slut he wanted. I mean we weren't together anymore so it shouldn't bother me. Besides, if he's pissed at me because of Isaac than I sure as hell can be pissed off about him trying to go all the way with someone else. He cant expect me to be okay with it, when he was ready to kill me over Isaac. 

god i hated my life right now. 

right now I was in the living room, working out in my sports bra and shorts. Lately, working out seemed to be the only way to workout my nerves and anger. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that my anger issues are actually issues now since I cant control the shift. I'm getting better, i really am. I mean months ago getting the news about Stiles would have sent me on a killing rampage but only resulted in a violent encounter with the girls locker room mirror. 

Right now; I was working out and punching the punching bag to express my anger. I tried getting all my anger out on this punching bag that way I wouldn't take it out on innocent people anymore. I kept punching the bag, seeing everything I feared as flashes of every bad thing went through my mind. And within a couple of seconds later, the flashback of my parents went through my mind and I let out a loud cry before punching the bag right off the chain. 

It fell to the floor, sand beginning to pouring out of it. I sighed, ripping the gloves off and tossing them to the floor. I rubbed my wrists, stretching a bit before going over to one of the balanced beams. I turned on my ipod, putting my head phones in before I jumped up, and started doing pull ups. 

I was doing pull ups, listening to my ipod. Classical music has a way of calming me down. Classic music does that for me. I focused my attention on the rhythm of the song as I closed my eyes. But it was like as soon as I did that, I..I saw something. I saw him. 

I saw Gerard. 

I was back in that basement and I was being tortured again. I was seeing everything bad that has ever happen to me. I felt my heartbeat start to rise out of control as I kept doing pull ups, trying my best to work through the nightmares. I felt my arms getting weaker as suddenly I fell to the floor, gripping my head. I screamed in pain as I tried my best to calm down. 

Calm down. Think happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. 

I felt my claws dragging against the loft floor as I closed my eyes tight, trying my best to focus on something else. Anything else. But I couldn't. every single time I closed my eyes, all I saw was all the horrible things that have happened, all I could feel was all the horrible things that have happened and will happen. And... all I could imagine was doing horrible things, things that would make me get rid of my humanity... Things that the old me would have done within a heartbeat because well..she had no one to worry about...I cried out as I broke my wrist, trying my best to keep myself under control and push all the negative thoughts out of my head. I kept my head down on the floor as I cradled my broken wrist, which I could feel healing already. I kept breathing heavy as I heard foot steps behind me. 

 "I'm fine.." I tried lying as I could practically hear the smirk on Derek's face. He had a certain sound to him that I could tell apart from anyone.

"You don't look or sound fine." Derek pointed out as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, staring down at me on the floor, probably looking like an escaped mental person. "Control it." 

"I'm trying." I grinned my teeth together. God, the anger felt like it was clawing it's way out of me. 

"Try harder." He retaliated rather harshly, causing me to let out a loud growl and look up at him, showing off my teeth and eyes. "Control it." 

"You don't understand!" I growled. "Every time i close my eyes, all I see is all the horrible things that have happened! No matter what I do, i'll never be good enough! My past will always follow me! Our past is what makes us who we are! and according to mine I'll never be good enough! All my mistakes, every horrible feeling, all the pain, all I want is for it to be over! After everything, I deserve every second of pain.." I growled at him until I realized that tears had formed in my eyes, only noticing when they hit the floor in front of me.

"Everyone has a past, but that's just it." Derek looked down at me as I was dragging my claws against the floor. "It's in the past. You can learn from it, but you can't change it. You need to remember that." I closed my eyes tight, listening to every word Derek was saying. As soon as he spat that quote at me, it was like I had remembered the night of my first full moon after Gerard's torture. That was my darkest point, my lowest point, but the Alpha that I never thought I would ever consider a friend, had managed to bring me back. And all he did was remind me of something. 

I am who I am. My past is not who I am, it helped me become who I am, but it's not who i am. What matters is who I am in the moment, not who I was in the past. 

I hated to admit it, but Derek was really helpful. He was kind of like a papa bear looking after me, making sure I got better, made sure I didn't kill anyone else and lose myself even more than I already have. I owe the Alpha a lot more than I would ever admit to him. I took a deep breath as I slowly retracted my claws, turning back as I stood up slowly, giving Derek a look. 

"Thank you.." I whispered to him. 

"For what?" He looked at me a bit confused. 

"For everything..." I smiled at him through the tears that were still in my eyes. "Believe it or not, I think of you as somewhat family...So thanks...for being there when..when I thought I didn't have anyone else to turn to..." 

"That's what it means to be a part of a pack.." 







 Right now, we were at Deaton's. 

Scott had texted, saying that Deaton had a way of getting mine and Isaac's memories back. I was all for getting my memories back, but there was just...something about the whole procedure of it that didn't seem all that safe. So that's why this time, I was going to be the one to take the hit. 

"will you just let me do it." Isaac complained to me as I shook my head. I was standing my ground on this one. 

"You did it last time." I looked up at him. "Now it's my turn." I smiled at him, tapping the side of his face with my index finger. "I trust you won't let anyone kill me." 


I smiled at him before turning back to the rest of the room. Right now it was me, Isaac, Derek, Deaton, Scott and Stiles in the room. There was two tubs in the middle of the room. One was for me, the other was for Isaac. Deaton said he wasn't sure it would work which is why I'm trying it first, if it doesn't work, then Isaac will do it. After all, if my mind was too crowded with well.. my horrid experiences in the last couple of months, thank you Gerard, then Isaac would try after me. If all else failed, well, there was no other option. I took a deep breath as I stepped towards the tub, putting my index finger in only to pull it back right away. 

Shit, that was really cold. 

"Damn, that's really cold.." I mumbled to myself more so than anyone else.

"Obviously, it's not going to be particularly...comfortable." Deaton walked over to Isaac and me. "But if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trance like state." Deaton explained to the two of us. Frankly, with every word he spoke, my thoughts were not loving this idea. I mean, I was completely fine with it but what if I couldn't access my memories of Boyd and Erica, and Isaac would have to do it? what if something happened to him because i cant even do anything now a days? god, I would never forgive myself. 

"Like being hypnotized...?" Isaac asked Deaton, breaking me from my thoughts. 

"Exactly, you'll be half transformed." Deaton explained as we walked over towards the ice tub. "It'll let us access your subconscious mind." 

"So, how does this work exactly?" I asked Deaton as Scott and Stiles finished dumping their bags of ice in the tub. "Like, what do I need to do? Just get in the tub and wait for my heart rate to go down?" I looked at him with a confused yet worried look. I didn't like showing that I was afraid but this whole idea.. frankly it was kind of leaning towards our worst ideas ever column. 

"Yeah, how slow does her heart rate need to be...?" Scott asked Deaton.

"Very slow." Deaton answered ominously. 

"well how slow is very slow?" Derek asked as he leaned against the tub. 

Deaton's answered only made my heartbeat sky rocket. "Nearly dead." 

Once he said that, i swear all our hearts nearly fell out of our chests. I felt Isaac grab my arm as I looked up at him, noticing the worried look he was trying to give me. But after being told that we nearly had to be dead for this to work, I was not going to let him try it. No way, I was going to do this... 

"It's safe though right?" Isaac asked Deaton as I closed my eyes, trying to get myself to calm down. 

"do you want me to answer honestly?" Deaton asked the two of us. 

I sighed. "No, not really.." 

We all just stood there trying to contemplate what to do until we were distracted from our thinking process by the sound of a rubber glove being snapped on. We all turned our heads towards Stiles who was messing with Deaton's supplies. When he looked over at us, I gave him this look while shaking and mouthing 'no'. He gave us all a look before taking the glove off and walking back towards the tub. 

I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair, this.. this was a tough one. 

"Look if it feels too risky, you don't have to do this." Derek looked over at me. And I swear, I think we're having a moment. I didn't reply to him, instead I just took off my sweater, leaving me in my tank top as i took a deep breath. I looked up at Isaac, giving him a small smile and nod before looking towards Stiles. He had this look on his face until he offered me a small smile. I felt my heart do a little flutter, a small one, as I returned the smile. "Don't let me die..." I looked towards Scott before taking one last deep breath and slowly getting into the tub of ice. 

Shit shit shit. 

this water was a lot colder then I thought it would be. I started shivering as I slowly sat down, letting the water go to my neck as I gripped the sides of the tub. I felt my teeth clattering together, this was cold, even for me. I looked over at all of them exchanging glances as I looked up at Scott. "I'm gonna be so-so pissed if you let me-me die.." I shivered as I nodded my head and closed my eyes, slowly going under the water. 

Once my head was under water, it kind of reminded me of the time where I almost drowned in the school pool with Derek and Stiles because of Jackson, well really it was because of Matt but you get the point. I tried my best to not focus on going up for air but the more I kept my eyes closed and the longer I was in this water, the more... nightmares started to flash through my mind. When I tried coming up for air, that's when I felt four sets of hands. four holding down my shoulders and two holding down my legs. I kicked and splashed around as I tried going up for air, barley sticking my head up and letting out a monstrous growl before being shoved back underneath the water. I growled under the water, kicking and screaming, trying to catch a breath of air until suddenly everything inside of me became still and I slipped away into darkness....






I opened my eyes and I almost didn't know where I was for a second. I looked all around me and I was in my childhood home. Weird.? What the hell am I doing here? I slowly started walking around and I almost didn't notice that I was dripping wet. I slowly walked over to the fire place, picking up the picture frame that was resting on top of it. It was of me, mom, and dad. We all looked so happy, you couldn't even guess that we'd be pretty monumentally fucked up. 

Suddenly, this rushing pain shot throughout my entire body. I groaned a little as I closed my eyes, trying not to let the pain get to me but it felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside out. I turned around quickly, dropping the picture frame and letting it shatter on the hardwood floor, once I heard someone calling my name from behind me giving me a fright. I noticed it was...

"Mom..?" I said softly before looking back towards the floor and trying to pick up the mess. 

"Don't honey, you're going to hurt yourself." she tried warning me as I continued to try and pick up the pieces as fast as I could. "Savannah, stop it, you're going to cut yourself." Mom tried warning me but I ignored her, trying to pick up the pieces still. "Savannah Nadia Knight, stop right now or you're going to cut yourself.." The pain that was inside of me was coming faster and faster, and harder and harder. Automatically I knew what was happening. This wasn't a dream. This was a memory. We're back to the memory of my very first full moon. . . 

"Sava-..." Mom tried warning me again until I proved her right by snagging myself on a piece of glass and letting out a small growl as I cradled my now bleeding hand. "See, I told you. Now let me take the piece out before it gets worse..." Mom tried coming near me but I shook my head and tried backing away from her. 

"It's fine.." I started breathing heavy as I took the piece of glass out of my hand and dropped it to the floor. "Just leave me alone..."

"Nadia.." Mom always loved calling me by my middle name. She just thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world since it was named after her. Which it almost meant 'hope' in Russian and seeing as how she was from Russia, I guess she just loved the name. She always would tell me that I was her 'hope' for a better future, that she wanted me to have a better future, that I was all the 'hope' she needed.. "Nadia, don't be ridiculous. Now let me se-.." She finally grabbed my hand and tried forcing me to open my hand. 

Finally, i had growled at her, showing off my eyes and bringing out my claws, "I said leave me alone!" I pushed her back, sending her towards the bookcase as she hit it with a loud 'thump'. I gasped as I covered my mouth with my hands, looking at her shocked. She groaned as she looked over at me while holding her arm which now had a cut on it, the blood dripping down to the floor. she looked confused for a second until something looked like it clicked inside of her. 

"no..." She shook her head. "No, it can't be..." she said quietly to herself but thanks to my new found inhuman abilities, I heard her. She walked over to me and forced me to open my palm. She looked shocked once she noticed my cut slowly starting to heal itself. The look on her face was not only... surprise, but... something that completely broke my heart. 

it was of disappointment, failure...everything that I feared.

"Mommy..." I felt tears enter my eyes as they did all those years ago. When I tried going closer to her, she took a step back. And that killed me. "Mommy, i'm still me..." I cried as I kept trying to get closer to her but she kept taking steps back. "Mommy..." I cried as she just shook her head at me, giving me a hard look before yelling for my dad. 

"Brian!" She screamed as she never took her eyes off of me. "Get in here now!"

When dad came running in, he looked at my mom and me confused, asking us what was going on. "What the hell is going on in here...?" He looked back and forth.

I just looked at them with tears in my eyes, as if this yellow blurry vision wasn't enough, I had to add tears to the list of things impairing my vision. I tried taking another step towards her but that's when I yelled out in pain again, this time, dropping to the floor as I let out sharp, deep breaths. I could hear these voices in my head, trying to convince me to let go, to give into this pain I was feeling. I couldn't handle this.. What the hell was happening to me. I let out another murderous growl as I looked over towards my parents and their shocked yet disappointing expressions. I felt this lump in my throat as i stared at them, trying to ask them for help. "dad, mom..." I slowly started saying as I stared at them through my yellow vision. "Help..please, please help me.." 

They just shook their heads as my dad slowly started walking over towards me. I opened my arms, trying to reach out for him, to bring him in for a hug. I tightened my grip around his waist as he hugged me back, stroking my hair and telling me everything was going to be okay. 

And I almost believed it too. 

Until I heard something click and that was enough to get me to my senses as I opened my eyes to see my mom holding a gun towards me. I pushed dad out of the way before getting shot in the arm by her gun. I let out a loud growl as I looked towards her shocked, pulling the bullet out and letting it fall to the ground. I looked at them shocked as they just..they just shot me? Their own daughter. I was their daughter and they just tried to kill me! Dad tried coming at me again, this time a less friendly approach, as I quickly grabbed him by the shirt, growling at him and showing off my werewolf face, before tossing him against the bookshelf where I had thrown mom earlier. I turned towards mom, who surprised me by grabbing me by the neck and trying to hold me down as i let out a loud growl, fighting against her grip. I was completely loosing my mind right now as I kept one hand on her hand, listening to the sound of bones being crushed as the other hand had like a mind of it's own. My free hand had my claws out, and I didn't notice it until Mom was pushed back, holding her face. I looked at her frightened once I realized what I had done. Mom had three large scratched across her face, they were bleeding and they looked horrible. 

"I'm sorry..I'm so-sorry.." I cried before making a run for the back door. 

I kept running, and running throughout the forest. I had no idea where I was going but yet I knew.. I finally decided to stop running and lean against a tree, catching my breath. I closed my eyes tight, trying to get myself under control, trying to get myself to turn back. I was breathing heavy and loud, cradling my hand as I let tears fall from my eyes. I was interrupted from my memories by a voice. 

"savannah, savannah can you hear me?" wait a minute, I know that voice. "Savannah, it's Dr.Deaton, can you understand me?" 

I looked up towards the sky, it was like he was god right now or something because all I could hear of him was from above me. It was like I was in some sort of small glass case and he was talking to me from above. 

"Yeah.." I cried as I sat there, crying to myself. 

"Savannah, I want to ask you a few questions.." Deaton started trying to talk to me as I just kept my eyes closed, trying my hardest to wake up from this bloody nightmare. 

"I..I can't.." I started breathing heavy. "I just wanna go home..I wanna go-go home.." I cried to myself as I felt a sudden headache. I groaned in pain as I grabbed my head, feeling like it was going to explode. 

"savannah? Savannah?" Deaton tried calling for me. 

"I just wanna go home..." I cried. 

"you can and you will..just need you to answer a few questions.." I heard Deaton's voice until suddenly the ground all around me started shaking. 

"wh-what's going on?" I looked around frantically. Everything was slowly disappearing. "What's going on?" 

 "Savannah?" I heard Deaton say until everything suddenly went black. 





The next place I woke up, this..this was like I was reliving all my worst nightmares. I was at the little bridge right outside of the sherriff's station where everything with Matt had just gone down. Stiles and I had just talked, he said he hated me, that I was a monster and i deserved to die...I was laying on the ground, right after Gerard had attacked me. I started to panic as I tried moving my body, but nothing. I couldn't move. I turned my head and noticed a scene in front of me. Wait, when did this happen? I don't remember this..but then again, I don't remember a lot from when I was under Gerard's control. 

"Savannah, Savannah can you hear me?" 

"Stiles.." I whispered to myself as I tried moving, getting him to notice me but it was horrible. Gerard was standing in front of Stiles, telling him something. "Stiles.." I gasped for air as he finally looked over at me. 

"You really think that she cares about you..?" Gerard asked Stiles. "She's a monster, she doesn't love.." Stiles stood quiet as he looked up at Gerard. "She lied to you for months about who she really was, all the time you were together, she was lying. Who's to stay when the lies started and when they end..? There's a very thin line from the truth and a lie..." Gerard looked down at Stiles as Stiles still hadn't said anything. Gerard smirked to himself as he got up and motioned for the open space in front of us. "You're free to go Mr.Stilinski..I have nothing against you, I just wanted your pretty little girlfriend.." Gerard smirked. "You can either get out of here before you get hurt anymore, or you can choose to take the person who hurt you the most away with you..But i can help her...I can help her become the Savannah you remember, the one you fell in love with. I can make her not a monster can save the person who hurt you the most, the person who you want to feel the same pain she caused you..." Gerard offered Stiles to take me with him but I noticed Stiles hesitate. 

"Savannah, I need you to come back now. Focus, focus on finding Boyd and Erica." 

When Stiles didn't say or do anything, he just looked at me, before turning away and leaving. I felt like he was ripping my heart out of my chest. 

"That's what I thought.." Gerard laughed slightly as he turned to me. I closed my eyes as tears ran down it, how could he do this to me? could he..? "Stab the body and it heals but injure the heart and the wound last a lifetime.." Gerard whispered to me as I just closed my eyes shut, feeling like I was dying all over again.

this couldn't be real, this couldn't be real...






I sat up gasping for air as I splashed cold water everything, looking at all of them. Isaac helped me out of the tub, wrapping me in a warm towel while trying to help me warm up.

 "Savannah, are you okay?" Isaac asked me as I stayed quiet. I shook my head while glaring at Stiles. It was all coming back to me. After Boyd had carried me out of the Argent's house, Isaac stumbled across us and helped me back to Derek's. Derek healed me up and took away that memory. Apparently I was crying and going hysterical over Stiles. Well, how else would I act? How would you act if you just found out that the person you were in love with was so consumed with anger that he chose to leave you with a complete mad man. If Stiles had chosen to go back for me... if he had just gone back for me...Gerard wouldn't have..he wouldn't have tortured me...broke me.. "Savannah..?" Isaac whispered to me as I just shook my head. 

"No...No, i'm not.." I was now burning holes in Stiles and from the expression on his face, I can only assume I let slip what memory I was thrown into. 




Right now, Isaac was going to try and get through his memories. Apparently my little effort was fruitless as they were trying to dig through my memories, only uncovering unnerving secrets. Most of them they told me i would be better if I didn't know, only if they could have taken the one that I wish i could forget.. 

 "You're gonna be okay.." I heard Isaac tell me as I looked up at him. I nodded my head, giving his hand a squeeze before he climbed into the ice tub this time, taking deep breaths before looking over at me. "Bet I can still make you hot." He winked at me while his teeth clattered. I rolled my eyes at him before giving him a warm and reassuring smile before Derek, Scott, and I all exchanged looks before pushing him under the water.

it seemed to be working until he was doing the same thing I had done. He tried coming up for air, fighting against all of us. "Get him back under." Deaton told us as I tried keeping his shoulders down while Derek tried keeping his arms down while Scott and Stiles were trying to hold his legs down. Isaac was fighting against us, growling and showing off his yellow eyes as he kept trying to come up for air. "You're gonna be okay Isaac. I'm right here.." I tried calming him down as he kept moving against all of us. "Isaac...Isaac, you're gonna be you hear're gonna be okay. I'm right here.." I called out to him as I felt his hand try and find mine until finally he got a hold of it and held it tight. He was still fighting the boys but kept a grip tight on my hand. He kept fighting the boys until suddenly, he stopped moving. We all looked at him as we slowly moved away from him, watching as his body floated up and his head peaked out from under the water, letting out a single breath. 

"Now remember, only I talk to him. Too many voices will confuse him and draw him out." Deaton warned us with a whisper before focusing on Isaac, who had lightened up on the grip of my hand, allowing me to back away more. I glanced over towards Stiles who had this look on his face, and I noticed he was not looking at me but rather where Isaac was holding my arm. When he looked up at me with this sort of sad expressions, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. Believe me, when this is over, he's going to get hell but right now is not the time. "Isaac, Isaac can you hear me?" 

"Yes, I can hear you.." Isaac said softly, his eyes still shut. I felt myself getting more and more anxious. Having it done to you is one thing but having to watch as someone close to you goes through this.. it's a completely different situation. 

"This is Dr.Deaton. I'd like to ask you a few questions, is that all right?" Deaton asked Isaac softly. 


"I want to ask you about the night you and Savannah found Erica and Boyd." Deaton started explaining as my eyes flashed towards the window where lightening had struck, lighting up the room. I had a worried look on my face as I looked over at Scott, who had the same look on his face. "I want you to remember it for me in as vivid detail as possible, like you're actually there." 

Once Deaton had said that, it was like something in the lights was going haywire. They were flickering off and on as Isaac just kept repeating the same thing, which was worrying me. "I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna do that." He started moving around as we all put our hands back on him, trying to keep him still. "I don't wanna do that." 

"Isaac, it's all right. Just relax." Deaton tried calming Isaac down. "They're just memories, you can't be hurt by a memory." As the lights continued to flicker, Stiles and I exchanged a look while we both looked all around us, wondering what the hell was going on. 

"I don't wanna do that." Isaac was starting to panic a little. 

"It's all right, relax. relax." Deaton calmed Isaac down as Isaac stopped moving, just listening to what Deaton was going to say next. "Good. Now let's go back to that night, to the place where you found Erica and Boyd. Can you tell me what you see? Is there some kind of building or house?." Deaton started saying as I shot a glance at Derek, who had the same worried expression I had. 

"No, it's-it's not a house. It's st-stone." Isaac was shivering, probably freezing cold because he was sitting in this ice bath of death without a shirt on. Not going to lie, if he wasn't almost on the verge of dying at any moment, i would probably be admiring those muscles more. "I think marble." 

"That's perfect." Deaton complimented. "Can you give me any other descriptions?" 

"It's dusty, empty.." Isaac replied. 

"Like an abandoned building?" Deaton asked him as the lights started to flicker even more now, following by the sound of something electrical, which I can only assume was the lightening outside but I don't think that's the case. "Isaac? Isaac?" Deaton called out to Isaac as he started thrashing around in the tub again. 

"Someone's here." Isaac started to panic as he grabbed a hold of my hand again, giving it a squeeze. "Someone's here." 

"Isaac, relax." Deaton tried soothing Isaac but it wasn't working. 

"No, no, no, they see us! They see me!" Isaac was now shouting with a terrified tone in his voice. "Savannah, we have to hide!" 

"They're just memories." Deaton was soothing him. "You won't be hurt by your memories, just relax. Relax, good.. Now tell us what you see, tell us everything." Deaton told Isaac once he calmed down again.

"I hear him.." Isaac began talking again as I rubbed his hand lightly, trying my best to keep him calm. The jealous glances from Stiles weren't going unnoticed but they weren't the main priority right now. "He's talking about the full moon, about being out of control when the moon rises." 

"Is he talking to Erica?" 

"I think so..I can't-I cant see her." Isaac replied. "I cant see either of them." 

"Can you hear anything else..?" Deaton pressed with more questions. 

"They're worried, they're worried what they'll do during the full moon. They're worried that they're going to hurt each other." 

My eyes went wide as my breath got caught in my throat. Scott and I exchanged looks before looking towards Derek, who decided he would do the honors of breaking Deaton's 'no talking rule'. "If they're locked in together on the full moon, they're gonna tear each other apart. I already have enough to worry about one member of my pack trying to rip everyone else apart, don't wanna make it three." 

"Not the time Derek." I growled at him lowly, not trying to confuse Isaac unlike some people. 

"Isaac, we need to find them right now." The urgency in Deaton's voice being noticed. "Can you see them?" 

"No." He replied. 

"Do you know what kind of room it is? Is there any kind of a marker? A number on the door? A sign?" 

The lights started going haywire again as Isaac's panics were coming back. And what he said next, made us all look at each other in horror. "They're here." 

Shit, he must be talking about the Alphas. 

"They-they.." Isaac tried saying but he was panicking too much. 

"it's all right." Deaton tried reminding Isaac, but he wasn't hearing it." 

"No." Isaac cried. 

"Just tell us wh-" Deaton began saying until he was cut off.

"They see us! They found us! They're here!" Isaac panicked as his grip on my hand grew tighter. "we have to get out of here! They found us, we have to get out of here now! Run! Run!" 

Derek grew impatient as he growled in frustration. "This isn't working. Isaac, where are you!" 

"I can't see them. it's too dark!" Isaac yelled back in panic. 

"Just tell me where you are!" 

"I can't see!' Isaac repeated as I kept my grip on his hand, now things were getting out of hand. 

"Isaac, where are you? Just tell me where you are!" Derek was pissing  me off now. He needed to chillax. He was going to confuse Isaac and kill him!

"Just tell me where you are." Derek ordered his beta as Isaac was thrashing in the tub, it splashing everywhere as his eyes were now open and he was staring at the ceiling. 

"No, I can't see.." Isaac was yelling as he kept thrashing around. 

"Just tell me where you are." 

this time, Deaton stepped in. "His heart rate..he could go into shock." He reminded us, trying to snap Derek out of whatever rage he was in. 

"Derek, stop it! You're going to kill him!" I started yelling now, trying to push Derek away from him. Scott and Stiles tried in vain to get Derek away as everyone started making noise. this wasn't good.

"Isaac, where are you! What do you see." Derek continued yelling at Isaac. That's it, that was enough. 

"Derek, stop it!" I growled at him but he wouldn't listen. "Derek, I said stop it!" I growled loudly at him before pushing him back finally just in time as Isaac's baby blue eyes widened even more as his whole entire body shot out of the tub. "It's a vault! It's a bank vault!" Isaac yelled as he shot up. "Oh my god, thank god.." I let out a breath of relief before grabbing the other towel off of the table and wrapping it around him as he stepped out of the freezing cold tub. "I saw the name. It's Be-Beacon Hills First National Bank." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, trying my best to warm him up as best I could. "It's um an abandoned bank and they're keeping them locked inside-inside the vault." 







"She's not dead!" Derek yelled again for what seemed like the thousandth time. Right before Isaac had snapped out of his little ice tub of bath hypnotize. He told us that they had dragged the two of us into the vault room, where there was a dead body in the corner. Erica's body. Frankly, kind of glad I didn't remember. I mean, I know I hated the bitch but to see her dead body... No one deserves to die that young. 

I decided to step away to let them all argue it out, I was pretty much exhausted from everything that had happened in today alone. When I stepped outside onto the terrace area of our loft, I looked up at the sky, the full moon was coming and I don't think I was ready. I could already feel it eating away at me. I closed my eyes, trying my best to not think about anything, just trying to keep myself in complete and utter peace.. Just cant let anything get me upset... 

"Savannah.." I turned around to see Stiles standing there. God dammit, I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. "Can we talk..?" 

I was just really hoping for later. 

author's note: 

guys so sorry i haven't updated. i was really sick in the hospital ): I'm feeling better now and I'll try to post sooner but with midterms and work and being sick, ugh. writing is what keeps me at peace. anyhow ... 

:O another tragic confusion twist into the love affair that is Stavannah. I told you book 3 was going to be an emotional roller coaster and secrets will be revealed and explored so buckle up and have a box of tissues on standby. Also, just a little glimpse on Savannah's first full moon when she was first bitten c: 

anyhow, getting excited that teen wolf is only three months away now, it's been far too long. Anyhow, thank you to everyone who has read so far (: Will try to post the next chapter as soon as possible (: 

talk later,

