Fix You

"And I will fix you.."

You know, there's this quote that I read during one of my many travels looking for my parents. It had stuck with me all these years and I've never thought about it more than I did today.

You never know how much something means to you until it's taken from you

I can't help but think of what would happen if something was to happen to Stiles. Luckily, we found him and he was safe. I'll never forget those two hours we spent looking for him, I'll never be able to shake the fear I had when I thought he was gone. I rememebr the moment of blessed relief when he was finally found and he was okay.

Stiles had been sleep walking, he had called me while he was sleep walking and found himself in the coyote den where that Malia girl lived while she was a coyotoe. Right now, Stiles was resting at the hospital, he was laying down in bed and I hadn't left his side yet.

Sure, I had moved on or whatever but that didn't mean my heart doesn't ache for him. It doesn't mean i'm not worried whenever something bad happens to him. I get so scared and nervous that something bad is going to happen to him. I care about Isaac so much and I think I might actually love him, I don't really know. I've only ever felt real love once and that was with Stiles. Isaac, he's good for me and I care about him a whole lot more than I thought I ever would but Stiles, he's my first love. Just because we arent together anymore doesn't mean I don't care what happens to him, because I do. I've only ever wanted him to live a long, happy human life.

I never wanted any of this for him, I never wanted him to ever feel the pain and darkness in his heart. He has a good heart, a good soul and he's a good person. He doesn;t deserve any of this.

If there's even the slightest chance we can help him, I don't care what it cost because I'll do it.

I was broken from my thoughts and sleep, I don't even remember dozing off, by Stiles. He stired in his sleep, grabbing my hand and squeezing it slightly. I let out a small gasp, looking all around me before looking over at Stiles. I let out a small smile, bitting my bottom lip while letting out a small sigh of relief.

"Hey.." I whispered to him, placing a kiss on his hand.

"Hey.." Stiles whispered back to me, a small smile on his face. I don't know if he'll ever know but his heartbeat was my favorite sound in the entire world. Because it let me know that my world hadn't ended. If something were to happen to Stiles, if I ever heard his heart stop beating, well...

I don't really like to think past that much.

"How you feeling..?" I asked him, making sure his blankets were wrapped around him good. He must be freezing still.

Stiles sighed, looking so unsually pale, well you know as apposed to his normal everyday paleness. "I'm fine..I don't remember much..I remember laying in my bed to fall asleep before.." Stiles started talking before he had this weird sudden blank look on his face.

"What?" I asked him, confused.

"I don't remember anything after laying down in my bed..I just laid down, closed my eyes and next thing I knew, I was in your arms.." Stiles sighed.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, resting my head against his hand. "I'm sorry.." I choked.

Stiles looked at me confused. "Why are you sorry?" He asked me.

I quickly wiped away my tears, feeling my voice get caught in my throat before shaking my head. "It's all my fault.." My voice broke.

"No it's not. Contracy to popular belief and your crazy little mind..not everything bad that happens is your fault. Not everything that happens to me is your fault." Stiles argued with me.

"Yea-yeah but if I...I had this weird feeling that something was wrong and I just chose to ignore it..I'm sorry, i should have listened to it." I sighed, shaking my head as Stiles brought a hand up to my face, wiping away one of the tears that escaped my eye.

Stiles smiled at me, just making me feel better. I smiled back at him, trying to force a smile back at him anyways.

But something that I could hear in the hall caught my attention.

"It was the other day, I asked him some questions..Just symptoms and, um.."

"It's okay..I know..I think I know what you're talking about..I had been writing these down for the past two weeks..I think we should run some test.."

I felt my heart shatter before feeling my breath get caught in my throat. My mind was spinning so fast, I think I was about to hurl. Stiles was telling me something, but I couldn't really understand him all that too well.

"What?" I snapped from my thoughts, looking at him confused.

"Is everything okay..?" Stiles asked me.

I bit my bottom lip, shaking my head. "Ye-yeah..Yeah, I'm fine.."

Stiles looked at me, giving me that look that said he was reading my mind or something. "What are they talking about..?" Stiles whispered to me. I looked at him confused, trying to deny anything but he knew. I think he had supsected.. "Is it bad..?"

I opened my mouth to say something, hoping that I would figure something to say but it didn't work. I closed my mouth, slowly nodding my head while gripping his hand tight.

"I'm gonna be okay.." Stiles whispered to me, holding my hand. I knew what he was saying, but I don't think he believed it. The pain in my chest was so loud, it hurt so much that I don't think I can even move right now. I tried talking, but no words came out..

I forced a smile on my face, biting my lip to keep myself from crying. I could listen to everything that Sheriff Stilinski and Ms. McCall were talking about with the docotor..They were going to run test, and I don't think it's going to be good...


After much convincing, Ms. McCall and Sheriff Stilinski talked me into going to get something to eat. I didn't want to, I told Stiles I wouldn't leave his side, but they all insisted. I couldn't eat though, how could anyone eat during a time like this? I walked down the hall, taking out my phone and calling Scott to tell him what was happening. He said he'd be here at six to visit, but I don't know if I can wait that long.

Something was wrong, I knew it. They were going to run test, they were looking for something wrong... And most of the time there usually is.

"Stiles, just to warn you, you're going to hear a lot of noise during the MRI. It's due to pulses of electricity going through the metal coils in the machine." The doctor explained to Stiles.

Around sixish, Scott finally came to the hospital and Stiles was about to do his MRI test. Stiles was sitting on the little bench thing as Scott and I stood next to him, Ms. McCall and Sheriff Stilinski were on the other side.

"Hey, we're just on the other side of that window, okay?" Sheriff Stilinski told Stiles.

Stiles just looked at his dad, nodding his head slightly. "Okay.." Stiles whispered as the three adults left the room; leaving the three of us in here.

I messed with the lose end of my sweater, avoiding eye contact with Stiles. This whole entire situation was fucked up to the max. I knew I was dying, but I can only imagine what Scott's going through. Me and Stiles; sure we were in love and everything but Scott and Stiles have been best friends since they were born. No matter what I'm going through, I can't even picture what Scott's going through..

"you know what they're looking for right?" Stiles asked, looking at me and Scott. I tried avoiding his eye contact, the same with Scott. I couldn't look at him right now. It was too much. "It's called frontotemporal dementia..." Stiles sighed when neither of us responded to his question out loud, Scott and I just silently shook our heads. Scott and I looked over at Stiles, if you weren't supernatural and couldn't sense the chemo signals.. Well, you didn't have to be supernatural to know that you could cut the tension in here with a chainsaw.

This was one of the worst moments of my life, any of our lives.. The thought of loosing someone so important, loosing a best friend..

"Ares of your brain start to shrink. It's what my mother had.." Stiles said, breaking my heart. He never talked about his mother, and I could understand why. The only thing he ever told me was that she got sick and she died.. But if he has what she has then doesn't that mean...

"It's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers. And there's no cure.." Stiles sighed, looking down at his hands. Think about the worst possible thing that's ever happened to you, happened to you personally. Times that by a thousand and you might be able to scratch the surface on how either of us feel right now.

Stiles could be dying, he was dying.. Wasn't he?

No one had spoken up in a minute, the breakhearting and silence was deathing enough. I took a deep breath, my voice cracking a bit as tears filled my eyes. I can't imagine loosing someone else I love, I can't imagine loosing Stiles. I don't-I don't know what I'd do. I can't imagine a world without him in it.

I've stated it before, many times, and I'm going to state it again. A world that doesn't have Stiles Stilinski in it, is not a world I would want to live on.

I looked over at Scott, seeing a tear escape his eye as he quickly wiped it away. He had been trying to be so brave, brave for everyone and especially Stiles, that I guess it was too much. Scott shouldn't have to be the brave one, he should be allowed to feel something and not have to worry about keeping it all together all the time.

"Stiles, if you have it, we'll do something.." Scott finally broke the silence, grabbing my hand and squeezing it as the both of us looked over at Stiles. "I'll do something.."

Stiles just looked at the two of us unbelievable, like he couldn't believe what Scott just said. But I stood behind Scott's statement 1000%. If there was something we could do, anything.. We'd do it. I didn't care if we had to risk the chance of Stiles getting the werewolf curse, I didn't care if I'd have to live with myself. I would do anything, even the thing i swore I'd never want for Stiles, if it meant he could live longer and be safe. If it meant that he could be okay...

I would do it, I wouldn't let Scott even though he'd want to. I know what it feels like and I don't care. Not everyone takes to the bite, if Stiles was one of these people, Scott would never be able to recover if he bit Stiles and he couldn't recover. I wouldn't recover, I would want to die if I killed him, if I was the cause..

But I was willing to risk that pain so Scott wouldn't have to.

Stiles nodded his head slightly, extending his arm before the three of us hugged. Stiles broke down, he wasn't sobbing or anything but I could sense the fear and sadness in him plus the sound of his heartbeat. Not to mention I could feel his tears hitting my shoulder.

I didn't care what it took, we were going to save Stiles..

There had to be a way to save him..


"I'm gonna go and wait for Isaac and Allison..They're on their way so.." I told Scott, feeling like my heart stopped beating. And I was almost positive that it did. I hugged Scott tightly, not wanting to let go. I think Scott needed a hug more than me right now..

We both pulled away, looking at each other before silently nodding our heads. I walked away, turning to go wait outside and break down to myself. Scott was being so strong, but I couldn't hold it in anymore.

Before i could walk off completely though, that's when I bumped into someone. I excused myself, looking up and seeing it was actually Derek. Derek just looked at me, giving me those eyes like he was looking for a sign or something. When I broke down, my silent cries turning into sobbing, I think he knew. He took this as a sign and pulled me into a tight hug, letting me break down in his arms.

"He's going to be okay. Shhh, he's going to be okay.." Derek soothed me, rubbing circles in my back as I just continued to break down.

"This can't be happening! This can't! This can't be happening.. No! No, no! Derek, no!.." I cried, hugging Derek back as much as he was hugging me. I don't think I was going to be okay if something happened to Stiles.

I don't think I'd be able to recover.


I went outside for some fresh air, taking out my phone to update Isaac about what was happening.

"N-no...I don't know. It's not looking good.." I sighed, wanting to die right about now. I didn't think I would ever, I prayed that I would never, have to feel the pain of loosing someone close to me ever again.

"I want you to listen to me Savannah, listen to me. Stiles is going to be fine, you hear me? We'll do something about it..." Isaac assured me over the phone. God, how did he always have a way of making me feel better? I don't know how he did it but if this whole thing goes over well, I will have to ask him.

"Thank you.." I sighed, almost feeling a bit better but we all knew that wasn't possible at this point. Isaac just made the pain just a little bit better...

"No problem..We're on our way to the hospital now, be there in a couple of minutes." Isaac informed me.

I sighed. "Okay, I'll see you in a bit."

"See you in a bit." Isaac said but before i could say anything else or even hang up.. I heard Isaac call my name. I asked him what was wrong but he didn't answer me and instead said something else. "I love you."

I thought about what Isaac just told me, he told me he loves me. I never thought I would ever deserve to hear those words in my life, I never thought I could. Then Stiles happened. I made the mistake of not telling Stiles the truth of how I felt when I knew. 

I thought about my feelings for Isaac, how much he meant to me and how it would hurt me if he left. I thought about how.. wonderful it felt when he was there for me all those times. I thought about the feeling I got whenever I focused on him during those months after torture. Love comes in many different forms; no two loves can ever be the same. 

I know I could never feel what I felt for Stiles for someone else, but love isn't supposed to be a repeat. I made the mistake of not telling Stiles I loved him too before it was too late, I didn't want to make that mistake again. 

And I knew how I felt about Isaac. 

I wasn't scared anymore, and I had Stiles to thank for that... 

"Isaac, I lo..-" I tried saying something until I heard something sparking above me. I pulled the phone away from my ear, staring up at the sky above me to see sparks flying. "Oh my god..." I stuttered as I could hear Isaac calling for me.

I jumped, dodging one of the loose electrical wires flying through the air but it whipped me across the face. I groaned as I landed on the floor with a thump, pushing my hair out of my face to see the wire heading straight for Kira.

"Kira, look out!"
