Case of Deja Vu

"I'm sorry..We tried as hard as we could. Maybe if it wasn't so long ago we could have tracked her but.." I sighed, offering Sheriff Stilinski an apologetic look. 

"It's okay it was a long shot. In fact it was a pretty terrible idea, I think I just ripped a wound open in that poor man." The sheriff looked at the ground, having this sad look on his face.

Right now, we were about three miles from Mr. Tate's property. After Sheriff Stilinski told us about a case he had been trying to solve, the three of us jumped into action. Mr. Stilinski distracted Mr. Tate, the man who's family's murder Mr. Stilinski was trying to solve, while the three of us snuck into this Malia girl's bedroom. It was sad, having lost your whole entire family in a car accident just to be told decades later that it might be murder, well... 

I can relate to it and it sucks. 

Scott and I tried catching a scent but all we could get was the scent from the dog Mr. Tate had in his house. It was hopeless, we would have needed something of Malia's that still had her scent like an old tshirt that hadn't been washed or something. Maybe even a pet animal of some sort that the dog hadn't scented all over. 

"I never should have brought you guys here, I don't know what I was thinking." Sheriff Stilinski sighed. Wow, he was really torn up about this case. But why? I mean, i can guess why but why this case all of a sudden? Why did he want to solve it so quickly? It was almost like he had a time limit or something, like he was trying to solve it before the last grain of sand hit the bottom of the hourglass. 

"It's not your fault...You wanted to help, you have a good heart..But not even we can save everyone.." I sighed, trying my best to make the sheriff feel better.

He cracked a fake smile, patting my shoulder before opening his car door. "Thanks for trying, all right. I'll see you guys later." 

"Yeah.." Scott and I said, watching as the sheriff climbed into his car. 

"See you at home." The sheriff told Stiles, Stiles throwing up a peace sign as we watched his dad drive off down the road. 

As soon as the sheriff drove off, Scott and I turned towards Stiles, who had been uncharacteristically quiet. 

"Aren't there a lot of cases that go unsolved?" Scott asked. 

Stiles looked down at the ground, messing with the dirt underneath his shoes as he shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. "Yeah, I just think that this is one he felt like he could have figured out right now." 

"Why is it so important now?" Scott and I asked, missing the part where this whole case was so important that it needed to be solved right this second. 

"He wants to be able to solve one more while he's still sheriff." Stiles sighed, admitting to the two of us. We both looked at him confused, not understanding what he was saying. Was Stiles dad quitting or something?" 

"Wait, what do you mean while he's still sheriff?" Scott asked. 


After Stiles confessed that Scott's dad was trying to get his dad fired, Scott practically raced home to have it out with his estranged dad who recently came back to town. Me? I decided to go home and try to relax with Isaac. 

Right now, we were just laying down and trying to get some sleep. Isaac had his arms wrapped around me while I had my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat to keep me from falling asleep. I was too scared to go to sleep, if I fell asleep then I would have the nightmares and I didn't want to have another nightmare. 

I wanted at least one night where I didn't have to picture my mom getting her throat slashed open. 

"Hmmm.." I mumbled while tossing around in Isaac's arms. I could have sworn I heard something, but I might be wrong. I slowly reopened my eyes, not really understanding why I even shut my eyes in the first place. It was just so Isaac could have some ease while at least he got some rest. 

I yawned as I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes before I slowly unwrapped myself from Isaac's arms. Isaac groaned as I placed a kiss on his cheek before going downstairs for something to drink. It was dark but I decided against turning the lights on because it would wake Isaac. He needed rest and I just needed a drink of water or something. 

I drank water from my glass, holding it in my hand while I rested myself up against the counter. It was dark, probably around one or two in the morning and I really should have been getting some rest. 

Should have been. . . 

"Scott? What's going on?" I opened the door to the loft when I heard knocking, coming face to face with one of my best friends. Scott didn't say anything at first, only tossing a flashlight at my hands. I caught it effortlessly, staring down at it before giving him a confused look. 

"You, me, and Stiles; we're going to go out and find a body. A dead body." 

I am seriously getting a bad case of deja vu here.

After Scott bombarded himself upon me, I left with him and Stiles to go find another dead body in the woods. I was seriously getting a bad case of deja vu. As we got out of Stiles jeep, I was having serious flashbacks of when we went looking for Laura's dead body two summers ago. Right now, we were just walking through the woods. It was like going back in time and quite frankly, it was creepy. Last time we went looking for a dead body in the woods, Scott got turned into a werewolf. 

This time it could be Stiles and that made me nervous. But I was ready to rip apart anyone who tried to hurt Stiles.

"You guys know if my dad's right then that means there's another werewolf in town that we haven't met yet." Stiles informed us while we were walking through the woods, following Scott's GPS. 

"I know." Scott and I said n'sync while Scott kept looking down at his phone. 

"If it turns out to be something like triplets that form into like a three headed hound of hell, I'm seriously not up for that." Stiles complained as we continued walking through the dark. 

Scott sighed. "Yeah, me either. Especially if I can't even control my own transformation anymore."

I placed a hand on Scott's shoulder, giving him this warming look. "Hey, you're going to be fine. I've been where you are at and let me tell you, it does get better. You'll get in control again, you're Scott freaking True Alpha McCall...You'll be just fine." 

Scott thanked me, giving me a small smile while Stiles cleared his throat. I rolled my eyes slightly, grinning to myself about how Stiles had this little jealous look on his face before we kept walking. We climbed up this little hill, Scott going up first before we both helped Stiles up. I dusted my pants while it seemed like we only took three more steps before there was a howling in the distance.

Stiles jumped, looking all around him before grabbing onto both mine and Scott's shoulders, trying to get between us. Scott and I both jumped, looking at Stiles freak out. Stiles bumped into Scott, making Scott drop his phone all the way down and into a puddle of water.

Yup, probably should have gotten the galaxy that's water proof Scott.

Scott gave Stiles a stern look before looking back down at his submerged phone. "Sorry buddy, I hate coyotes so much. They always sound like they're mauling some tiny little helpless animal." Stiles apologized. 

Scott jumped down, going to retrieve his phone. I jumped down after him, flashing the light around to get a good look at our surroundings before turning back to catch Stiles as he slipped coming down. Stiles thanked me, making me blush slightly before letting go of his hands and picking up the flashlight I dropped when catching him. 

Scott picked up his phone, cleaning it with the end of his shirt and looking down at it. "Still works." Scott informed us, letting us know that our map wasn't lost at sea after all. I sighed, wrapping my arms around myself while keeping the flashlight pointed in front of us, kind of just looking all around us. Stiles suddenly got this look on his face, well I already knew that face, it was the face that read "I think I just found something." face. 

"Let me see the flashlight." Stiles said, grabbing mine and pointing it to the side of us. "I think we found it." Stiles started walking a little bit ahead while Scott and I quickly followed him. Yup, I was right about his facial expressions. I know that boy like the back of my hand. 

Scott and I followed Stiles, and that's when I finally spotted something in the distance. It looked like an old overturn car, almost like a scene from a scary movie or something. 

"Uhh, why wouldn't they move it? Isn't it evidence?" I asked, feeling a bit eerie about being in front of the car where an entire family was massacred and a possible crime scene. It was weird though, why wouldn't the police move the car? 

"Probably too much of a pain in the ass to tow out." Stiles sighed, pointing the flashlight at the car. 

"I'm getting a serious case of deja vu..." I shivered, placing my hands in my pockets while I exchanged a look with Scott. I breathed out, watching my breath in front of me because it was that cold outside right now, it was like I was breathing fire or something. I turned my attention back to the scene in front of us, just looking at the old beat up car. 

Then that's when something caught my eye. 

"Wait, a second. Look at this." I said, taking the flashlight from Stiles hand and pointing it at the side of the car, where it looked like something was carved into it. We walked over to it and I lightly dragged my fingers across the four huge scratches on the side of the car. Either someone was pissed and keyed their car early before the accident, or a supernatural creature had a grudge against the Tate family. 

"Animal claws would be closer together, a lot closer." I sighed, dragging my claws lightly against the outside before retracting them and bringing my hand back to my chest. I turned to Stiles and Scott, giving them this look. "It was a werewolf.." 

"So my dad was right." Stiles said. 

"Looks like it." I sighed. 

Stiles didn't say anything else, just having this concentrating look on his face. He bent down, pointing his flashlight at the car while we inspected all the claw markings everywhere. This was definitely the making of a werewolf, a supernatural creature at least. 

"What is that?" Scott pointed out. Stiles pointed his flashlight at the car, bending down a little as he started to crawl into it. I squinted as i pointed my flashlight into the car, seeing what Stiles was crawling towards and what Scott had pointed out. 

"Is that a hand?" I asked, spotting what Stiles was reaching for. It looked like some sort of small hand, like maybe from a doll or something. I really hoped it was from a doll. Stiles reached, grabbing the hand and pulling it out of the car. 

All three of us stood up, staring down at the raggedy doll in Stiles hand. Stiles pointed his flashlight at the doll while we all looked at it. It looked completely destroyed, like something a parent would throw away. It was missing one leg, it's arm was all bent out of place, and it looked creepy as hell.

It was silence for a moment as we just inspected the creepy ass doll. 

"I'm hungry." An electronic voice came from the doll suddenly, making Stiles scream out loud and drop the doll. Scott and I both jumped back, looking at the doll before looking back at Stiles. God, I hated those creepy as dolls, and especially this one that we found in the wood in an abandoned car where a family was massacred. 

"I think I just had a minor heart attack." Stiles told us, while Scott and I both had our hands on our chest, trying to calm ourselves down. Stiles pointed his flashlight at my face, blinding me as I could hear something from around us. 

"Stiles, if you don't get that light out of my face, I will scream." I complained as I tried using my hand to shield my eyes from Stiles flashing his light at me. He mumbled a sorry before bringing his flashlight away from my eyes, and I thanked him for not blinding me. I glared slightly at Stiles before turning back in front of me and spotting something. We heard growling coming in front of us and my eyes fixed on the coyote growling and showing itself from in between the trees. "Hey guys.." I whispered to them, hitting their arms and pointing in front of us. 

"Please tell me you see that.." I whispered to them, slowly moving towards Stiles and grabbing his hand. There was no way I was going to let Stiles get mauled like some tiny helpless animal as he described it. 

"I see it." They both answered back. 

The coyote just growled some more before taking off. Without a second to process what was happening, Scott took off after the coyote. 

"Wait, hey, Scott! Scott, wait!" I yelled after him, almost going to run after him but decided against it. I needed to stay with Stiles, keep him safe. "Come on, we have to go after him." I grabbed Stiles hand before we both started running in the direction that Scott took off. 

We tried running after Scott to follow him but it was no use, Stiles wasn't fast enough to keep up and if we didn't find Scott then I don't know. 

"Come on, try to keep up." I cursed, trying not to run to fast because then I'd end up dragging Stiles with me. We kept running but I stopped once I noticed Stiles was breathing way too hard. I stopped, turning to him and making sure he was okay. He was breathing heavy, shooing my concerns while he tried regaining his breath. 

Stiles took deep breaths, looking up at me and shaking his head. "Go, go find Scott." 

"What? No, I'm not leaving you out here by yourself." I argued. The fact that Stiles thinks I would ever leave him out here by himself, unprotected is beyond me. 

"You need to help Scott, he's still worried about transforming so he needs you more than I do. So go, go find him and I'll catch up." Stiles explained, making me feel a weight in my chest. I tried arguing with him but there was no arguing with this stubborn hard head that I fell for. It was my love for him that blinded me but he was still the same stubborn hard head best friend I first met. 

I tried arguing with him anyway to no avail. 

"You shout, you scream, anything...I will come running and rip out whatever's throat is hurting you. You got it? Just scream and I'll come running." I sighed in defeat, knowing that Stiles wasn't going to give up anytime soon and we were wasting valuable time. 

Stiles shook his head, and I handed him the flashlight before running off in the direction Scott went. 


"I looked her right in the eyes and they glowed just like ours, they glowed blue." Scott explained to me. After catching up with Scott, he had informed me on what happened during his speech chase. Scott had apparently found the coyote we had spotted, trying to tell me that it was the missing Malia girl from Sheriff Stilinski's case. 

"And you're sure? You're sure it wasn't a trick of the light or something?" I asked him. 

"I think I know a supernatural's eyes by now, don't you? It was her, I'm sure of it." Scott explained as I sighed.

"We need to find Stiles." I said before the two of us took off. Scott and I ran through the woods, trying to get back to where Stiles was. One minute later, we ran into Stiles as he screamed and flashed the light in our faces. "Get that damn light out of my face Stilinski." I complained while we all looked at each other. 

"I think I found something." Stiles said, trying to regain his breath. Thank god he was okay. 

"So did I." Scott replied. 

The three of us nodded our heads in agreement, following Stiles towards whatever it was that he had found. We walked for two more minutes or so, climbing up this little path way before standing in front of this den. Coyote den to be exact. Stiles and Scott walked into the den and I looked around outside real quick before going inside. 

"It's a coyote den." Stiles sighed while him and Scott kept looking around. "You see this? This is Malia's, it's the same one she was wearing in the photo." Stiles said while holding up the jacket.

I flashed my flashlight in the den, seeing that there was a old raggedy stuffed animal on the floor and a light blue puffy winter jacket in the corner. So this is where "Malia" was staying at, in this tiny little filthy coyote den for over 8 years? This feels so weird and I suddenly got this weird feeling. 

"We shouldn't be in here.." I slowly started backing up while the two of them looked at me confused. They questioned me on why I was acting weird and backing up out of the den. "She's not going to come back here now. We invaded her home, our scents going to be everywhere." 

They both looked at me weird until Scott got this sudden look on his face. 

Before, whenever I was looking for someone else who might know information on my parents and help me complete my mission, I'd squat at places since I never had a home. Well, whenever I was trying to hide from the hunters, I would just pay attention to their scent. Whenever one of the hunters were on my trail or had found me, I would never return since their scent was everywhere. 

No predator species would ever return to a place that had already been compromised. It was like dogs peeing on trees, they wanted to make their territory. 

We all stood up, just exchanging glances at one another. 

"If she's not going to come back here, then where is she going to go?" Stiles asked. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know.." 

Stiles sighed, tapping his chin with his finger. "Can you track her now? You think you got her scent?" 

I looked at Scott, giving him a sad look. He was still struggling with his wolf side, he talked to me about it before. He wanted to know how I did it, he wanted to know how to not be afraid. I told him I didn't have a right answer. I tried helping him, like twice, but Scott didn't seem to be approving of my method of teaching. He wasn't into the whole mediation thing and it took me years to learn all that I knew, Scott didn't have years. "Maybe, I can probably track her but it'd be better if I had some help.." I sighed, exchanging a look with Scott. 

"I'm better at this when I'm a full wolf. And I'm still worried that if I do it, I won't be able to change back." Scott admitted. 

"Yeah...the door's still open." Stiles sighed. 

"If I can't get to Derek, we're gonna have to find someone else to help us." I sighed, looking at the two of them. They both had distraught looks on their faces, while we just stood there trying to come up with a better plan to actually help us. 

"This is basically a crime scene, right? I think it might be a little bit out of my bosses league." Scott started talking while he looked over at Stiles. 

"And more my dad's.." Stiles sighed. 


The next day, we were all standing around and showing Allison where we had found the den. You know, the place that Malia has been staying at for over eight years. If you asked me how I thought our little excursion through the woods would have gone, well I would have never said finding the place where Malia, the missing girl of eight years, has been hiding out as a coyote. 

Right now, we were all in the classroom, standing in the corner and catching Allison up to speed. 

"Here's where we found the den. It's right in the middle of the hiking trails." I pointed to the spot on the map. 

"That could narrow it down, coyotes travel on fixed trails. But I think you're right about her not going back to the den. Coyotes don't like wolves and they're really smart. If they don't want to be heard, they actually walk on their toes." Allison explained. 

Great, so this Malia girl, who's like a fetus, is smart enough to walk on her toes so we don't hear her? Yeah, I'll just add that to the list of crazy things I've heard. 

"Coyotes tip toe?" Stiles questioned. 

Allison rolled her eyes. "Yes, they tip toe." 

We all just looked at each other before the bell rang. I sighed, shaking my head before making sure my bag was secure on my shoulder. I turned to Stiles and Scott, telling them that I would catch up with them later on before turning to leave to my next class. 

"I've gotta go but send me the pin location." Allison said before hurrying out of class to her own. The both of us walked together before going our separate ways. 

I sat down in math, pretending to focus on whatever the hell we were supposed to be talking about. I took out my notebook, kind of just doodling around. I drew little half crescent moons, trying to just wait until the bell rang until i was free of this hell that is Math class. 

A couple of minutes later, the teacher started calling people to the board and telling them to do math problems. I tried my best to look busy so I wouldn't get picked on but sadly, even though i wasn't raising my hand, I got picked. 

I groaned, slowly getting up and walking towards the board. I grabbed the chalk from the teacher's hand, starting to work on the problem when something caught my attention. It was faint, it was distant but I heard it. It was like a warning signal or something... 

I closed my eyes, blocking out everything else in an attempt to get a good catch of what was happening. I let out a small breath, and it was like I was traveling all throughout the hallways, trying to find the pin point of where the noise was coming from. 

It was breathing, heavy breathing and the sound of a heartbeat going crazy. 

"Stiles.." I gasped slightly before dropping the piece of chalk as I grabbed my bag off the floor and ran out of the classroom. I heard the teacher trying to get me to stay, asking where i was going, but I ignored them as I raced down the hall. The sound of Stiles heartbeat was getting louder and louder, faster and faster. Something was wrong, i just knew it. 

I ran as fast as I could through the hallways, sliding and slamming into the lockers when I made a sharp turn. I groaned in pain before getting up off the floor and running towards the boys bathroom. That's where I heard Stiles heartbeat and breathing coming from. 

I pushed open the doors, gasping as I saw Stiles on the floor, panicking. 

"Oh my god, Stiles. Stiles, you okay? Come on, come on...Talk to me." I dropped to the floor, placing my hands on his face in an attempt to get him to focus. Stiles just kept breathing heavily, he was having a panic attack, I knew it. This is how he was last time when his dad was taken by my mom. "Stiles, listen to me. Is this a panic attack.?" 

Stiles couldn't talk, he was breathing too hard. 

"Scott, what happened?" I turned to Scott for an explanation now. 

"He stood up to read in class, then he got this weird look on his face before he started breathing like a panic attack." Scott explained while I nodded my head. 

I sighed, turning to face Stiles while making him look at me. "This is a dream, it's just a dream.." Stiles breathed out, trying to steady his breath but by the sound of his heartbeat, he was going to send himself into shock. 

"Stiles, listen to me. This is real, okay? You're here, you're here with me and Scott. Okay? We're all here and this is real. This is not a dream." I tried getting through to Stiles. 

"It-it's a dream. It's gotta be a dream." Stiles kept on repeating himself. 

I started to panic too. We had to think of a way to help him before he puts himself into cardiac arrest or something. There had to be a way to help him. Stiles told me how he has to scream himself to wake sometimes when he has nightmares, we both do. But dammit, what was that other thing he told me how he knows whether he's dreaming or not. dammit, come on Savannah. 

Then it suddenly came back to me. 

"Stiles, listen to my voice. It's Savannah, you're here and this is real. Look, how do you tell whether you're awake or dreaming? We count your fingers." I explained to him while Scott looked at me confused. 

"You have extra fingers in dreams.." Stiles added, looking at the both of us. 

"Good, come on, count with me." I told him, holding up my hands to start helping him count. "Hey! Stiles, come on, count with me. One." 


"Three, four, five, six.." 

I smiled at him, nodding my head quickly. "Good, that's good. Come on, almost there." 

"Seven, eight, nine..." Stiles breathed out, his breath and heartbeat getting more steady. 


 The three of us finished, breathing out before Stiles looked back and forth between my hands. Stiles suddenly got this serious look on his face as he shook his head. I let out breaths of relief, thankful that Stiles was okay. This whole entire "darkness surrounding your hearts" thing was getting pretty old, real quick. Stiles still had the door open to his mind, all three of them did, and there wasn't anything we could do to stop it. Deaton explained that they had to close the doors on their own. 

I just wish there was a way that I could help him close the door...

"What the hell is happening to me?" Stiles breathed out, sliding down to the floor. 

I sighed, placing my hand on his knees. "Hey, we'll figure it out. You're going to be okay, do you hear me? You're going to be okay.." 

"Am I?" Stiles questioned, looking up at us before focusing his glance at Scott. "Are you Scott? Scott, you can't transform. Allison's being haunted by her dead aunt. And I'm straight up loosing my mind..We can't do this, We can't...We can't help Malia.. We can't help anyone..." Stiles sighed, looking down at his hands, messing with his fingers. 

I sighed, shaking my head back and forth before taking his hands in mind and giving them a squeeze. I let go of one of his hands, grabbing Scott's before turning my attention back to Stiles. 

"We can try..." I forced a smile on my face. "We can always try..There's nothing the three of us can't do if we just stick together and try.." 
