
When your done locking the door of your apartment, you put the keys into your bag and headed to the grocery to buy ingredients. You're going to your boyfriend's house who's name ia Hyungwon and you thought cooking dinner for him will made him happy. You decided to get the ingredients for steaks. Yeah, you're going to cook that.

After paying the item you have bought, you get out from the shop and headed to Hyungwon's apartment. When your infront of his apartment door, you ring the doorbell but no one comes out. You tried to knock but no one answer so you get the spare key that Hyungwon gave to you incase your going to his apartment. After unlocking the door, you notice that the room was silent and no one is inside. You put the ingredients in the kitchens and starts preparing the tools that you needed thinking maybe Hyungwon is just at his friendsย  house and just forgot to tell you.

It's already 7pm when you just done cooking and wait for Hyungwon. You switch on the TV to watch some shows.

3 hours have pass but Hyungwon is still not home. You started to get worried and dial his friend's number.

"Hello? Wonho? Do you know where is Hyungwon?"

"Y/N? He left an hour ago. He's with some girl, I thought it was you."

"Is that so? Uhm, okay. Thanks" then you hang up.

He's with some girl. You gets out his house and walk while calling his phone but he's not answering.

That is when you pass by the park and saw two people kissing. At first, you didn't notice who is the guy but theres a weird feeling in your heart so you move a little close and you swear that it's the time when your heart broke down to pieces. It's Hyungwon and he's kissing your ex-bestfriend.

Maybe they feel your presence that made them stop kissing. Hyungwon suddenly look at you with widened eyes.

"Y/N it's not what you think" He told you.

"Yeah. It is not. I'm thinking that we are cuddling in your bed but yeah, it' not what I think." You said as tears streamed down on your face. You can't believe that he cheated on you.

"I thought you love me but I was wrong. I hate you" Thats the last thing you said before you run out of no where.

You kept running until your feet goes numb. You look around you and surprised that you're infront of your apartment. You went inside and cried all night. It's just that you trusted him and love him but he still cheated on you.

You woke up by the smell of pancakes. Your eyes widened when you saw Hyungwon in the kitchen but change it to glare.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Im sorry"

"Sorry won't change the fact that you cheated on me" You said. Keeping your tears, as you remembered what happened last night.

"I know but I did not cheat on you. And I'm sorry. Let me explain"

"I'm at Wonho's house because hes having a party. I forgot to tell you and I left my phone in my apartment. When I planned to go home, someone approach me and I thought it was you. I'm drunk Y/N, and I was thinking of you right there. Thinking it's you, I go with her and we stop at the park. She kissed me Y/N. I'm too drunk too notice that it was not you and I was too damn stupid to not push her away from me. I'm sorry Y/N. Please, forgive me" He said as tears rolled down in his face. You can feel his sincerity.

"You sure you did not cheat on me?" He nodded.

"Promise you won't do that again?" He nods again.

"Okay I forgive you. I'm just scared of loosing you, you know that?" You asked him. Hyungwon hugged you and burried his face into the crook of your neck, still crying.

"I love you I love you Y/N. I really do"

"I know. And I love you too" You said.

"I ate the steak earlier" you laugh after he said that.


"Let's cuddle now? I know you want it."

"Yeah, I badly need it."

You said and you spent the whole day cuddling each other.

700+ words. Is it okay? I was thinking, I'll start writing some scenarios in English but...Idk if I'm going to do it. I'm not that confident with my english.

And oh! Thanks for 100+ reads. You guys are awesome!

Yeah, things like this makes me happy. Me and my supportiveย  friend (note the sarcasm there, but I still love her tho)ย  thought that no one will read this but yeah, this book have reach 100+ reads.

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