Chapter 58: D*mn it, Ms. Frizzle!

"Her bad luck's come back, Simon," Eddie shook his head. "Her bad luck's coming back."

"That won't mean she gets run over by a bus again?" John asked hopefully.

Simon shook his head. "Nah, if she gets run over by a bus again, that's not bad luck, that's Ms. Frizzle screwing up for the fifth time."

Dr. Collingwood half-smiled. That brings back so many memories. Those were good times. John noticed.

"Hey, whatcha smilin' about, Shorty?"

"When I was a kid, me and my friends used to make this joke whenever I got run over by a bus that Ms. Frizzle screwed up and that I should sue her. Richard was the one who started it. He was visiting me in the hospital while I was recovering and said that to try and make me feel better and it ended up becoming kind of an inside joke in my friend circle. God, that brings back so many memories."

Lawrence gave her a slightly concerned look. "You make it sound like Ms. Frizzle screwed up multiple times."

"Well... I, uhhh-"

"She got run over by a bus four different times," Eddie said quickly. Simon gave him a death glare.

John and Lawrence spoke at the same time. "How are you still alive? "

She covered her face with her hands. "I don't know! I legitimately don't know!"
