Chapter 44: Oathbreaker!

Charlie ran throughout the facility, the alarms blaring in his ears. John and Billy were busy delivering the rest of the staff out of the facility. He heard Molly cry out in fear and ran even faster. He came to a door and smashed it down. His keen nose caught the smell of the entire pack, including his father, and Molly. He could almost smell her fear too.

A deep growl, rumbling like distant thunder, rose from his chest to his throat and grew in volume. "I said... leave her... ALONE!"

He roared the last word and lunged at his father, fangs ready to tear his throat out. Someone else tackled him and clamped their jaws around his neck. Another gnawed on his right forearm. Two more sets of jaws closed on his tail and his left ankle. He struggled, twisting and turning, but couldn't handle four pinning him down at once.

Dr. Collingwood looked back at Bloodfang. His face was set in a wide grin, making his skull-like head even more demonic-looking. The massive 939 stepped closer, chuckling.

"Finally, on this day, justice will be brought to my dear brother. On this day, the flesh and blood of the murderer shall be destroyed!" His sycophants cheered. One of the other 939s raised its head a little, a solemn, sad look on its face, as if trying to apologize nonverbally. Bloodfang lowered his voice a little, speaking directly to her. "Enjoy your death, for you are only the first..."

She gulped, shut her eyes, and braced herself for the crushing bite to her skull.

But it never came.

Before anyone could move a muscle, a small 939 sprang from the assembled pack members, leaping from the crowd and right in front of Bloodfang.

"No!" The word was shouted, brave, but shook a little.

Bloodfang looked surprised, but quickly regained his composure. "You are but a child, Sharpclaw. You know nought of these sorts of matters. Remember your place."

The little 939 squared its shoulders. "Even a child would know that what you're doing is wrong. From the story you tell, it sounds like revenge by proxy. You should know well that our pack condemns that sort of behavior. Besides," the 939 - Sharpclaw, apparently - pointed at her, "she wasn't even born yet at the time of Gallant and Cornelius's deaths, so there is no blood on her hands."

"Sharpclaw-" growled Bloodfang impatiently.

"And it only happened because you thought it was a fine idea to steal cattle when you could have just hunted deer like a normal person," added Sharpclaw. His voice sounded a little more confident and a little sharper than before.

Bloodfang only growled in response, but took a step back.

"So, all because of an incident that was basically your doing, your own brother and nephew died and you blame someone else for it. A someone who, may I add, didn't even know you existed and couldn't see what he was shooting at. I see no one who deserves the blame more than you. You decided to steal someone else's property. And you think it's okay to blame someone yet unborn? To literally stalk an innocent little child? To murder a mother? If that is acceptable to you, then you are unfit to lead this pack." Sharpclaw stepped forward.

Bloodfang snarled. "You have no authority to declare me unfit to lead."

"No, I do not, but I can voice my opinion on the matter." Sharpclaw turned to the rest of the pack. "Should we really stay silent on this? Should we allow this sort of behavior? Here I stand. I have given you my reasons as to why I have chosen to speak up. Judge me if you wish. If you agree with me, come forward. Don't be afraid. To those who support this stain on our pack, kill me if you want, but you have shown yourselves willing to kill a child, a sin unforgivable according to our law."

Bloodfang was shaking with rage. He suddenly sprang forward and slashed his claws across the child's face. Sharpclaw stayed silent, not even covering the wound, just stood there, unmoving, with a grim, determined snarl.

A collective growl rippled through the pack. Four young-looking 939s ran to Sharpclaw. One looked older than him.

"Sharpclaw, Sharpclaw, are you alright?"

A pair of larger 939s, adults seemingly, slowly came to the front. One quietly fussed over Sharpclaw while the other simply glared at Bloodfang.

Bloodfang looked aghast. "Swiftclaw, Razorspine, what are you doing? Bring him back here!"

The one that had been fussing over Sharpclaw snapped at Bloodfang. Its voice was female. "Perhaps the question that should be asked is, what have you done?"

The other 939, seemingly Sharpclaw's father, snarled at Bloodfang. The spines on its back stabbed the air. "The only reason why I didn't speak up is because I was afraid, for it seemed like everyone in the pack would kill me if I said a single word against you. But this is the last straw. I care nothing anymore. First you attacked a harmless lady after it was proven that she knew nothing of your grudge against her father, now you dare lay your claws on my son! Come forward, fight me if you wish, but I can assure you that at least three of your sheep will die before I perish."

More of the 939s gave Bloodfang disgusted looks and went over to Sharpclaw. More and more joined the young 939 until there were only a few left standing with Bloodfang.

"Wh-What?! This is treason!" screamed Bloodfang.

An elderly-looking 939 stepped out of the crowd. "The pack has spoken, Bloodfang. Stop this madness."

Another of the elderly called out to Dr. Collingwood. "O daughter of man, blessed with sight, how many still stand with Bloodfang?"

Bloodfang roared. "This is not madness! That demon deserves to suffer in the darkest pits of h*ll!"

She silently counted Bloodfang's supporters. "Ten."

"Ten? Only ten?" scoffed one of the red-skinned creatures.

Another old 939 stepped out from the crowd. "Please, my son, do not do this. I feel every bit as hurt as you do about Gallant's death, but the daughter does not deserve death. The pain from losing a child is one no parent should ever experience."

"He has hoodwinked and made us fear for our lives, just to kill someone who is harmless!" shouted another.

Sharpclaw reared onto his hind legs. "When one becomes leader or joins the Council of Elders, they swear an unbreakable oath, sealed with their own blood. One part of this oath is that they must never kill or decree the execution of an innocent. Bloodfang has most assuredly violated that!"

The rest of the pack began to shout angrily. "Oathbreaker! Oathbreaker! Oathbreaker!"

An elder shouted, "SILENCE!" The pack immediately quieted down. Bloodfang attempted to speak, but he was stopped by that elder.

"From this day forward, no one in this pack is to obey your orders. You are no longer leader of the pack."

"No, no, NO! I am the head of this pack, without me you would crumble, you would-"

A tall, slender, pale figure appeared in the doorway. "I told you that you would die if you ever tried to kill Molly again!" John unhinged his jaw and let out a hideous shriek, causing the pack to cower in fear.

"Do not kill him," said the elder who had decreed the removal of Bloodfang's position. "Let him live in his shame."

Bloodfang snarled and stormed out of the room. An elder who hadn't spoken yet turned to the rest of the pack. "Everyone, back to the cell. Make sure Bloodfang goes there too."

With that the pack spilled out of the room, except for Sharpclaw. His father turned and called out to him. "Son? Let's go!"

"Just a minute, dad! I wanna talk to Dr. Collingwood."

"Sure, but make it quick."
