Sebastian Michaelis'

Mae-Rin stood in the doorway, a violent waterfall of blood gushing from her nose. She must have been here awhile, as a large puddle of red soaked into the pale carpet.
I looked at Hyori carefully, and then glanced at the bloody maid in front of us.
"Mae-Rin. Please snap out of your stupor, then clean yourself and this mess. Mae-Rin!!"
She stood, shaking and staring at the blood puddle on the ground... Slowly, she began to mutter to herself," I came to introduce myself...I just came to say hi..."
Hyori inched into the bathroom, getting a roll of tissue and going swiftly to Mae-Rin. The young maid's nose-bleed stopped flowing, but the excess liquid still trickled down her chin - this is what Hyori gently wiped at. Mae-Rin stared gratefully at Mrs. Nikita, but I was intrigued. 'She just met Mae-Rin, but is cleaning up her bodily fluids....  Why?
I looked again at the two women and smiled. 'Perhaps... She is just truly kind.'
Hyori used a lot of tissue, but eventually cleaned Mae-Rin enough that she didn't look like a murder victim. It took me a moment to realize that the maid was staring at me. I smirk, then frown. "Oh! The young master is probably livid!" I say loudly, remembering that I had promised that Lady Nikita would be in his office... Ten minutes ago.
"Mrs. Hyori - Master Ceil was expecting you to be in his office ten minutes ago! Go ahead and get ready. Ill... Be back!!"
After the last word, I glide out of the young guest's bedroom, bumping into Mae-Rin and probably making her swoon or start another nosebleed. Truthfully, I wouldn't mind in the least. I rush down the dark hallway, a smirk plastered on my face.
Reaching my master's study, I stop just outside the door, straighten my tie and hair, then tap a slow, hard knock on the tall door. "Come on in, Sebastian!!"
Ceil's voice echoed out into the long hall, and I enter his expansive work room. He looks more than a bit irritated. "Where is Hyori, Sebastian?"
I smirked and consequently answered with: "You don't know how long it takes a girl to get ready?!"
Immediately after the statement escaped my mouth, I regret it. Mostly because Ceil gains an angry expression, whispering after a moment, "No. I don't."
