Hyori Nikita - Part Two

He led me to the kitchen and led me everything. After I promised to keep it a secret between us, he told me every  single detail...
That he's a demon from the pits of Hell; that Ceil made a contract with him for a reason he could not disclose; that the butler had to eat Ceil's soul when the task was accomplished.
By that point, Sebastian was NOT smiling.
He gazed at me with trust as he said quietly," Please. Don't bring up with the young master anything I have told you. He will surely punish us both if he finds out... Me for telling and you for listening."
I nodded firmly, knowing I was capable of keeping secrets.
Then, Sebastian looked deeply into my eyes and smirked. "Don't tell the young master about this either..."
Suddenly, the head Butler's lips were on mine and he was pressing ever closer.
I flinched back, but he pulled me back into the kiss. He leaned over me, my body tipping backward on the bar stool I was sitting on from the weight of his standing body.
Soon, someone (not one of us) shrieked loudly.
"Oh my gosh!!" Mae-Rin squealed," I thought there was something going on between you two!!" She began a nosebleed, and ran off, probably to tell the Earl.
Right. Mae-Rin was in the kitchen. Damn.

Sebastian had backed up from me for a moment when the female maid entered, glaring at her for interrupting... Whatever this was.
"This is a kiss. I'm trying to woo you." 'Oh gosh... He can read minds!' I thought.
He turned back to me and gave his fantastic smirk as he said," Might as well talk out loud, ma'am. I can hear the whole shebang!!" Sebastian chuckled as I stick my tongue out. While I was expecting a comment about my action, he laughed, rich and full, and breathed in my ear:" I assumed that you wouldn't want  a statement like that. Well, how wrong I was!!" I blushed a dark crimson at exactly the wrong moment. My host leaned heavily into the doorway; eying Sebastian leaning over me and not noticing his young master.
"Sebastian, why ARE you trying to get my guest to fall in love with you?!"
The butler was startled greatly by the Earl's sudden appearance. He began to stammer:" I-I.. I really like H-Her... Young master..."
Ceil looked straight into Sebastian's eyes, his own filled with anger and hurt... And maybe... Jealousy?
I stared at the young Phantomhive, wondering if...maybe... Did last night... Mean something?
Sebastian glanced wearily over at me and I remembered that he could read minds. Man... Now I have to tell him..." I thought before I can stop myself. "Tell me what?!" Sebastian demanded angrily.
"What in Hell's name are you talking about??" Cried the young man in the doorway.
"Nothing, sir," the butler and I replied in unison.
"Nothing, aye?" Ceil's one blue eye twinkled in the florescent lighting. "I can... Punish you until you tell me what 'nothing' means...."
Ceil set his devilish glare on me, sending a jolt through my spine. "Or you can tell me now... And all is well."
His voice grew dangerously low as he said," It's your choice."
He looked quickly between the two figures in front of him before declaring," You have forty-five seconds!!"
Setting a timer on his small, black watch, he stared at me as he whispered menacingly," Your turn...begins."
