Hyori N. - Part Three

I walked all through the giant house - nobody but Ceil and I seemed to have ever been present.
I was scared out of my mind when 10 long fingers attached themselves to my forearm.
A deep voice emerged (along with a thin, black-coated arm) from the darkness.
Figure's whisper was intent and resonated through my soul. "Hyori - I am Sebastian Michaelis and I am most humbly at your service." My heart races as he turns me slowly to face him. He is grinning broadly and it scares me.
The man must recognize my expression of fear, because he smirks and lets go of my pale arm, sighing softly. "What is it about me that brings newcomers fear?" He mutters quietly as I watch him turn away. I felt a sudden urge to speak, so I answered his probably-rhetorical question.
"S-Sebastian? Maybe it's because of your walking up behind people randomly..." He turns around quickly and, looking at the floor, whispers," Are you sure it isn't... My eyes?" As he finished the sentence, he looks up and I gasp. "R-red!? Your eyes are red!!" He sighs again and begins to trot off. "Yeah. That's what I thought..." Suddenly, I run quickly to him and catch his sleeve, stopping him in his tracks. "Sebastian. Your eyes are... Very handsome. They're just... Intimidating." I blush as the butler looks me up and down carefully, finishing by looking into my eyes. *You don't say...?" He grins a bit, perhaps wondering how intimidated I would get before I looked away.  Not too much, appearantly, but cock my head, casually looking away from his gorgeous, crimson eyes.
His smile faded to a small smirk and he, very abruptly, gave me a hug.
I am not usually a touchy person - i, normally, would have squirmed from Sebastian's touch. But! I simply melted into his strong chest while he ran his fingers through my bright red hair.
And then...
"We've gotten close, have we?"
