Chapter 9

A/n:  Bruno and Abbacchio will be romance characters but I ultimately decided including La Squadra would be too messy. Trish is a love interest if you didn't know already.

I'd also like to add with Bruno and Abbacchio there will be no mature stuff or kissing, so romance characters wouldn't be the best way to label them.

Recap :

Your eye switched back to Purple Haze and your feet stayed planted on the ground.

Fugo is controlling Purple Haze... so why did he choose to destroy the mirror?

Present :

Giorno looked to you with a glint of worry in his eyes. You giving him a soft smile to reassure him and looked down at the mirror. You placed the last piece of the mirror together. All of the larger shards were somewhat put together like a puzzle in the broken mirror frame.

The sound of metal caught Giorno's attention as well as yours. A golden key laid on the ground and a pink crome hand was there beside it. Giorno walked over and picked up the key. Nodding to you and for the plan to go into action.

Flashback -

"Y/n. I'll be dragged into the mirror realm with the virus while you stay out here so when enemy stand user comes out here you can take care of him.

A frown was set on your lips but you gave him a thumbs up.

"I'm assuming not the, give him a warm cup of milk and tuck him into bed with a kiss on the forehead, type of care... ok."

Flash back end -

Giorno was dragged into the mirror and you watched him disappear from view. Now all you had to do was wait. You rested your back against a wall. Sliding now it until you were sitting down with your legs laid out in front of you.

I just wanna study some fish like a nerd

You brought your hands to your head and ran your fingers through your hair. Letting out a deep breath. Calming down.

I mean who says I can't study in my free time? But for now, I have to be strong. Giorno is in there dying of a virus, Abbacchio has cut off his hand. If I'm right that was his stand's hand that dropped the key so if the hand is disconnected from its body that means Abbacchio's hand is disconnected from his body. And Fugo? God who knows what he's going through and what has already happened.

You brought your stand out and watched as it floated in front of you and it looked at you back with its jelly-like eyes.

"Do you have a name or is it my job to name you?"

Your voice was calm despite the situation you were thrown into. Your stand made some sort of weird noise and continued to give you a blank look and just float there. Just looking at you.

You sighed and tried to ignore your Stand who floated over to Golden Experience. Probably to try and communicate, which was hard when all your stand could do was make strange noises.

The sound of someone's voice broke the eerie silence causing your breath to hitch. It wasn't Giorno's. Or even Fugo's or Abbacchio's. It was too gravely.

Slowly you used the wall to help you stand. From around the corner, you saw a man. His brown hair divided into many ponytails and he wore what looked like a padded baby blue vest.

"Th-That was close, but, my resolve wins in the end!"

Blood flowed like a river from where his hand would be making your stomach turn and your legs almost gave out from under you.

Keep it together Y/n. Keep it together.

In the mirror realm -

"I figured he'd go outside. Though. He's going down, no matter what. Now that he's stepped outside there's a chance I might survive. Now that he's outside Y/n can finish him off. He's forgotten about her. Which will lead to his downfall."

Fugo looked at him and gave him a skeptical look.

"She threw up when she realized she killed a man, I'm not sure if she'll be able to do this, this guy is skilled and has way more experience than her. She could get seriously hurt."

Outside the mirror realm -

You stand started to float back towards you and away from Golden Experience. Floating by your side, it gave you a look. A look you had seen your father give you when you were scared. A look saying 'it's going to be ok.' Before it faded back into you.

You took a deep breath, as if you were about to jump into ice cold water, and stepped around the corner. Tiptoeing quietly up to the man but kicked a rock the man aware of your presence. His breath hitched.

You froze in your place. You looked like a Scooby-Doo character that was spotted trying to sneak away. Illuso turned to see what was behind him and was met with you. The look of fear faded from his face he chuckled. Soon it turned into laughter that filled the ruins of Pompeii.

"You're their last resort?! They must be really desperate and I have to admit I forgot about you!"

You were sinking your teeth into your bottom lip. Hard enough that it drew blood. Blood that filled your mouth with a metallic taste.

Illuso's laughter faded and he started to walk towards the golden key. The one you needed to get. Completely brushing you off.

You walked forward with a deep frown on your face. You knew the others didn't think you had what it takes to be in a gang. And this man thought the same.

"Ocean man!

You called out for your stand. It separated from you and grabbed him by his throat and lifted him off the ground, bringing him face to face with its mouth full of razor-sharp teeth and acid drool. Its eyes piercing into his own making it so much more horrid.

"Th-This is your stand?!"

You couldn't blame him. You did look innocent and plain. How could a girl who wanted nothing more than a simple life have such a horrifying stand?

His face turned from relaxed to fear. He struggled greatly and used his only hand to claw at your Stand's arm and hand that was holding him. But only stands could hold other stands, his struggle was futile.

"I may not want to be in a gang and may not be suited best for it. But when I'm assigned a job I'm going to do it right. Or at least try. No. Matter. What. And I'm going to build up my resolve. To surpass yours."

Your chest puffed up with pride and stand moved its mouth to the Illuso's face and hovered there waiting for your next move.

You held eye contact with the Illuso and allowed your stand to proceed.

Your stand took Illuso's whole head into its mouth and bit down. The sounds of his screams and flesh-tearing filling your ears. You felt your stomach start to turn at the sight but didn't let yourself look away. The last thing that Illuso would ever see would be the horrifying inside on your stands mouth.

The cries of the Illuso were muffled and started to fade, soon coming to an end. Your stand slowly tore the head off of his body purposefully and spit it out.

"I'm going to force myself. To toughen up."

Your stand dropped the Illuso to the ground and faded back into you. Leaving you to watch the twitching body and his decapitated head roll across the stone floor. Its flesh and hair burning and sizzling from the drool.

You spit out some blood you had drawn from your lip and wiped your mouth with the sleeve of your jacket.

You took a deep breath and walked forward to pick up the metal key. The one you killed for.

The body stopped twitching and Fugo and Giorno now stood outside the mirror realm. But you had walked off to find a water fountain. The key in your pocket.

Stand name: Ocean Man

Stand user: Y/n L/n

Stand abilities: The drool that comes from Ocean Man's mouth is a strong acid that burns through metal, flesh, and most anything. It can build up drool and spray it like a concentrated water hose and the acid only gets more powerful as Ocean Man gets stronger. Its razor-sharp teeth can bite through most anything, its jaw can open wide similarly to a snake, and its long nails are just as sharp as its teeth. It's much faster and stronger in water than on land but is still relatively powerful on land.

Your breathing was staggered from chugging so much water. You brought your sleeve up to your mouth and wiped away the water that didn't make it.

The flavor of blood wasn't as strong as it was before and the bleeding had stopped. But the metallic after taste was still present in your mouth despite how times you gargled water.

You took a deep breath and exhaled through your mouth. The sound of something dripping to the ground made you pause for a second. You turned your head and spotted Abbacchio sitting against a wall and collapsed.

His hand was gushing blood and it was in awful condition. Giorno was passed out, Fugo was beaten up but still standing and Abbacchio was hurt badly and on the verge of passing out.

You tore off your jacket and ripped it apart messily to attempt to make a temporary bandage. He looked at you with a somewhat annoyed look and gritted his teeth while you tried to bandage his arm.

"You aren't good at this."

You frowned and gave him a like slap on the check which was more like a small pat.

"I study fish not how to fix people. Please I'm trying my best."

By the time you had wrapped up his arm, you were covered in blood. Your jacket, or what was left of it was trashed and your shirt was stained beyond saving. Abbacchio had passed out. Slowly you stood up and put your hands on your hips. Letting out a huff before grabbing him.

You struggled to pull Abbacchio to the van while taking breaks for you to catch your breath or take a time out.

After what felt like hours you made it to the car. Your stand had come out to help you get Abbacchio into the seat but you called it away when acid started to drip onto the car seats and burn through the material.

You wiped the blood that had gotten on your hands from Abbacchio onto your pants and turned around. There was Fugo dragging a passed out Giorno.

Fugo saw you standing there, covered in blood with a passed out Abbacchio in the car behind you, and looked away from you. He couldn't look at you knowing he had doubted you. You could have left them there to die. But instead, you stayed and killed a man to save them. You risked your life to save them.

You sat next to Fugo in shotgun and rested your head against the window. It was clear to anyone you were tired but not so clear that you were proud of yourself.

"Fugo. Can you talk about the history of things? On the way here when you talked about Pompeii, it was really calming."

Fugo didn't respond for a minute.

"The Italian language was a vulgar form of Latin. Used by less-educated citizens of Rome and commoners. Many words today in Italian are directly taken from the Latin language. Although Latin is a dead langue it lives on through Italian. After the fall of Rome Italian became an exclusive conduit for literal expression. Only used by educated people..."

Your eyelids started to fall slowly until they were fully closed. Soon you fell asleep to the sound of Fugo's voice, it was a simple pleasure. A simple pleasure you enjoyed.

I republished this with changes and I like it a lot more now and you had some time with Fugo which is what I really wanted to include.
