Chapter 18

The ride to the airport was silent for everyone.

The Sex Pistols were sadly chewing on the salami Mista saved from the restaurant for them to have the next time they got hungry. Number Five's cries were muffled with his mouth full of salami. It seemed like he hadn't stopped crying, and when he did stop, he'd burst into tears whenever he saw something that reminded him of you, and the cycle would repeat because everything reminded him of you.

Mista looked away from the water, took out his small note pad, and flipped it open. He was looking at all the unused ocean-related pickup lines and the short notes he took next to them.

Are you a shark? Because I have some swimmers for you to swallow - might be too perverted for her, don't lead with this one, say later when she's feeling it

Are you an octopus? Because you octopi my thoughts - more of a funny pun, maybe lead with this - positive feedback, she laughed which is a good signal, do more funny ones that make her laugh

Are you a coral reef? Because I'm in love with your beauty - sweet and flattering, would be a good one to say with a wink at the end, also a good one to lead with

If you were a fish you'd be an Angelfish - sweet, add a smile in when you say this, also a good one to lead with - positive response, she laughed and her cheeks got pink which is a good sign

Do you masturbate to shark week too? - don't say this in front of the others, might be too inappropriate but might be stupid enough to make her laugh, say later when she's more comfortable with you

Do you like whales? Because I was thinking we could "humpback" at my place - add a wink in at the end, maybe say this if  she's laughing at other lines, might be too perverted

I'm hot but you're otter - funny, points out my good looks and hers, grin and wink at the end

Sure there are a lot of fish in the sea, but you're looking at a sexy land beast - points out your sexiness and good looks, make yourself look sexy while saying this. Figure out how later.

Wanna cuttle? - cute and sweet, she's cute, this is cute, this is a good one to use

You're so hot you're turning all the shellfish red - I don't understand this, it points out she's hot, so that doesn't matter, wink and grin while saying this, move onto next pick up line if she starts asking if I know what shellfish are and what makes them turn different colors

Extra note - don't say too many dirty ones, don't make her think you're a pervert and don't make her uncomfortable

Extra note - she liked the funny one, and the sweet one made her laugh and blush so try more of those, try a dirty one later and see if she likes them 

Extra note - stupid Abbacchio told her I used the computer

Mista smiled to himself while thinking back to you laughing at the pickup lines and blushing. He pulled his pencil out of his hat and scribbled a few things down.

Extra note - try leaning what shellfish are and why they change color

Extra note - learn cool fun facts to impress her if you see her again

His smile faltered a bit and turned into a sad smile. The Sex Pistols gathered on his shoulders as he wrote the last extra note.

Extra note - if you see her again tell her she's beautiful and how much you missed her, compliment her, tell her how much you like her, ask her out

Extra note - make sure Sex Pistols don't ruin anything or interrupt it

As Mista was writing, Narancia was looking at the water and was playing with his switchblade.

She's probably with Fugo eating right now, probably on a stupid date with him.

Narancia frowned and put his switchblade away.

Wait I know! Once we kill the boss we'll be like the leaders of Passione! Then I'll go find Y/n and she'll be like 'Narancia you're alive! I was so scared!' And hug me tightly and then I'll tell her how awesome I was and how heroic I was by saving everyone and single handily taking down the boss and she'll be like 'you're so brave Narancia! You saved everyone and took the boss down you're so strong!' And then new enemies would appear and try kidnapping her and then I'll beat all of them up and then she'll be like 'oh Narancia you saved me! I love you!' Then she'll kiss me in the moonlight and be like 'you're my hero!' And then I'll say 'and you're my angel!' Because I called her an angel first before Mista did when she patched me up and everything will be perfect! She'll forget all about Fugo and Mista's stupid pick up lines!

Narancia nodded his head and grinned to himself. It was the perfect plan. Meanwhile, Bruno was checking to see if they were heading in the right direction and cheeked the surroundings.

A frown was settled on his lips, and he looked at the bottom of the boat. The image of you violently crying on the island was stuck in his mind.

It was too dangerous. I couldn't let you come even when I don't want you to leave my side.

Giorno watched the passing water, trying to distract himself, but his mind was preoccupied. He recalled carrying you to the nurse's office how it felt so right to be holding you.

He went over all his memories of you. The night you walked into his dorm, you looked so beautiful, and your voice was so velvety. That made it so hard for him to concentrate and pay attention to what you were saying to him.

The way his heart lept when Narancia came back with you in the car and when you agreed to join was a feeling he loved. Along with the not so glamorous moment when he was holding your hair back when you threw up after realizing you killed someone for the first time.

He remembered seeing you passed out in Bruno's lap with your hand zipped onto your wrist. He didn't know what happened. No one did. He only came to the conclusion you had cut off your hand to save them and done things to save them that no one else knew.

He smiled at the memory of you weakly jogging to catch one of the frogs in the car park, how you picked one up and patted its head. It was so pure. Then the feeling of when you hugged him and told him you trusted him.

After what happened at the docs and him hiding such an important fact from you, he didn't feel worthy of your trust. You trusted him, and when it came to the decision of staying or leaving, you trusted him. Your cries and words echoed in his ears.

"I don't know, Giorno. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do."

He wanted to hug you and tell you everything would be ok, he wanted to be there for you and wanted you to stay with him. But Fugo was right, Mista was right. You would get hurt. You could die.

He missed your smile. He missed your laugh and your voice and your eyes. You. He missed you.

You're probably on your way back to Capri for your study trip, and I'll try and find you there. I want to tell you everything. I want to hug you and apologize for never telling you the whole truth. Would you let me hold you again? Would you join me again if I asked you? Would you trust me?

Abbacchio was sitting with his arms crossed. A frown settled on his lips.

Giorno forced her into all of this. What was he thinking, was he even thinking of her safety? If we survive this, I'm not going to let him continue to drag her back into this and jeopardize her safety.

He thought back to the story of hide and seek you told back in Pompeii. It was such a sweet and innocent story. You were even nice to Purple Haze. You were kind to something so destructive, which meant you could look past his past mistakes.

When you tore up your jacket to make a bandage for him when his hand was cut off, and when he was bleeding, you were still trying. You weren't the best at it, but you patched him up as best you could. He wouldn't tell anyone or admit it, but he kept part of your torn up bloody jacket in his pocket—just a small scrap of it.

Much like when Giorno was standing above you in the nurse's office waiting for you to wake up, Abbacchio sat near you while you were laying out on the grass after everything on the train. He was chosen to watch you and make sure you were in good condition. The moonlight on your face and the tired but content look in your eyes as you looked at the clouds was, in a way, beautiful. He didn't know what happened after you woke up, but your voice sounded different all of a sudden. Everything was beautiful at that time. Even the silence you shared was comforting and peaceful.

And Narancia. He's immature. Along with Mista and the childish pickup lines he looked up. She needs a man, not a boy. What can a boy do to protect her?

His frown deepened, and he glanced at Narancia's grinning face and Mista scribbling in his notepad full of pick up lines.

She needs someone stronger. She's with Fugo now. He's mature, but like he could protect her. She's safe with me.

Abbacchio glared at the water. No one could get you out of their head, not even Trish, who sat alone in the turtle.

You two didn't talk the most, but she was able to get close to you through actions.

Even the Sex Pistols were all thinking and imagining the same thing. You giving them kisses on the foreheads and feeding them. Mista wasn't even in the fantasy it was just you.

They started approaching the airport, and Bruno straightened his posture, the others noticed and straightened their postures as well. All of them looked at Bruno and waited for an order.

"When we get there, check the plane and surroundings. Don't let your guard down for a moment."

We hit 22k reads! Thank you all so much for your support and comments and views and votes. You guys could have dropped this book along time ago, but you didn't, and you stuck with me, and that means the world to me.

I hadn't updated in forever, so I wanted to give you two updates as a present and as a thank you. I hope it was a pleasant surprise for you.

This was a fun chapter to make; it feels a little out of place. Like a filler chapter but I enjoyed making it. You guys were getting a lot of Fugo, so I had to give the others some love.

My cursed advice for the day: Don't do drugs do me instead
