Chapter 28

It was dark, everything was cold, there was no comfort, and no one else with you. Not even your stand. You were cold. You felt stiff. And you couldn't feel your heartbeat, it would have been pounding but it wasn't.

You put two fingers on your wrist and looked down but you couldn't see anything because of the darkness. You waited for a moment, waiting to feel a pulse but nothing happened.

"Ocean Man."

You were tearing up and stumbled towards the light.

"Just come out."

You made your way to the light while choking up.

"Don't leave me alone."

The light was getting further away and you started running to it but you could never reach it. Your feet started to hurt and you stopped running. You went back to walking.

"You're beautiful Y/n. I-I'm sorry I never told you before."

You looked up and around which was pointless since you kept forgetting you couldn't see anything.


"This is your fault! You said she wouldn't die! LOOK AT HER!"


You started to lightly jog in the direction you thought their voices were coming from.

"I'll take you home. I promise."


The voice came from a different direction and it was a continuous cycle. You were running in circles, just trying desperately to reach one of them.


You heard a different voice and your heart leaped, well you assumed it did. It was Ocean Man. It was groggy and crackly

"Ocean Man!"

You started running in the direction of its voice. You spotted its glowing organs and the patches under its eyes and a wide grin spread on your face. You teared up and tears flew behind you as you ran. You couldn't feel the pain in your feet and you just focused on getting to Ocean Man.

You were getting and jumped, planning on hugging it but you fell through it.


You landed on the ground and groaned on impact. You turned around slowly and looked at Ocean Man. It was still floating there and you stood up. This time you walked to it. And you just passed through it.

"Ocean... Man?"

You grin had dropped and so had your tears of joy. You looked at your stand and reached out for it.

"Please, don't-"

It vanished before your eyes and your eyes showed hurt. Your hand dropped to your side.

"-leave me."

Something grabbed your sides from behind and lifted you off the ground, you screamed loudly.


You twisted in its hands and it hugged you which made you stop. You could see a faint glowing coming from around you looked over your shoulder to see the grinning horrifying face of your stand. Your tears of joy building up again.

"Oh god, I hate you so much."

You choked out a laugh through tears and hugged it. Ocean Man set you down and floated towards the light, you followed.

"Where are you going."

It kept a slow pace so you could stay caught up.


You let your tears on your cheeks dry and didn't bother wiping your eyes.

"Where is home?"

The light wasn't running away from you anymore. It became larger and brighter.

"Wherever you want."

Ocean Man faded into you and you looked at the light. You stayed silent and still for a few moments. Minutes even.

Wherever I want...

You sat down and started thinking about it.

Maybe my parent's house... that's always been home for me.

You started making a list of possibilities.

Maybe Capri, or Naples... even Venice. It was beautiful there with Fugo.

You looked at your hands and started counting on your fingers.

My dorm.

You took your time. You had all the time you needed and you wiped the dried tears off your cheeks and out of your eyes.

Anywhere Bruno is.
Anywhere Abbacchio is.
Anywhere Mista is.
Anywhere Narancia is.
Anywhere Fugo is.
Anywhere Trish is.
Anywhere Giorno is.

You stopped counting on your fingers and put your hands in your lap.

Anywhere the gang is...

You wiped off all the dirt you saw on your feet while grimacing.

Anywhere with Ocean Man.

You made a face.

No Ocean Man is part of me it'll always be there for me anyway, even after that stupid prank just now.

You scowled a bit at that and stood up, you huffed a bit and brushed your pants off and walked into the light.

Anywhere the gang is, wherever they are.

You walked through the light. Oddly the light didn't hurt your eyes, it was more soothing. Like the coffee from your regular cafe.

It felt like you walked for about a minute in the calm light. A smile spread on your lips and the light went blinding for a split moment.

With the gang -

"You're saying one of us killed Y/n..."

Narancia's spoke in disbelief and looked at Giorno.

"That's insane!"

Mista went to start walking to Giorno.

"Stop walking, keep your distance. Diavolo is inhabiting one of us which is possible because of his split personality, no one was around Y/n except for us. Then he appeared for a moment and broke Mista's gun so he couldn't shoot the arrow."

Mista looked at him like he was crazy.

"My gun just broke! That doesn't mean anything! It's not me!"

Abbacchio spoke up next.

"You were the closest to the gun."

"No. No, wait... I was... I was the closest one to Y/n when..."

Everyone looked at Mista. Narancia's mouth was open and looked like he was going to cry again. Mista was horrified.

"No. No, it wasn't me. I couldn't have killed her. It's not me."

Mista went into a state of denial. His heart sinking from the thought of being the reason you died.

"I couldn't have..."

He started shaking.

"It wasn't you, it was Diavolo's King Crimson. None of us knew he was with us."

Bruno spoke up and looked at everyone.

"None of us would willingly kill her."

The group all nodded and Mista was trying to keep his breathing in check and tried not to fall apart.

Bruno was right, none of them would willingly kill you or even touch you with ill intent. It wasn't Mista's fault.

With you -

The cat had found you again and dragged Fugo's tongue against your cheek. This made Fugo get up and bat him away with his paw while glaring at his body. He didn't want something to disturb your body. He didn't want anything to happen to you again.

The cat hissed and swatted Fugo off you and crawled onto your body to lay down. Fugo ran at his body and jumped on it, scratching it and trying to get the cat off you.

Your body had moved from the cat crawling on you and Fugo attacking his body. At least Fugo thought that's how you moved.

With the gang -

Chariot was on the curb. Its arm had been ripped off again and the arrow was no longer in its possession. It was laying at Diavolo's feet and both Bucciarati and Diavolo ran to grab it.

He hit the arrow for a split second which catapulted it into the air. Trish was able to use Spice Girl to hold his hand back. Neither Diavolo nor Bucciarati had the arrow.

Diavolo slowly turned his head to look at Trish who was talking through Spice Girl while the arrow was flying towards Narancia.

"I'm the closest to it! Even if he predicts time I'm still the closest!"

He was grinning. He was going to defeat the boss for you so your death wouldn't be meaningless.

"My daughter..."

Diavolo growled while looking at her. Mista's body was limp and floating under Spice Girl.

"If only you hadn't been born. If only. You've truly angered me."

Narancia brought his hand up to catch the arrow but at the same time, Diavolo punched straight through Spice Girl, through Trish.


The team watched horrified as Mista's body reflected the wound and started pouring blood. This didn't only affect Trish but Diavolo himself due to possessing Mista's body through Trish's stand.

"Th-This is what you had to feel Y/ how awful..."

Trish choked one her word and then her blood her eyes were wide as tears built up in them. The force of the punch caused Mista's body to go flying backward and towards the arrow to get there in time with his stand power. 



"This can't be happening! We were so close!"

Trish's soul had separated from Spice Girl and Diavolo looked around her.

"I don't need this body anymore."

He was talking about Spice Girl and then looked at Trish.

"Or yours."

He let go of Trish's soul and Spice Girl. He needed to keep Mista to have a body to possess. Mista's body was falling to the ground with Diavolo while Trish's soul was in the air, slowly rising up. Her eyes were rolled back.

"The arrow belongs to me! It's my fate!"

Diavolo had his hands outreached to grab the arrow, and at the same time, another pair of hands went to grab it.


"It can't be..."

The end is coming close my fellow fuckers, the ending is almost upon us.

And yes, if you weren't already thinking it you guys pulled an Okuyasu. You could say... you took a leaf out of his book.

My cursed advice for the day: When when life goes wrong make vine references until it becomes better.

Just to be fun comment one of your favorite vines.
