Terra x Reader part 2

(Ive been really busy lately so here's a quick oneshot before I do the rest of my requests. Hope y'all enjoy!"

Confused, you were sitting a fine luxury chair in Terra's office.

The room was dimly lit, the only source of light being the candlelights surrounding the table where you were sitting. Around you were scattered rose petals that gave off a sweet aroma.

"Enjoying this so far?" Terra said sweetly, lighting the last candle and taking a seat in front of you.

"You haven't done anything, though." You replied, shifting in your seat.

"Well, how about I give you something to enjoy?" He said, tapping his finger on the table. You looked down and noticed that there was food on the table. You were to confused to even realize the food right in front of you!

"Oh, I didn't know that was there, heh..." You started to eat the food slowly.

"You seem a little confused, is anything the matter, my love?" He said calmly. It was one of those days when the leader of the Stardroids was in a really good mood.

"Yeah, uh, you said there would be a meeting?"

Terra laughed heartily and then explained: "I meant a date. If we were to have a meeting, it would include all the other Stardroids. Not just you."

"Oh! Sorry, that slipped my mind. But Is this is what a date is like?" You asked.

"According to how the humans do it, it is." He replied.

"It seems pretty simple. It's just like having lunch together, just with a bucket full of romance."

Terra laughed brightly. "I guess so. I've never gotten used to how the Humans live, anyways. Their customs are very different from ours, but perhaps- maybe you'd like to do something...fun?" He said, looking straight into your eyes.

"Sure thing, Leader." You said as you smiled. You heard a sudden shuffling noise outside Terra's door, and he seemed to notice it too.

"Excuse me for a moment, sweetheart." He said, trying his hardest to not look irritated.

He quietly walked over to his door, standing outside it for a moment, then with all his force he swung the door open so hard it came off of its hinges.

"What are you two doing here, and for how long?" He said, suppressing his anger.

Neptune and Mercury were outside the door, cowering over the look of anger in their leader's eyes."W-We were just gonna talk to you about something!!" Mercury squeaked out.

"Yeah, matey! We weren't spyin' on ya or anything!" Neptune blurted out. Mercury gave Neptune a cold glare and a hard nudge with the elbow"

"I told you to not come NEAR my office until I came out of there myself. You two are to wait in your quarters until I have given you your punishments. Do you understand?" Terra growled.

"Y-Yes, Terra." They both said in unison, walking away fearfully.

Once they were gone, Terra turned back to you.

"Let's go somewhere more private." He said.

He lifted you up bridal style and teleported out of the Stardroid ship and to somewhere where the two of you would spend time together alone.
