Jupiter x Reader part 2

"Hurry!" You pulled Jupiter into a cave, hiding from Fake Man.

"When will they give us a break?!" Jupiter whispered.

"I dunno, but we can't keep hiding forever!"

After your radar showed no sign of Fake Man anywhere, you and Jupiter head outside.

"Man, am I tired of them." Jupiter said, slouching down on a rock.

You kissed Jupiter on the cheek, cheering him up a little.

"Don't worry, we'll get rid of them eventually." You told him.

"I hope." He looked at the ground.

"How about a little flying to cheer you up?" You suggested.

"Sure..!" He started hovering and picked you up from the ground, carrying you through the skies, constantly looping and zooming back and forth. After a while, the both of you landed back to your hiding spot.

"That was fun!You said.

"Yep, if only we could fly around anywhere we wanted without getting caught..." Jupiter started to think about the Fake Man robots.

You hug Jupiter, and which he plays with your hair for a while, but then you heard a loud noise that startled both you and Jupiter.

He looked back, and then turned to look at you, his eyes widened with fear.

"We have to go. Now!" Jupiter picked you up and rushed out and tried to fly away, but an army of Fake Men start shooting at the sky. normally, the bullets would have no affect on Jupiter, but due to the Fake Men having their weapons upgraded, and the mass quantities of them, they managed to bullet through Jupiter's armor.

"I-I'm sorry..." Jupiter landed back, hid you in a bush, walked two steps, then collapsed on the ground.

"The Stardroid is down!" One Fake Man yelled. They gathered around Jupiter and hauled him in a police truck, and took him away.

"J-Jupiter!!" You tried to run after them, but you dropped to the ground, out of energy. You go back and drink all the E-tanks, and rush after Jupiter.


"Let me go!" Jupiter banged his fists against the extremely durable steel cage.

"We can't let a Stardroid out." A Fake Man explained.

Jupiter threw himself to the other side of the cage, trying to tip it over, but the Fake Mam threatened to shoot him if he wouldn't calm down. Jupiter sat down on the cage, rubbing his helmet in defeat.

Night time came, and Jupiter was fast asleep. You came in and found him sleeping soundly, and opened the cage quietly. The Fake Man who was at the security cameras was asleep also, so you have to do this quick and quietly.

You lightly shook Jupiter awake.

"(Y-Y/n)?! What are you doing here?!?" Jupiter cried out.

"I'm trying to get you out of here." You pull Jupiter out of the cage, and proceed quietly to the exit, but you only took three steps until the alarm went off.

Fake Men blocked the exit, and they all pointed their weapons at Jupiter.

"Robot Master...Step away from the Stardroid." One of the Fake Men said.

"Hurry, run." Jupiter whispered to you.

"N-No.." You said, burying your face into Jupiter's side.

"We gave you a warning." The Fake Men loaded up their weapons and aimed at Jupiter, but he used his body as a shield to protect you.

"Stop." A voice was heard, and it made the other Fake Men flinch and lower they weapons.

A huge robot came walking in, and walked in front of Jupiter.

"I am Duo. I have taken notice that you are a Stardroid, the same type of robot that attacked our planet years ago. Knowing that your kind have caused great problems to our world, we wouldn't tolerate a Stardroid being on Earth. But due to your non-hostility and the fact that you tried to protect a Robot Master, you show no signs of trying to hand Earth over to your leader." Duo explained.

"Y-Yes..I have no interest of trying to take over Earth." Jupiter said.

"Then why are you here on Earth? Where are the other Stardroids?" Duo questioned.

"I am the only Stardroid here. I have only came here on Earth because I like it here, and I can be with the ones I love." Jupiter hugged you tight.

"I see. I you have no plans on taking over Earth, then you may stay here." Duo said.

"Thank you. I won't blow my chance." You and Jupiter walked out together, in which he picked you up and carried you back to your hiding spot.

"Thank you for everything.. If you weren't there, I wouldn't have gotten out or protected you." Jupiter nuzzled you.

"It's no problem Jupiter. I love you." You took off his mouthpiece and kissed him. He kissed you back as well.

"I love you too." He smiled as he picked you up and carried you through the skies, going anywhere without limitations.
