Can't Stop the Top (Top Man x Reader)

Today was a normal day. You were with the Robot Masters, who were doing their ordinary business. Snake Man was playing pranks on Gemini Man, Hard Man was sleeping while Magnet Man was trying to remove his magnet on his helmet from Hard Man because Magnet got a little too close and got stuck. Shadow Man was practicing his shuriken throwing skills, Needle Man was with Spark Man, talking about their non existent hands. You weren't sure what Top Man was doing. He was usually the fun one, so you got up and tried to look for him.

"Thissss issss all your fault, you idiot!"

"You're the one who started it, you stupid snake!"

"Calm down you two. Don't start a war here."

You walked over too see what all the commotion was all about. You find Snake Man, Gemini Man, and Top Man arguing over something.

"What's happening?" You ask.

"Thissss idiot punched me and knocked out my left fang!" Snake Man hissed.

"The stupid serpent decided to drop a live snake onto my face, making it bite me!" Gemini Man shouted.

"These two need to get along." Top Man said, rolling his eyes.

Both of them had ice packs, Snake on his mouth and Gemini on his face.

"Hey Snake Man, can I have your tooth?" Top Man said.

"No! Go ssssomeplace elsssse, jussst leave me and my aching mouth alone!" Snake Man hissed, his eyes turning to slits.

"Okay, chill. Let's go find something fun to do" Top Man said to you.

"Alright, where do you want to go?" You asked.

"Snake Man gave me an idea. Let's go prank a Robot Master!" He said excitedly.

"Um.. Ok, but it kinda goes against my good nature" you said.

"Come on, it won't do any harm. Let's go!" Top Man said, pulling your arm.

"Alright." You say, smiling a little.

"Who are we going to prank, Toppy?" You ask.

"Quick Man."

"Wait, did you just call me Toppy?"

"Never mind that, look!" You said.

You and Top Man find Quick Man sleeping under a tree. Top Man quietly skates over to do his prank, but when he comes back to the hiding spot, you don't see anything different about Quick man.

"What did you do?" You asked.

"Something." He said, grinning.

Top man picks up a little pebble next to him and throws it at Quick Man. Quick Man starts to wake up. He notices the pebble beside him.

"Wha-? Who threw this?" He said, staring at the pebble.

Quick man started to walk, but before he could, something made him trip! He stood up again, and tried to walk again, but tripped again!

Top man couldn't keep his laughter any longer. You were starting to laugh hard too.

"I should have known." Quick man said, looking at you and Top Man.

"What did you do to me?"

"Durable invisible fishing line!" Top man said between his laughter.

"Ha. Very funny. You got me Top Man." Quick Man said sarcastically.

"Yeah I did!" Top man said as he gave you a high five."

"You better get going you two." Quick Man said with a slight smirk.

"Yea sure." Top man said.

You two started to walk back to the other robot masters. You were walking in front of Top man when suddenly you felt a something poke you on your back. You stop in your tracks and look at Top man behind you.

"Top Man, did you just poke me?" You ask.

"Hm? No." He says confused.

"Oh... because I felt something---!"

You were interrupted by Top man tripping over something and falling on top of you, accidentally joining his lips with yours. After noticing what he was doing, he immediately got off you.

"Oh man... I'm really sorry! Top Man said, blushing very hard.

Before you could reply, you heard hysterical laughter. You and Top man look and find Quick Man!

"Quick Man!! You jerk!!" You hear Top man yell.

"No need to thank me, Top Man! I know how much you wanted that kiss!" Quick Man teased.

You look at Top man in the eyes.

"Really..?" You say.

Top man blushes again.

"I... well...."

"Come on! Say it already!" Quick Man says.

".....Yes, really." Top Man says quietly.

"Say it." Quick Man says again.

"I love you!" Top man blurted out.

"Alright. Your move." Quick man tells you.

You reach over to Top man and kiss him. This time it was a longer and a more passionate kiss.

Quick man watches with a single tear running down his cheek.

"How beautiful." He says.
