Wanda Maximoff: Scare Tactics

Your footsteps could be heard vibrating through the hallway as you made your way to the meeting. The look on your face was enough of a message for S.W.O.R.D agents to move out of your way. Faint chatter could be heard in the main control room, a voice booming above the rest. You rolled your eyes at the sound of Hayward's voice, a man that should not be charge of an organisation. You firmly believed that Monica should be leading the team, not some misogynistic man with a god complex. However you gave him a chance, you silently lent against the door frame and listened to his speech.

Many eye rolls and low laughs later, he arrived to his final point. Wanda is a terrorist, plain and simple. This statement made your blood boil, you pushed off the frame and headed straight for him. The agents surrounding the discussion parted with ease, moving the furthest away. At the sound of feet rapidly moving towards the centre, Hayward looked up. Visible panic could be seen on his face, he protectively stepped back. Monica and Darcy turned their heads to see the figure walking towards them. Their eyes went wide with realisation, however calmed when remembering whose side you were on.

"A terrorist?" You questioned

"There is no better way to describe a person who is keeping over 3000 people hostage" Confidence began to build within Hayward as he stepped forward.

"There is no harmful intent, unlike your actions" You pushed back, not allowing him to get the better of you.

"She needed to know that this situation is wrong" He stated as a matter of fact, holding his head high.

"And for the first time, I agree with you. However, do you honestly believe that missiles and threats of war will make her realise this?"

"We are here to eradicate the problem, whatever it takes" you flinched at his words, those words leaving a mark on your heart

"Where I'm from, that term refers to saving lives, not destroying them. And I can clearly see that you are hellbent on destroying hers." You pointed towards the screen where Wanda was currently cooking lunch for the family. She looked so innocent and unaware of the storm brewing outside those four walls.

"I will not take advice from someone who is ignoring the facts! You are too close to the subject" Hayward's voice was deep as he tried to intimidate you. He was at the end of his rope and growing tired of your arguments.

"You want to hear facts that haven't been warped by your own agenda? Then take a seat" with one swift motion of your hand, Hayward was pushed onto the closest chair, unable to stand. He wriggled against your energy, panic settling into his features.

"She lost her family to missile strikes that happened to be caused by Stark Industries. However I never once saw the word 'terrorist' tied to Tony's legacy. Tony was the creator of Ultron which if you remember, led to innocent civilian deaths, a whole town being destroyed and Pietro's demise. And I STILL didn't see a troop of agents outside of Stark Industries to arrest Tony for terrorism"

"You speak ill of Tony and neglect to mention Lagos. A place where innocent civilians died at the hands of Wanda Maximoff"

"It could have been much worse and you know that! If Wanda hadn't of intervened, more than thousands would be dead. One mistake mixed with good intentions, does not make a villain. All she wanted to do was help"

"And look where it got her" he spoke with a smug look on his face.

"And look where it's gotten you" a smirk formed on your lips as you raised your hand. Instantly Hayward was lifted in the air, grabbing at his throat.

"You will do your best to help Wanda and maybe after I'll let you keep your life" the sound of weapons moving in unison filled the room, drowning out Haywards short gasps. With your free hand, you froze the troops, all unable to move a muscle. "Does that sound like a better plan to you?" Hayward frantically nodded his head, wanting nothing more than to be released. You lowered your hand to your side, dropping Hayward back into his chair. He gasped, inhaling as much air as possible. Satisfied by your answer, you swiftly walked away.

"You are just like her" Haywards raspy voice flowed through the room. Monica and Darcy audibly flinched at his words, both worried by the wrath he could unleash. Whiplash was given to those that watched as you sharply turned on your heel. Eyes glowed fiercely as they set their sights on Hayward. His eyes grew wide at the display of aggression, scrambling back behind his frozen troops.

"Oh you have this all wrong. I am nothing like Wanda, she has a heart and I do not" your low growl left the team in shakable fear. Monica and Darcy went to interfere when they saw your hand make a stop motion. They stopped immediately, not wanting to be on the receiving end of your wrath. You advanced on Hayward's space, easily moving the agent of the way. Fingers crackled with intense energy, ready to rip the poor excuse of a man to shreds. With one flick of your finger, his mind was thrown into Wanda's pain. Every tear, every heartbreak and every painful death, replayed in his mind like it was his own. He screamed in pain, raising his hands to his temples. His memories twisted to fit the story, throwing him in Wanda's shoes. Flashbacks of dangerous experiments and undeniable fear filled his head as he openly weeped at the images.

"I wonder what it looks like to be pushed beyond your limit" your voice dropped to a low, dark tone. Crouching down, stopping when your eyes were level with his. One more push of your powers set him into a frenzy.

"Stop" he groaned, hands digging into the side of his head. His screams flowed from his lips, like a symphony of anguish. A devilish smile crossed your lips with a sense of pride at your newest victim. Deep down you knew this wouldn't help Wanda but the satisfaction you gained was delicious. An eyebrow peaked as your coloured tendrils shifted colour, a red hue intertwined with yours. The force was pushing you back, ripping your talons from Haywards mind. In defence, you pushed harder, trying to reattach to his mind. The surge of power was oddly comforting, gently coaxing you back to reality. A collective gasp was heard behind you, followed by feet shuffling across the floor. The room fell silent as the bystanders watched in shock. You were too focused on breaking Hayward to notice a presence behind you.

A soft hand touched your shoulder, pulling you back from killing the man. It pulsated calming energy, red wisps covering your body. You turned in panic, fearing what or who could be behind you. When your eyes met calming green, all the tension left your body. Their eyes pleaded with you, coaxing you from making a life changing decision. The onslaught of your power ceased, releasing Hayward from his trance. He crumbled to the floor, shaking from overstimulation, his brain was close to frying.

"Wanda" you breathed out, like it was fresh air to your lungs.

"You don't need to do this" her voice of reason floated to your ears.

"But he wants to hurt you"

"Hurting him isn't going to make him see the error of his ways"

"That's what I said about you"

"I know. Let's go home" her hand grasped yours, a smile graced her lips. All you could do was nod, so entranced by her warmth. She led you towards the exit, stopping slightly to look over her shoulder. "Westview will be shut down, there is no need to follow. We will never bother you again" her last warning directed to Hayward and his team. One last colour change of your eyes, flustered the team. Each agent feverishly nodded their heads in unison, all to frightened to follow through. With Wanda's comforting hand on the small of your back, you felt the anger dissipate. She led you to a small cabins in endless woodlands, a place to call home without the distractions of life. Just you and Wanda, the way it always should have been.
