Carol Danvers: Promise

Lyric Prompt: "She'll promise you more than the garden of Eden" - She's Always A Woman by Billy Joel

You spent most of your time on earth, waiting for the day that Carol would come back. She left in a haste with quick kiss to your lips. The last words she said before running out the door was "I'll be back soon, I promise". Those words have haunted you for years, yet your hope that she would walk through that door was always stronger. Your group of friends had given up hope years ago but nevertheless you waited for her to be in your arms again. You were trapped in your thoughts when you felt a warm hand grip your shoulder. You quickly looked up, only to find Maria standing next to you. Your body slumped as your excitement dwindled away, releasing a small sigh in response.

"How are you holding up?" Maria asked as she sat down next to you

"You ask me this every day and every time I give you the same answer" you shrugged your shoulders, visibly over the constant questions

"I know, I just like checking up on you"

"And I thank you for that" you reached over and rested your hand on her knee, giving it a understanding squeeze. You sat quietly, appreciating each other's presence. Maria started to fidget, her knee gently bounced up and down.

"What's wrong?" Your body turned to observe the woman beside you. It was your turn to worry about her

"She's not coming back Y/N" her comment was quickly mumbled

"She promised me she would" your defensive nature kicked in

"She'll promise you more than the garden of Eden, if it kept you happy" you raised an eyebrow at her statement

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Carol knew what she was getting herself into. She wanted you to be happy, no matter the cost, even if that meant you clinging to the idea that she would be back" you were in shock, your mouth agape and your eyes wide. Carol wouldn't lie, especially to you. After a few heartbeats passed, you spoke

"She wouldn't do that, she wouldn't leave me like that" you knew in your heart she would be back, but you can't deny that your heart broke at Maria's words

"Look around Y/N, she did" Maria was now loudly talking to you, any louder and she would be yelling. You could see the annoyance written all over her face

"You're wrong, she'll be back soon and you'll regret those words"

Maria opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a large crash. Agents began to flood the scene, causing both of you to forget your conversation. You were thankful there was a distraction, you would rather fight evil than be reminded of reality. Just as you were about to jump into action, a bright light raced towards you. A loud thump hit the ground and a human stepped into your eyesight. Your heart dropped to your stomach and your eyes filled with tears. You couldn't believe it, she's finally home.

"I told you I would be back soon" Carol chuckled, wincing at the pain it caused. Your head whipped to look at Maria who was standing dumbfounded.

"See, I told you" before she had time to reply, you were already making a movement towards Carol. She opened her arms wide, a giant smile on her face. Her arms scooped you up, holding you close to her chest. You sighed into her neck, savouring the feeling of having her home.

"I've missed you so much" you mumbled into her hair

"I've missed you too babe" she squeezed a little tighter, she would have to let go soon but she wasn't ready yet.

"How about we go home?" Carol looked at you with such love, that it took your breath away

"I.. I would love that" you held on tight as you felt Carol push off the ground
