Natasha Romanoff: This or That

Who initiated the first date?
Natasha was conditioned to kill any chance of love, the seeds, the roots, the fledgling. So it's no surprise that you were the first to address the feelings between you. It soon turned into you suggesting a date which Natasha hesitantly accepted. You decided to start your date on her terms, on her turf. So the gym was the best place to start, nothing makes Natasha smile like the one she has after beating your ass.

Who is the better kisser?
Natasha will always be the better kisser. She expresses all her emotions in the kisses that you share. Each kiss is an 'I love you', no matter the circumstance. Before a mission, returning home or a quick hello. Her lips were always soft, plump and full of seduction. It's true what they say about a widows bite, it's deadly.

Who gets jealous easily?
All it takes is one look or a flirtatious tone to a voice for Natasha to become riled up. It's like a switch flicks and she becomes protective. A snaked arm around your waist, pet names or the occasional threat, Natasha has you covered. But once she had you alone, the macho personality fizzles out and all that's left is a sense of insecurity. She doesn't share her heart often but when she does, she's unsure on what's the best course of action.

Who said 'I Love You' first?
A dangerous mission filled with gun fights, brutal hand to hand combat and super powers left you unconscious. You spent the next couple of days in a coma. I'm Natasha's last attempt to wake you up, she made a deal with god. She would confess her feelings in return you wake up from this terrifying coma. The words fell from her lips effortlessly, "I love you" she cried into your shoulder. "Please wake up" followed her declaration. The gods must have heard her pleas because your eyes began to flutter open. Unbeknownst to her, you heard every word and was eager to say it back.

"I love you, detka" your voice was course but more powerful than ever. The look on her face was priceless, shock shown by her open mouth and wide eyes. It made your heart swell, you were never going to take another day for granted.

Who is the big spoon?
After a long day of saving the world from unspeakable evil, all Natasha wants is to feel safe. The safest place she knows in cuddled into your arms. The protection that you provide when you rub her back and kiss her forehead, that's all she needs for a good nights sleep. She's thankful that you're happy to be the big spoon because she doesn't think she could give up little spoon.

Who is better at cooking?
You are the chef of the tower, always cooking for everyone. You're motto was happy stomach, happy avengers and that is true to this day. It gave you comfort taking care of others, especially those that risk their lives for others. You were big on family lunch every Sunday, it was a great time to debrief and bring the joy back to a hectic week. Natasha loves when you're in the kitchen, even when you wear your cheesy 'kiss the chef' apron.

Who would win in a tickle war?
Quicksilver had nothing on Natasha when she was determined. The woman was fast, she doesn't leave a chance for you to attack her. You may get a few tickles in here or there but she will win the war. Her fighting skills make her superior in this area, there was no hope for you at all.

Who would survive the zombie apocalypse?
Natasha would be queen of the apocalypse, no zombie would even come close to kicking her ass. She's experienced, knows how to hide, has superior fighting ability and she's deadly. If there was anyone you would want on your side, it would be her. You are just there for back up, a position you were happy to play in that scenario.

Pet peeves that you have?
Natasha: You have a nasty habit of leaving bowls and cups around the place. All used to capture bugs and spiders. But you are so afraid that it may run away that your only option is to capture it. So when Natasha comes home it's her job to either release the insect back into the wild or kill it.

You: Due to the lack of time Natasha spends at home in between missions. She doesn't have time to clean and tidy her living space. Because of these quick ins and outs, she tends to make her home messy. Which then leaves just you to clean it. You understand her busy lifestyle but it wouldn't hurt to put the dirty clothes in the hamper every once in awhile.

Favourite thing about each other?
Natasha: Natasha adores your physic, she loves how toned and muscular you are. The moment she catches you in a work out, her heart beats faster. The rush that she gets seeing you all worked up and sweaty, that's her happy place.

You: Your absolute favourite feature is Natasha's eyes. The way the green sparkles when the light catches them, is to die for. When talking to Natasha it's hard not to get carried away, her eyes draw you in like quicksand. But most of all, she holds all her love in her eyes, there's never a need for words when her eyes look at you like that.

Natasha: She loves how kind, gentle and forgiving you are. That you would rather dedicate your day to filling the stomachs of your team mates, just to see them smile. You lend an ear to those who need it and never ask for anything in return. You were good and that's just what Natasha needed for balance.

You: The confidence that she holds, never taking crap from anyone. She can hold her head high and stand her ground. This is what you admire most about Natasha and one day you hoped the confidence would rub off on you.
