Home Sweet Home // Loki Laufeyson

"But I love it here." (Y/N) whimpered lightly, hanging onto the arm of her boyfriend for two years. The city was serene, peaceful, and it still was. The only thing that was shattered was (Y/N)'s heart. Her Loki had just informed her that he would like to spend more time on Asgard, and if possible, he would like to start raising a family there. With (Y/N).

He had spent months mustering up the courage to ask her to move to his favorite place, and her rejection was deeply saddening to him. Just like (Y/N) couldn't live without the noises and city familiarities of New York, Loki couldn't possibly bear without seeing the Asgardian sunset.

The young god let out a huff of frustration, as he felt his broken heart drop like a stone. "I know you do, (Y/N). But what about our dreams? I can't have them without you." Loki replied softly, turning to take her hands in his and stare into her glistening orbs. 

  (Y/N) took a shaky breath and tore her gaze away, unable to look into his eyes. "I-I have no dreams without you, Loki. But I can't live without New York either. " she said, trembling as she explained this. Her hands slowly slipped out of his as tears fell, rolling woefully down her dampened cheeks. "I'm sorry."


Loki didn't talk to or even bother to see (Y/N) after that, and had simply returned home. There were many other things he now refused to do as well, like exit his room or even eat daily. His older brother, Thor, had also had enough of his brother's antics, and also wanted his sleep. Often, Loki screamed at night in his horrible dreams. 

The thunder induced god grumbled from his lack of sleep, as he rose earlier than usual. His boots clicked against the tiles of of the empty halls, the noise echoing off the hollow, gold tinted palace walls. 

He didn't bother knocking on Loki's door, wrenching the handle and pushing the door open. There were scattered books and random articles of clothing everywhere. He almost stepped on a shard of a porcelain vase as he approached the wrapped up figure on the bed. 

Thor tore the cloth away from his younger sibling, gasping at the sight sprawled on the bed. Loki was beyond recognition. His hair was overgrown and a mess, eyes bloodshot, and heart hollow. 

"Loki?" Thor whispered, shaking his brother on the shoulder. The younger god's eyes shot open, green orbs filled with a dull sense of mild alert as he groaned and rose, his vision blurred as he caught Thor's blue gaze with confusion. "Thor? What are you doing here? How did you get in?" Loki asked, tone eventually escapading into a growl. 

"Calm down, brother. Tell me how this happened. " he asked in a gentle tone,  rubbing Loki's shoulder in a soothing pattern. 

Loki seemed to keep up his tough act for a minute, before breaking down completely and sobbing with broken up words and hiccups, tears flowing in a steady river down his pale, hollow cheeks. All Thor understood from his crying was: (Y/N), New York, and breaking up. 

He gasped softly and firmly looked at his brother. " You cannot go on like this. Make a decision. Get over her, or get her back. It's up to you."  

Loki looked up at Thor and finally, nodded.


"(Y/N)?" he called out softly, knocking on the door with his knuckles. He had cleaned himself up, and his hair had been trimmed to it's normal level, and health restored. He had a clean bouquet of crimson roses in his hand, standing out easily against the pale fist holding the bunch. 

His breathing quickened as the lock clicked, and the door opened with a small creak. His beautiful (Y/N) was standing there in his favorite dress, that contrasted her skin from her eyes. Her hair was down, and was combed neatly. She still seemed intact.

"Loki? What are you doing here?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips and looking up at him.

Loki took a breath before starting. "I-I wanted to apologize (Y/N). You are my life, my love... I am nothing without you. And I realize, that nothing is possible without you by my side. I will...move to Midgard to be with you. I love you (Y/N)." he finished with a small breath of hopefulness.

  (Y/N)'s expression lifted into that beautiful smile he fell in love with, and she whispered a small "I love you too."

That was enough for Loki. His eyes welled up with joy, and he picked (Y/N) up by her waist, spinning her around. Her dress flared like a ring of red around them, and she laughed melodically as he set her down.

Loki pressed a sealing kiss to her lips a moment later, quirking that infamous smirk. 

"I'm happy to be here with you, and make New York my home... sweet... home." 
