Competition // Thor // Loki

You were lying on the couch, draped lazily over Bucky's lap, reading a book while the winter soldier played with your hair while watching America's Top Model on TV, commenting on the women with Steve.

"Why do they have to dress so... intimately?" Steve shuddered, watching another woman strut herself, while Bucky seemed satisfied with what he was taking in.

You just shifted uncomfortably and continued reading, tuning out their conversation. Bucky was just a good friend of yours, and you didn't understand why Thor and Loki were boring holes at the two of you from across the room.

It was freaky.

"She's hot." Bucky mused lightly, watching a blonde sashay off of the stage.

That was enough for both brothers.

The Asgardian siblings jumped up and growled inferally, attracting Bucky's attention as he looked at them both inquiringly.

Thor was practically bristling as he walked over, with his younger brother trailing him confidently. "How could you? (Y/N) is right there! How can you love her if you do not think she's beautiful?" he growled, with Loki nodding along vigorously.

They both watched as (Y/N) set down her book, and picked herself up, facing them both. "Bucky is not my lover. He's just a really good friend. And I don't know what makes you two think that you can butt into my personal life either, like that. I'm going away where I can read in peace. Don't bother me." she growled lightly and picked up her book, stalking off to her room. Everyone flinched as they heard the door slam, and looked towards Bucky as he spoke.

"Good job guys." the super-soldier snorted, and looked at the mortified Steve as the swimsuit portion of the show began.



Thor was settled on the couch with a specially chosen picture book in his lap, and Loki was next to him, tinkering with something Tony called a "fidget spinner."

"T-Thor, what if she still doesn't like us after we do it? Do you think she'll hate us anymore?" he whimpered lightly, spinning the toy's wings faster and faster. It was making a weird noise that was irritating the also-nervous Thor.

"Hey! Give me that spidget finner!" Thor grumbled, taking it from his brother before correcting himself. "Fidget spinner. How should I know whether she'll like us or not? We can merely hope that she.." he paused nicely before continuing, "forgives us."

Loki's head snapped up with mild alert in his green eyes as soft footsteps sounded from the hallway. She was coming.

He looked towards Thor who gave him a confident nod and stood up, Loki following his lead as she entered the room.

(Y/N) looked at them both questioningly. "Hey guys... what's going on?" she inquired as Loki twiddled with his thumbs and stepped closer to her.

He gave her a moment of though before crashing his lips to hers, face lifting into a happy expression as she kissed him back after a moment.

(Y/N) was even more surprised as she felt the larger presence of Thor behind her, and he kissed her neck, making his way up the back of it.


Bucky walked in later to discover (Y/N) snuggled between Thor and Loki, her head resting on Loki's shoulder and her legs pulled up in Thor's lap as she read them both a picture book.

He gave the trio a weird glance and got a victorious one from Loki in return.

He shrugged and turned on the TV, watching the blonde lady he had complimented earlier be honorably titled "Miss America."

Looks like they all won the competition.
