Cast // Dr. Strange

"He what?!" Strange growled, pushing past a couple of wizards into the medical ward. Earlier, you had been training with Wong, and he had just been notified that Wong had somehow managed to break your leg.

You had just had it set in a cast, and were smiling politely as the nurse tending to you, and Wong was watching you guiltily from a metal chair on the side of the bed.

Your expression seemed to brighten even more as you spotted Strange making his way over to you.

Strange was your newly assigned mentor, but the one thing you didn't admire about him was his tendency to freak out and get frustrated in situations like these.

Earlier, one of Strange's other students had been attacked by Mordo for information on a new secret that Kamar Taj was containing. Strange had blamed it on himself and tore himself apart - it didn't help that the student left the institute later out of fear of an another occurrence like this one.

Wong stood up and gazed apologetically at Strange, though he had a knowing smirk on his face. Strange returned his look with a sharp glare, that only he could pull off, before turning to you.

"(Y/N), are you alright? How long until you're able to stand? Will you be okay? Do you need me to do anything?" he fretted, playing nervously with the powerful necklace strung around his neck. You made a mental note to get him a fidget spinner for his birthday before responding.

"I'm quite alright. But, oh, I would like you to not be so worried, and perhaps, could you get me to my room?" you requested, an evil smile growing on your face. Hey, it was now or never. As soon as you healed, Strange would go back to being a dictator.

Strange nodded wearily and seemed to blush as little as he slipped his arms carefully underneath your legs and lifted you up. You pulled your arms around his neck to support yourself.

The red tint on his cheeks remained, and you found it adorable to watch, as it grew darker and larger as everyone gave you both weird looks in the hallway. Wong was trailing behind you both, fiddling with his own hands, and grinning as well. 

Strange's friend had no intention to break your leg whatsoever, but, he wasn't feeling too bad that he did. Strange got to shine his lovey side, and as far as he knew, both of you had interest in each other. Maybe this would bring it out.


Strange gently put you on your bed with a huff and looked around your provided shelter. You weren't generally a neat person and clothes and various magical objects littered the floor of your apartment. 

No wonder you always had a new bruise on you each day. He would also most likely trip over this junk as well.

His head snapped in your direction as you spoke. 

"Now, could you turn on my TV to Channel 3? Supernatural should be on. Oh, and some icecream. Please." 

Strange nodded with no hesitation and your tasks were completed for you. He didn't have to ask what flavor you liked because.. well... he caught you eating icecream every day.

Strange settled into a wooden chair nearby and tried to follow along with your show. It was quite interesting in his opinion, but he would've much better preferred a mystery show or something. Those Sherlock novels were always a favorite of his - what if they turned it into a show?

"Strange. Strange. Strange..!" you whined, suddenly snapping the older man out of his thoughts. 

"What do you need, (Y/N)?" he asked after a moment, blinking twice and standing up. He noticed the TV off and the bowl resting on your bedside table.

Your lips pursed in response and your response came as a whisper. "Come here."

He cocked his head ever so slightly but obeyed, sitting on the corner of your bed.


He shuffled closer.


And another inch.

"You don't need to be so slow! Just come up here!" you finally exclaimed with frustration, patting the corner of the bed that you were on.

Strange smirked to himself, and scooted up to the gestured area. "Now what?"

You grinned at him. "I still have to thank you for everything you did, you know."

"And how are you going to do that?"

You smiled coldly at him in response, and acted like you were about to kiss him, but really went for his cheek.

Strange looked surprised but growled a little, looking down at you. Oh, screw it.

He smashed your lips to yours and it seemed that all was released.


And poor Wong walked in at the wrong moment.
