Chapter 21

You and Kazuha walked back to your dorm in silence.

You were looking at your feet while Kazuha was lost in thought.

When you arrived at your dorm, neither of your said a word and you two just walked in.

You opened the door to your room and Kazuha walked in as well and you two sat on your bed.

"K-Kazuha, um..." you mumbled, trying to not mess up again.

Kazuha sat in silence, but still listened to your mumbled words.

"The reason I said that you were a close friend, was because I like you. It might sound weird, but I didn't want some Ed Sheeran looking guy to know I like you." You said, looking everywhere but at Kazuha.

'I wasn't expecting my confession to be like this...' you thought.

You and Kazuha sat in silence for a moment, then Kazuha suddenly hugged you tightly.

"I- I like you too... I was worried you friendzoned me without even noticing..." Kazuha mumbled, as he put his face on your shoulder.

"Sorry, Kazu..." you said, hugging him back.

"Wait... does this mean we are dating now?" You asked after settling down.

"Yeah." Kazuha said, staring right into your eyes.

Your face heated up quickly, but you tried to hide it with your arm.

Kazuha laughed and cupped your face in his hands.

He then leaned in and gave you a simple, but loving kiss.

"Washdhhfh..." you said as Kazuha leaned away from your face.

Kazuha laughed again and grabbed your hand.

"You know, I've been waiting a long time to do that." He said.

"Alls well that ends well, I guess." You said.

You opened the door since you were going to grab some cookies from the pantry, then noticed that Ayaka, Thoma, and Ayato were doing something in the living room.

You closed the door very quietly and Kazuha asked what's wrong.

"The other three are doing something in the living room. What if they are trying to summon Satan or something?!" You said.

"Alright, calm down, Ayato is smart, but not smart enough to summon the lord of the underground himself." Kazuha said.


"Shhh, Y/n, they might hear you." Kazuha said.

"Oh, so we are hiding now?" You said, sarcastically.

Kazuha sighed and said that whatever they are doing shouldn't concern either of you so you listened.

A few hours later, you got a message from Ayato.

Come out into the living room


You showed Kazuha the message and you two walked out into the living room together.

"Happy birthday!!!!"

"...huh?" You said, in confusion.

"Wait, Y/n, wasn't your birthday today?" Ayaka asked.

", it's (birthday)."

"Kill me." Thoma said.

"What is going on??? Also, why were you and Ayaka avoiding me??" You asked.

"About that... we were trying to be mysterious to make the impact of the surprise bigger..." Thoma said, looking at his feet.

"Wait, that was it?" You asked.

"What do you mean." Ayaka said.

"I thought you were leaving me and Kazuha forever since we were lame or something." You said, relieved.

"Why would we leave you??" Ayaka said, coming over to hug you.

"Ayaka and Thoma, don't you have something to tell them?" Ayato said while raising an eyebrow.

"Ah, yes! We are dating now!" Ayaka said happily, while hugging Thoma's arm.

You looked at Kazuha and asked him if you can tell them in his ear.

He nodded and you turned over to the other three and took a deep breath.

"Kazuha and I are dating too."

"WHAT?!" Ayaka and Thoma said at once.

Ayato wiped away a fake tear from his eye, as if to say 'finally'

"I never thought they day would come. I swear you four are so blind. I thought I would be 80 by the time you four started dating." Ayato said while rolling his eyes.

"Ayato!" Ayaka said, while hitting him on his shoulder.

You laughed and sat down on the couch.

There was some cake, so you got a piece and started eating it.

"Did you and Kazuha kiss yet?" Ayaka suddenly said.

You jumped a little and nodded before eating your cake again.

Ayaka squealed with excitement and you seemed kind of out of it since you hadn't processed what happened fully yet.

You five talked for a long time and eventually started cooking dinner.

You heard a knock on the door and you weren't that busy so you went to open the door.

"Hello?" You said.

"Y/n! We are here to play!" Venti said, hugging you tightly.

"Oh? You have other guests? The more the merrier!" Venti said, running in the dorm.

"Sorry, Y/n, thanks for having us." Aether said, waving at you.

Xiao just walked in after taking his shoes off and sat on the couch.

"Y/n! Did you confess to Kazuha yet?" Heizou asked, joking.

"Yeah, I did." You said, staring him in the eye.

"YOU WHAT?!" Heizou said, stunned by your bluntness. (Wanna have a threesome? 😼)

"Yeah, now go inside so I can close the door."

Heizou did what you told him to do while still stunned. He didn't expect you to answer his question with a 'yeah'.

He walked back to the couch with the others and they started introducing themselves to Ayaka, Thoma, and Ayato while Kazuha cooked dinner with you.

"Kazu, we have to cook another four portions." You said while sighing.

"Hmm, okay. I think we have enough ingredients." Kazuha said.

After he finished what he was doing, he hugged you from behind.

You looked up at him and he looked down at you with a smile.

You smiled back and did whatever you were doing before.

After a while, you and Kazuha finally finished cooking dinner and all of you got the dishes.

Some people at on the floor, and other people sat at the table.

No matter where you sat, you would still be talking to other people.

You had a great time and some people slept over while others went back to their dorms.

Since some people were missing a bed to sleep on, you and Kazuha slept on the same bed for the night.

After you got ready for bed and told everyone goodnight, you saw Kazuha sitting on the bed.

He saw you and smiled at you.

You smiled as well and you turned off the lights and got under the blankets.

Kazuha wrapped his hands around you waist and gently whispered into your ear 'I love you, Y/n.'

You felt goosebumps because of his smooth voice whispering into your ear and the words he told you.

You slowly felt your face get red and turned over to Kazuha.

"I love you too, Kazu."

Waaah I finally finished the story hehe. I might continue if you all want but I'm planning on this being the last chapter LMAO

It was nice writing this story c:
I'm surprised over two thousand people have read this story, so thank you! I'm surprised people even want to continue reading my horrible writing lol.


Thank you for reading 'Maple Leaf of a Second'!
1212 words
