Chapter 15

After walking halfway to your dorm, you saw Yoimiya talking to Kokomi and someone else so you decided to greet them.

"Hey Yoimiya! How are you doing?" You asked.

"Oh! Hey Y/n!!! I'm doing good! Oh yeah!- Gorou, meet Y/n and Y/n meet Gorou!" Yoimiya said cheerfully.

You nodded but all you could think about was if Gorou's ears and tail were real.

"Nice to meet you, Gorou! Oh and also, are your ears and tail real? They look very fluffy."

"Nice to meet you too! Yes, they are real, no, you cannot pet them." Gorou said while crossing his arms.

"I am going to pet them one day. Just wait!" You said.

Kokomi and Yoimiya started laughing and after talking to them for a bit, you took your leave after excusing yourself.

"Ah- I have to go make dinner. See you tomorrow at school?" You said.

"Sure! See you at school. Stay safe." Kokomi said with a smile.

You started walking again and decided to go to the grocery store since your dorm was running low on ingredients.

You walked in to the store and started putting the things you needed in the cart and walked by the sweets isle. You opened your phone.

The Inazuman nerds

Heaven's menace (Y/n)
Hey do you guys want any sweets? I am at the grocery store

Heaven's angel (Kazuha)
Y/n? Is that you? Also why is my name Heaven's angel.

Heaven's menace
Because you are an angel. Anyway do you want anything?

Tomato. (Thoma)
Hey! Why is my name still Tomato???

Heaven's menace
Shhhhhh just tell me what you need jeez.

Ayayayaya (Ayaka)
I want mochi!
Heaven's menace
Alright, anything else?

Heaven's angel
I would like some maple leaf cookies if there are any

I want cookies tooooooooo

Heaven's menace
Just normal chocolate chip?


Wake up, wake up. (Ayato)
I'm not even going to ask about my name.
I want jasmine tea

Heaven's menace

You put your phone up and got everything that everyone wanted and you got (favorite snack or sweets).

You walked over to the cash register and checked out everything and started walking to your dorm, once again.

Once you got to the dorm building, you went to Ayato's room and dropped off his jasmine tea and started going to Kazuha and Thoma's room.

You knocked the door and Kazuha answered the door fairly quickly.

He invited you in for a while and you put Thoma's cookies on the counter for him to take when he gets back.

You and Kazuha watched some tv and talked while eating cookies and eventually you left to go to your dorm to eat dinner.

You put Ayaka's mochi in the fridge and started making dinner.

It wasn't big, but it was filling so you didn't mind.

You finished eating and started washing the dishes when you heard the door unlock.

You peeked over the corner after debating on bringing a knife with you just in case.

You were relieved when you saw Ayaka at the doorway taking off her shoes.

You greeted her but then you saw Thoma behind her, kind of nervous.

"Oh, hi Thoma. Do you need anything?" You asked.

"Hm? Oh, no! I don't need anything. Ayaka just asked me to come to her dorm to eat dinner." He answered, nervous.

You said 'Ah' quietly and started grabbing your snacks and phone.

Ayaka and Thoma looked at you in confusion and Ayaka asked what you were doing.

"Giving you two some more alone time. Anyway, I'm going to go to Kazuha's dorm if you need me. Have a fun time." You said while getting up from your spot and walking out the door.

"Wait, Y/n!-" you couldn't hear what Ayaka was going to say but you closed the door and texted Kazuha.

Kazuha <3

Yo I'm coming over to your dorm again

Oh, okay. Ayato is also here.

Ah okay. I have the perfect plan >:]

Oh no.

What do you mean 'oh no.'???? It's fineee don't worry about it

Hmmm I'm still suspicious but sure.


You closed your phone and you started walking over to Kazuha's dorm.

You knocked once again and Ayato answered the door.

"Hi." You said.

"Hi." Ayato answered.

You walked in and put your snacks on the counter and started saying your plan while Ayato sat on the couch with Kazuha.

"ALRIGHT, THE PLAN." You said a bit loudly.

"Y/n, my ears..." Kazuha groaned.

"Oh, sorry." You said.

"Anyway, Ayaka and Thoma are eating at my dorm. Do you know what I'm thinking?" You said with a smirk.

Ayato smiled an evil grin while Kazuha looked back and forth between you two, confused.

"Don't worry, dear Kazu, you just have to follow us." You said while pulling Kazuha up from his spot on the couch.

Kazuha looked at you nervously and you just gave him an evil smile and started walking to your dorm while Ayato was leading the way and you were practically dragging Kazuha by his hand.

You arrived at your dorm and walked over to the emergency entrance next in your room.

"Here, I have the key so we can get in. We go in, sneak to the balcony, and watch the show." You told the two boys.

Ayato and Kazuha nodded and you started unlocking the door as quietly as possible and walked in the room.

The two boys followed you in and you peeked into the hallway and saw that Thoma and Ayaka were cooking together, their backs facing the balcony entrance.

"Perfect! They are distracted being in love, let's go." You told them.

You three started walking over to the balcony entrance as quietly as you could and walked out into the balcony.

You sighed as you saw the view of the city and you started missing your parents and Sayu.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Kazuha asked.

"Me? I'm fine!" You reassured him.

"Shh!" Ayato shushed you and Kazuha and you saw that Ayato was watching the two lovebirds intensely.

You laughed to yourself a bit because he was so concerned about his sisters well-being.

You three started watching the two and eventually they started eating together while laughing.

You sat on a little chair that was on the balcony and you thinking that you were envious of Ayaka and Thoma's relationship since you and Kazuha's interactions were a bit dry but you snapped out of your thoughts when you felt Kazuha tugging at your shoulder.

"Y/n? You seemed lost in thought. Do you need to talk about it?" Kazuha asked in concern.

"No, no. It wasn't important. Thanks for worrying about me though." You told him with a smile.

"Do you miss your family?" Kazuha suddenly asked.

"A bit. I thought that they would call me a lot but they don't call me at all." You laughed but you kind of felt hurt that your parents probably didn't care that you were gone.

"Don't worry. They will call you soon." Kazuha reassured you.

"Thanks." You said.

Some time passed before you suddenly had a thought.

"Hey guys, what will our excuse be when Thoma gets back to his dorm or Ayaka sees us?" You asked.

"Hmm." Ayato thought.

You three were thinking of an excuse when you noticed that Ayaka was in her room.

"Hey guys, I can just pretend that I just came back and you guys have to run out the dorm as quick as you can, okay? Ayaka is in her room right now." You told them

"Okay." Ayato said.

Kazuha nodded and you three walked out the balcony and you opened the door while the guys ran out as fast as they could.

"Ayaka, I'm back. Did anything fun happen?" You asked.

"No, but it was fun." She replied, not looking up.

You nodded and told her goodnight and got ready to go to sleep.

You set an alarm for the next day since it would be another school day and you prepared yourself for many teachers being angry at you.

I finally finished another chapter! My vacation just ended, so chapters will be coming out for frequently. Thank you for being patient :)

1383 words


No Heizou yet though :(((
